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File metadata and controls

321 lines (223 loc) · 10.3 KB

CSV Parser Sample

The CSV parser may be the simplest but practical parser in the world. In this sample, we will try to write one with the Lean programming language.

For simplicity, we will stick to the RFC 4180 format, without any extensions, which has the ABNF grammar of:

file        = [header CRLF] record *(CRLF record) [CRLF]
header      = name *(COMMA name)
record      = field *(COMMA field)
name        = field
field       = (escaped / non-escaped)
non-escaped = *TEXTDATA
COMMA       = %x2C
CR          = %x0D
DQUOTE      = %x22
LF          = %x0A
CRLF        = CR LF
TEXTDATA    = %x20-21 / %x23-2B / %x2D-7E

And we will use this hand crafted CSV string:

def csvString : String := "a,\"b\nc\"\r\n1,2"
-- which is (without escape) actually
-- a,"b\nc"\r\n1,2
-- and should be parsed into
-- [["a", "b\nc"], ["1", "2"]]

Parser in Functional Programming

When it comes to parsing in functional programming, people often adopt a pattern called "parser combinator". The idea is first invented in Haskell, and today even many imperative languages have implemented it, e.g. nom for Rust and scala-parser-combinators for Scala.

Lean also has a parser combinator implemented in its core, called Parsec (The Lean one is named after that in Haskell, but they are a bit different. We will talk about that later).

The Parsec is defined in Lean.Data.Parsec. To use it you should add the following lines on top of your file:

import Lean.Data.Parsec

open Lean Parsec

Data Structure to Keep the Parsing Result

Before writing the parsing code, it's helpful to forget about the syntax and think about what the parsed data should look like.

We all know that CSV files carry a sequence of records, and each record consists of several fields. (CSV may also have an optional header, and the header is also a type of record). Also, each line should have the same number of fields.

So our definition for CSV may look like this:

abbrev Field := String
abbrev Record := Array Field
abbrev Csv := Array Record

Let's Start Parsing

Unlike imperative parsers, a functional parser is made up of small parsers combined into larger ones using parser combinators. The overall structure of these CSV parsers follows the structure of ABNF:

Parsers Overview

The Basic Parsers

At the bottom of the diagram are the basic parsers. Let's implement them one by one.

The DQUOTE double quote can be defined as:

def dQUOTE : Parsec Char := pchar '"'

The pchar can be thought of as the abbreviation of "parser char". It takes a Char and tries to match that Char in the String.

In the same way, COMMA, LF, CR can be represented as:

def comma : Parsec Char := pchar ','
def cr : Parsec Char := pchar '\r'
def lf : Parsec Char := pchar '\n'

TEXTDATA is a bit more complex. Instead of pchar we use satisfy which takes a function of type Char -> Bool, so we can parse any Chars that satisfy the given function.

def textData : Parsec Char := satisfy fun c =>
  0x20 ≤ c.val ∧ c.val ≤ 0x210x23 ≤ c.val ∧ c.val ≤ 0x2B0x2D ≤ c.val ∧ c.val ≤ 0x7E

Here we are using some nice mathematical Greek letters for our and () and or () expressions which you can do in Lean.

The Combinator

After creating the "bottom" level parsers, we can combine them into larger ones.

The most simplest one is 2DQUOTE:

def twoDQuote : Parsec Char := attempt (pchar '"' *> pchar '"')

The *> operator is used to sequence two parsers. The first parser's result is ignored, and the sequenced parsers return the second result.

The attempt is used because we want the two Parsec to match as a whole. The string iterator will be reset to before attempt if any parser in the bracket fails (e.g. The first pchar).

Then the escaped string:

def escaped : Parsec String :=
  dQUOTE *>
  manyChars (textData <|> COMMA <|> CR <|> LF <|> «twoDQuote»)
  <* dQUOTE

The <* operator is similar to *> but the left is kept while the right one is ignored. In this way both bounding dQUOTEs are discarded, and the contents is returned.

The <|> operator is used for alternatives. Once the first parsec fails, it will try the second one, then the third, ...


def nonEscaped : Parsec String := manyChars textData

manyChars takes a Parsec Char and matches zero or more instances of that parser and merges them into a String.

def field : Parsec Field := escaped <|> nonEscaped

There are many combinators in the Lean core, and you can look at them in the documentation.

A More Complex Parsec

The record in CSV is defined as:

record = field *(COMMA field)

So a record consists of zero or more fields separated by comma.

