# Importance of Security
- security : Authentication , Authorization , [use OWASP]
- performance : require the speed for any type of web
- stable app
- 1. Broken Access Control
- 2. Cryptographic failure
- 3. Injections
- [SQL injections : user 'or 1=1' : use the prepared Statement]
- 4. Insecure Design
- 5 . Security Misconfigurations (like using the default the configurations)
- 6. Vulnerable and Outdated Componenets
- 7. Identtificationand Authentication Failure (encrypt the passwod when storing in db)
- 8. Software and Data Integrity Failures
- 9. Security Logging nad Monitoring Failures (avoiding the log due to perfromance can lead to issue)
- 10. Server-side Request Forgery (SSRF)
# Spring Security -
- The Spring Security add the one more layer of Spring Security with multiple filter and - then Dispatch Servlet -- then the Servlet sends the request to the particular Controller
- By default Filters :
1. Filter Chain
(Client -> Servlet Container -->Filter1-filter2 (They can call eachother for checking the logic or filtering )----> Servlet )
public class HelloController {
public String greeting(HttpServletRequest request) {
return "Hello World" +request.getSession().getId();
public String about(HttpServletRequest request)
return "About Page " + request.getSession().getId();
- Hardcoding the User and Password
- You can Send the Auth key value in the API client as well
When the user go the malicious website the website try to store the session id of the secure website and and this is called the cross site request forgery.
If every request is returning the token and next time when request is send need to submit the token as well
By request the Spring sec will implement the CSRF for the Post Put Update and Delete
"id": 1,
"name": "JP",
"tech": "Rust"
401 Unauthorize
// Getting the csrf-token by servlet
public CsrfToken getCsrfToken(HttpServletRequest request)
return (CsrfToken) request.getAttribute("_csrf");
// TO send the post request add the csrf token in header with X-CSRF-TOKEN
- this will not allow the cross site access
# application Properties :
- Stateful(using the same session id for the one login and subsequent req)
- Stateless : in this we need to login with the user name and password
public SecurityFilterChain securityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception
return http.build();
By default the spring security usages called the UserDetailsService to check for the applocation Properties for user and password
Defining the Own User Details Service
// UserDetailService for the MultiUsers
public UserDetailsService userDetailsService() // Spring will lookup for the obj serDetailsService to lookup the user data
// UserDetails user = User.builder().build();
UserDetails user = User
.withDefaultPasswordEncoder() //defaultencoder
UserDetails admin = User
.withDefaultPasswordEncoder() //defaultencoder
return new InMemoryUserDetailsManager(user, admin);
# To connect the database using the JPA , add the dependencies
- db driver
- jpa dependencies
# auth provider layer
- need to add the authentication provider : ---> Authentication Object
- auth provider will be connected to the db using the DAO (Data Access Object ) layer
// Bean to
private UserDetailsService userDetailsService;
public AuthenticationProvider authProvider() // setuserDetailsService is dependent on the authprovider
DaoAuthenticationProvider provider = new DaoAuthenticationProvider();
// specify pass encoder
provider.setPasswordEncoder(NoOpPasswordEncoder.getInstance()); // to use the password encoder replace it
return provider;
- Authenticating the Current user in Spring Security called the User Principal
- using the Hashing you will get one hash for every hashed data : md5 , sha256
- Can use the SHA256 for multiple times on the same data like 2^16 = times encrytion
- bcrypt is the cryptography algo for the encrypting the password
public class UserService {
private UserRepo repo;
private BCryptPasswordEncoder encoder = new BCryptPasswordEncoder(12);
public User saveUser(User user)
// setting the password with encoder
return repo.save(user); // using the Jpa
public AuthenticationProvider authProvider() // setuserDetailsService is dependent on the authprovider
DaoAuthenticationProvider provider = new DaoAuthenticationProvider();
provider.setPasswordEncoder(new BCryptPasswordEncoder(12));
return provider;
// same strength in the creation and authentication
- for Cross origin backend run on the differnt origin or port number , and front-end on the different origin port.
- can apply on the particular controller or can apply in the application properties for whole controller.