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Hello World Sample

If all goes well you will see the following in your Visual Studio Code window when you put the cursor at the end of the #eval main statement.


This is the simplest possible program you can create that runs. To build an executable that you can run from your Terminal run the following commands from your VS Code Terminal window:

lake build





And you will see the console output Hello, world!.

While Lean is designed for mathematicians and for writing proofs, it is still a general-purpose programming language. Let's take a closer look at the code:

def main : IO Unit :=
  IO.println "Hello, world!"

This should be easy to read for most programmers, def defines a function named main which in this case takes no input parameters. After the colon (:) is the return type, in this case IO Unit then the function implementation follows the := symbol. The implementation contains one statement which is a function call to the IO.println function passing one string argument Hello, world!. Notice, you can pass an argument to a function without using any parentheses.

The sample then uses a special command to the Lean interpreter #eval which evaluates that function in place, and in this evaluation, we pass no arguments because the main function we just defined has none.

To understand this more deeply let’s look at how the println function is defined:

def println [ToString α] (s : α) : IO Unit := …

The [ToString α] (s : α) part of this definition means println has 2 parameters, the first one in square brackets is a context parameter, meaning println could need to use some ToString type inferencing to convert its input parameter to a string type. This one we’ll explain in more detail later.


The second argument (s : α) is a traditional parameter definition. Here it defines a parameter named s of type α. What is α you ask? I'm glad you asked :-) Notice alpha is a type variable that is not defined, so it will be implicitly defined to be anything of type Type. This means println will be able to receive arguments of any Type. You can actually define α as an implicit type argument using curly braces as follows:

def println {α : Type} [ToString α] (s : α) : IO Unit :=

Type with a capital T is the base type of everything in Lean. Actually the type system in Lean is a bit more complicated than that, with a concept of type universes but we’ll get to that later.

The important thing for you to see right now is that in Lean you can write variable s is of type x using a colon, like this s : x which is similar to how typescript does it.

Return Type

You might be asking what does the return type IO Unit mean exactly? Well, the Unit part is pretty easy, it is kind of like the void type in other languages, namely, the main function doesn't return anything. The IO is connected to the fact that we call IO.println and is defined like this:

abbrev IO : TypeType := EIO Error

Here you see the concept of "abbreviations" which is a kind of "alias" and here it has a type and, after the := symbol, the implementation which calls the EIO function passing something called Error.

The type of IO here is interesting, it says Type → Type. The arrow here means function type, IO is a function that transforms some input Type to some output Type. Wow, so you can see now that Lean is a Functional programming language because you can reason about function types, and manipulate functions and their types like they are objects. This is similar to how delegates or lambas are first class objects in C#, Python and Javascript, but here it is even more deeply integrated into the type system.

What is Error, well turns out Error is like a fancy enum that lists all the types of exceptions that can be raised in the system. So what is EIO? Well, it is the following one line function:

def EIO (ε : Type) : TypeType := EStateM ε IO.RealWorld

We see more Greek letters, epsilon (ε). Lean encourages the use of Greek letters, especially when they have a mathematical meaning. EIO takes one parameter named epsilon (ε) of type Type. Notice the type of EIO is the function type Type → Type meaning EIO returns a function, which matches the definition of IO we saw earlier. The implementation calls a function named EStateM passing our epsilon parameter and another object named IO.RealWorld. Let’s take a look at IO.RealWorld first because it’s kind of interesting:

def IO.RealWorld : Type := Unit

Hmmm, so it too is a function that takes no parameters and returns a Type, and the implementation is the void-like type Unit, meaning it returns a Type that kind of represents nothing. Notice this function is operating on Types, not objects, yet it is treating types like objects. This is the magic of Lean where Types themselves are first class objects. This allows you to call the IO.RealWorld function in the declaration of a Type, namely, the type of our println function earlier.

IO.RealWorld is actually a mechanism that tells the Lean type system it is something that has a side effect of playing with the real world (outside of the scope of the Lean environment), but doesn’t specify how. The strong typing of any type system has to stop somewhere, and RealWorld is one of those boundaries.

EStateM is:

def EStateM (ε σ α : Type u) := σ → Result ε σ α

And Result is an inductive Type definition:

inductive Result (ε σ α : Type u) where
  | ok    : α → σ → Result ε σ α
  | error : ε → σ → Result ε σ α

This inductive Type definition takes 3 parameters of type Type u, (notice you can collapse multiple parameters, when they all have the same type, into the compact form ( ε σ α : Type u). Ignore the u here for now, it is referencing a type universe which we'll cover later.