You might want to write the parser like this:

def record : Parsec Record := manySep field comma

But actually there is no manySep function provided by Lean, so we need to write it. Fortunately, there is a similar one we have used, the manyChars. There are several many* combinators in Parsec:

partial def manyCharsCore (p : Parsec Char) (acc : String) : Parsec String :=
  (do manyCharsCore p (acc.push $ ←p))
  <|> pure acc

def manyChars (p : Parsec Char) : Parsec String := manyCharsCore p ""

def many1Chars (p : Parsec Char) : Parsec String := do manyCharsCore p (←p).toString

partial def manyCore (p : Parsec α) (acc : Array α) : Parsec $ Array α :=
  (do manyCore p (acc.push $ ←p))
  <|> pure acc

def many (p : Parsec α) : Parsec $ Array α := manyCore p #[]

def many1 (p : Parsec α) : Parsec $ Array α := do manyCore p #[←p]

Looking at how manyChars is implemented. It invokes a recursive function manyCharsCore and gives an initial accumulator String of "" Then the manyCharsCore iteratively matches the p parsec and return the accumulator when it fails. The many combinator also works in the same way.

So we can follows this pattern and write our own:

def manySep (p : Parsec α) (s : Parsec β) : Parsec $ Array α := do
  manyCore (attempt (s *> p)) #[←p]

The manySep is very similar to that of many1, except that it requires a prefix separator s before each p match except for the first one.

The file works in a similar way except that we use crlf as the separator.

def file : Parsec $ Array Record :=
  manySep record (crlf <* notFollowedBy eof) <* (optional crlf) <* eof

The notFollowedBy, optional and eof is used to handle the optional new line at the end of the CSV file.

Parse it!

Everything is done now. Let's parse a CSV file. You can now use the parser we wrote to parse the csvString. A Parsec takes a String.Iterator and returns the ParseResult.

#eval file csvString.mkIterator

If you are in VSCode you can move your cursor onto the #eval and you can see the result.

The ParseResult return value is not very easy to cope with, so we can use a wrapper to lift it into an Except.

def parse (s : String) : Except String $ Array $ Array $ String :=
  match file s.mkIterator with
  | Parsec.ParseResult.success _ res => Except.ok res
  | Parsec.ParseResult.error it err  => Except.error s!"offset {it.i.repr}: {err}"

#eval parse csvString

-- Except.ok #[#["a", "b\nc"], #["1", "2"]]

Some Extra Tricks

Code Structure

To keep the code clear, the best practice is to split the data structure part and the parsing part into two modules, respectively Basic.lean and Parser.lean.

So the file structure may look like:

├── CSVParser.lean
├── CSVParser
│   ├── Basic.lean
│   ├── Parser.lean
│   └── Printer.lean

You can also have a separate Printer module if you have a complex serialization logic.

It's also recommended to group all functions in a separate namespace, namely namespace CSVParser.

User State

If you have some experience of writing parsers in Haskell, you will notice that in Lean Parsec we cannot have a user state, but that's by design. We should use the StateT transformer to encode the state.

abbrev StateParsec σ := StateT σ Parsec

And current Parsec function are automatically lifted from Parsec to StateParsec, so you can use them as usual.

NOTE: this is why we used abbrev command, otherwise you will have to implement MonadLift yourself.

Challenge: How to parse CSV homogeneously?

The parser we write above can parse heterogenous CSV files (records may be a different length), which your may not want.

def csvString' : String := "a,\"b\nc\"\r\n1,2\r\n4,5,6"

#eval parse csvString'
-- Except.ok #[#["a", "b\nc"], #["1", "2"], #["4", "5", "6"]]

Notice that the 3rd record has 3 items while the first two records only have 2. So how can you enforce that the records are all the same length?

The answer to the question is provided in CSVParser.lean, but you might learn a lot if you think about it yourself.

HINT: Also similar to the many* series of combinators.

Next Steps: How to use Parsec on Stream?

Streaming is a very important feature for the web or any application that wants to process data with minimal memory overhead. Protobuf, GIF, PNG, ..., all these formats are designed to support streaming, and you may need a way to parse forward only streams in Lean. However, this is left as an exercise for the reader.

Please feel free to propose a pull request on this sample or discuss it further on the Lean4 Zulip Channel.

Other Resources for Parsec

You can also look at the example of parsing XML (Lean.Data.Xml) and JSON (Lean.Data.Json) in Lean core.

The GitHub code search for Parsec is also useful.