Want to contribute to Nimbus? Please do!
Contributions to this repo should take a "common-sense" approach. Follow a formal process. Before building anything, open an issue so that we can discuss what value your work will bring to Nimbus.
I want to... | Solution |
Report a bug | Open an issue and use the "Bug report" template |
Submit my design work | Open an issue and use the "Design improvement" template |
Request a new feature or improvement | Open an issue and use the "Feature request" template |
Ask questions or gain context | Open an issue and choose the blank demplate |
Any contributions you make will be licensed under the same MIT License that covers this project. When creating a new Swift source file, adjust the copyright in the header to match your name. Follow the same conventions as other source files already in the project.
- Keep your lines short. If you need to scroll to see an entire line of code, it's time to break it up.
- Follow the documentation in the Wiki.
- Don't contribute code that adds no significant value.
- If you don't add tests, the chances of your work getting merged drops from 100% to 10%. Write tests!
- If your code breaks something, or breaks any existing tests, it can't be merged unless you fix the issue.