Arduino Plant Watering System Arduino Garden watering Arduino crop irrigation
Advanced Irrigation System
Advanced, Intelligent, Smart, Automated, Automatic
javascript csv chart viewer of a piece of
recieved CSV file logged by arduino plant watering
+/- 10 Dollar Automated Plant Watering MicroController / Computer on Soil Moisture
Arduino Nano or Uno
2 analog inputs A0 A3 for 2 Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensors (Capacitive soil sensor is less corrosion sensitive)
1 output D13 for watering start (Pump and/or Valve) (output D13 is also onboard LED)
i2c for DS3231 RTC RealTimeClock
i2c for 4x20 i2c LCD
start time, end time, let plants sleep at night, no watering at night
start watering on average startvalue in % of 2 Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensors
Better NOT put the sensors in 1 pot they may influence eachother if in 1 pot
start watering on soil moisture sensor setpoint, setpoint changeable in rotary encoder menu, and saved to eeprom
timed duration of watering from 2 seconds to ... seconds
pauzetime after watering, give water time to soak into soil, from 1 minute to ... minutes
watering counter, maximum number of watering a day, upto watering 90 jobs (eeprom steps 10 from 100 to 1000, 1023 eeprom limit)
watering jobs start times saved to eeprom, max 90 a day in LOG (erased at 23:59:59)
watering start hour, end hour
parameters / settings changeable and saved in eeprom adress 0 to 90
standalone system, calibrate and adjust sensors possible in rotary encoder menu, settings saved to eeprom
software reboot, asm volatile (" jmp 0"); at 23:59:59 to reset wateringcounter and fresh millis(); and erase days wateringtimelog
NO PC needed to change parameters / settings / calibrate sensors
Low Cost, Low Power Consumption.
i do not know if my code is 49-50 day millis(); overflow safe so thats why i do a software reboot
GNU General Public License,
which basically means that you may freely copy, change, and distribute it,
but you may not impose any restrictions on further distribution,
and you must make the source code available.
Rotary encoder menu
Change and save parameters settings to EEPROM
Calibrate sensors settings, all without PC
an independant stand alone real plant watering system
Low cost, Low power consumption
The First?
arduino nano / uno out of progmem space, mega has more, so added SD-Card reader/writer(with levelconverter?!)
on mega2560 possible to write a lot of variables to SD-Card LOGfile CSV each second
a comma seperated txt file /~
with a header on line 1 wich describes the fields
wich can be viewed in spreadsheat editor
i like Analog Flavor BeSpice Wave
BeSpice Wave == Perfect *.CSV to Graphic View (on my Raspberry pi400)
i do a countdown on wateringduration timer and pauzetimer, easy to see remaining time on LCD display
serialdata to file for realtime plot
sometimes there is some old text before the wat should be the first header line
do not know yet how to get rit of this, some old buffer?
add a 1 dollar for ESP8266 for RealTime serial WIFI monitor or download SD-card CSV LOG file ???
or add a 2 dollar W5500 ethernet module for hardwired localarea net connection or data log download and realtime graphic monitoring
javascript csv chart viewer of a piece of
recieved CSV file logged by arduino plant watering
bit reduced log file size some val saved once each minute
csv spreadsheat view of data
csv graphic view
less then a dollar Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor on aliexpress
Capacitive is better corrosive resistant
not mine!
STL file for your slic3r / 3d printer /~
Proto PCB
1pcs DIY 10*15CM Blauw Single Side Prototype Paper PCB Universal Experiment Matrix Circuit Board 10x15CM Voor Arduino
parts / modules on photo:
DS3231 RTC realtimeclock
i2c backpack for / and 2004 / 20x4 LCD
Arduino NANO
Rotary push button encoder KY-040
a Penny for Sharing My Thoughts?