npm i @web3-onboard/walletconnect
type WalletConnectOptions = {
bridge?: string // default = ''
qrcodeModalOptions?: {
mobileLinks: string[] // set the order and list of mobile linking wallets
connectFirstChainId?: boolean // if true, connects to the first network chain provided
import Onboard from '@web3-onboard/core'
import walletConnectModule from '@web3-onboard/walletconnect'
// initialize the module with options
const walletConnect = walletConnectModule({
qrcodeModalOptions: {
mobileLinks: ['rainbow', 'metamask', 'argent', 'trust', 'imtoken', 'pillar']
connectFirstChainId: true
// can also initialize with no options...
// const walletConnect = walletConnectModule()
const onboard = Onboard({
// ... other Onboard options
wallets: [
//... other wallets
const connectedWallets = await onboard.connectWallet()