Welcome to the project! We appreciate your interest in contributing. Before getting started, please take a moment to read the following guidelines.
If you find any bugs, have feature requests, or want to propose changes, please open an issue in the issue tracker. This allows us to track and discuss the problem or idea before you start working on it.
- Fork the repository and create a new branch from
. - Make your changes in the new branch, ensuring that each logical change is accompanied by meaningful commit messages.
- Test your changes to make sure they work as intended.
- Document your changes thoroughly and include any necessary examples or demonstrations.
- If you have made changes to the codebase, please comment your additions or modifications using inline comments. Clearly explain what each line does and why it's necessary.
- Open a pull request (PR) from your fork's branch to the
branch of this repository. - Provide a descriptive title and include a summary of the changes made in the PR description.
- If applicable, reference the related issue(s) using keywords like "Fixes #123" or "Closes #456" in the PR description.
- Be responsive to any feedback or review comments and make the necessary changes to address them.
- Follow the existing code style and conventions used in the project.
- Write clear and concise code that is easy to understand and maintain.
- Include appropriate comments to explain the purpose and functionality of complex or non-obvious code segments.
- Write meaningful and comprehensive commit messages.
By contributing to this project, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the project license.
Thank you for your contribution! We appreciate your time and effort in making this project better.