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Creation of the docker image that emulates de AWS lambda with the fbprophet library properly installed

Step-by-step of the fbprophet installation inside lambci/lambda:build-python3.6

  1. Get the AWS Lambda container image + run in the bash
  • docker image: lambci/lambda:build-python3.6

Navegate to the folder that you would like to use as volume (the value that will be pass by '$PWD')

docker run --rm -it -v "$PWD":/var/task lambci/lambda:build-python3.6 bash
  1. Inside the container:

Create the python virtual environment;

python3 -m venv venv

Activate the Virtual Environment venv

. venv/bin/activate

Upgrade pip

pip install --upgrade pip

Install pystan 2.18

This step is important because the compatibility that's need with the gcc from the linux inside of the lambci/lambda:build-python3.6

More details here.

pip install pystan==2.18

Install fbprophet

pip install fbprophet --no-cache

Reduce the venv size doing:

find "$VIRTUAL_ENV/lib/python3.6/site-packages" -name "test" | xargs rm -rf

find "$VIRTUAL_ENV/lib/python3.6/site-packages" -name "tests" | xargs rm -rf

rm -rf "$VIRTUAL_ENV/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pystan/stan/src"

rm -rf "$VIRTUAL_ENV/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pystan/stan/lib/stan_math/lib"

Check the your venv size

echo "venv size $(du -sh $VIRTUAL_ENV | cut -f1)"

Export the .zip file with the libs

pushd $VIRTUAL_ENV/lib/python3.6/site-packages/

zip -r -9 -q /var/task/ *

Build image

  1. From the terminal, go to the lambci_python_36_fbprophet

  2. Run:

docker build --tag lambci_python_36_fbprophet .

You should have the image lambci_python_36_fbprophet

Get the file (where are the libraries that you will use in your lambda)

  1. On the terminal, navegate until the folder that you would like to have the .zip and run:
docker run --rm -it -v "$PWD":/var/task lambci_python_36_fbprophet bash
  1. Now, that you are inside of the container, run:
cd $VIRTUAL_ENV/lib/python3.6/site-packages/

zip -r -9 -q /var/task/ *

You should be able to see the into your local folder