Inductive types are a core building block in Lean. Normally in an object-oriented language you might define a new custom type using a "class" or a "struct", but in lean you can define a new type using the keyword inductive. This type has 2 different constructors ok and error. These constructors build a Result object from the given parameters, ε σ α. Specifically, ok constructor uses α and σ and the error constructor uses ε and σ.

The function type Result ε σ α needs some explanation. This is not a recursive call to the inductive type, this is simply telling Lean to build an object of type Result by packing away the 3 parameters ε σ α. Notice this type doesn’t tell Lean how to store these parameters. Lean automatically stores them and provides a built-in way to extract those parameters later if you need them. The interesting thing to note is that if the Result is an ok result you will only be able to extract α and σ whereas if it is an error result you will only be able to extract the error information in ε and σ.

Now we can go back and fully understand the println return type IO Unit. This is actually a function call!! Yes, you can define a return type by calling a function, so long as that function operates on Type and returns a Type. This is hugely powerful concept; you can now build an incredibly rich type system made up of functions. So, we call IO with the type Unit. IO is just an abbreviation for EIO Error so we are really calling EIO Error Unit, and EIO expands to EStateM ε IO.RealWorld so we are effectively calling EStateM Error IO.RealWorld Unit and remember EStateM is simply constructing the inductive type Result with 3 parameters, which we now know are Error, IO.RealWorld and Unit. Phew! What all this means is that IO.println returns a Result object, and depending on what happens this result object might contain an ok result of IO.RealWorld and Unit or it might contain an error with Error and IO.RealWorld. So both cases can have a side effect on the real world. This is exactly right, the side effect in this case is output to the console window where you see the following message is printed: "Hello, world!"".

Functional Programming Languages generally don’t like unexplained side effects. The RealWorld abstraction is a way for Lean to deal with this kind of side effect, explaining to the compiler that it is ok for println to have a side effect on the IO output stream.

You can now dive even deeper and look at the implementation of println which you can do from Visual Studio Code by simply placing your cursor inside this println and press F12 to Goto Definition. This kind of exploration can be very useful in learning the language.

Type Inferencing

So back to the ToString type inferencing. Well Lean provides a concept called Type Class which is not at all like a class in other languages. It is an inductive type that can participate in type inferencing. ToString is such a type class:

class ToString (α : Type u) where
  toString : α → String

This says ToString type class takes one parameter of any Type (and from any type universe u) and it provides a method called toString. This method is actually just a property but because the property has the function type α → String it is actually a method that you can call passing any object α of any type and you get back a String. Yep, that sounds like a ToString to me!

Lean then builds up a library of type instances that look like this:

instance : ToString Nat :=
  ⟨fun n => Nat.repr n⟩

These instances are bound to specific types - this one is the instance for converting natural numbers (Nat) to strings. The implementation of this instance is using another built-in function named Nat.repr which is defined to return the string representation of the natural number n.

This instances allows you to then do this:

#eval toString 5     -- "5"

And you get back the string representation of the natural number 5.

The really cool thing is that Type inferencing is not a closed system. Your programs can add to the library of ToString instances so that your programs can build on it.

Read more about Type Classes.


The syntax we just saw ⟨fun n => Nat.repr n⟩ is also very interesting. Inside the funky brackets ⟨...⟩ is a lambda, an inline function definition. The fun keyword defines an anonymous function that in this case takes a parameter n and returns the result of the function call Nat.repr n. Notice no types are defined for the parameter n or for the return type. You can add this type information if you want, but in most cases Lean is clever enough to infer what the types are from the context.

You can test this out in your VS Code instance:

#eval (fun n => Nat.repr n) 5


#eval (fun (n : Nat) => Nat.repr n) 5

The funky brackets ⟨...⟩ is a shorthand for "find me a constructor on the required type ToString that takes a single string argument", and it finds, so it is equivalent to writing: (fun n => Nat.repr n)

This is calling the ToString constructor named mk because we have to return something that matches the type ToString Nat. and mk just happens to be the default name for the constructor created by Lean just like in C++ the constructor is really called .ctor.

Read more about functions.