This library provides an easy way to add tristate checkboxes (checked, unchecked, partial) to your existing TTreeView
Delphi VCL control, using native Windows API (Windows Vista an up. Sorry, XP folks).
To use it, just add the unit CheckTreeView
to your form unit:
uses {...}, CheckTreeView;
It contains a class helper for the TTreeView
component, so it will add methods to any existing TTreeView
component you might have in your form.
Just call EnableTristateCheckboxes
This is enough to add checkboxes to all nodes, and change the node check state when users clicks the checkbox or press space
key when a node is selected.
You can use CheckState
property of a node to read or modify the state of the checkbox:
Node := TreeView1.Selected;
case Node.CheckState of
csUnchecked: Node.Text := 'unchecked';
csChecked: Node.Text := 'checked';
csPartial: Node.Text := 'partial';
TreeView1.Selected.CheckState := csChecked;
If you want the TTreeView
control to perform these operations automatically when the user checks/unchecked a node:
- Check/uncheck all child items of the modified node;
- Update the parent node check state based on the check state of the child nodes;
- Allow just check/uncheck state for the modified node.
Then add OnMouseDown
and OnKeyPress
event handlers for your TTreeView
component and add the following code:
procedure TForm6.TreeView1KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
procedure TForm6.TreeView1MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
TreeView1.HandleMouseDown(Button, Shift, X, Y);