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116 lines (98 loc) · 14.2 KB


Getting started

The first step will be to get your API Keys (for private endpoints). In order to get your API Keys, please refer to their documentation

You will need the following environment variables in your project


When working on integrations, bitso recommends that you use their dev server before running your code against production. The URL for this server is

npm install bitso-bert-api


try {
  const ticker = await BitsoApi.public.getTicker('btc_mxn')
  const { book, last, volume, low, high } = ticker
} catch (err) {
  const { code, message } = err

Rate Limits

Rate limits are based on one minute windows. For public API requests, the limit is by IP address and allows 60 requests per minute. For private API requests, the limit is by user and allows 300 requests per minute. If you exceed these limits, you will get locked out for one minute. Continuous one minute lockouts may result in a 24-hour block. Order cancellations aren’t subject to API rate limiting.

Implemented REST API

The API is divided in two sections: public, private and undocumented

Public API
Available Books getAvailableBooks()
Ticker getTicker('btc_mxn')
Order Book getOrderBook('btc_mxn', params?) { aggregate?: boolean }
Trades getTrades('btc_mxn', params?) { marker?: string, sort?: 'asc'|'desc', limit?: number }
Private API
🔒 Account Status getAccountStatus()
🔒 Document Upload ☑️
🔒 Mobile Phone Number Registration mobilePhone.register(phoneNumber)
🔒 Mobile Phone Number Verification mobilePhone.verify(verificationCode)
🔒 Account Balance getBalance()
🔒 Fees getFees()
🔒 Ledger
🔒 - all ledger.getLedger(params?) { marker?: string, sort?: 'asc'|'desc', limit?: number }
🔒 - trades ledger.getTrades(params?) { marker?: string, sort?: 'asc'|'desc', limit?: number }
🔒 - fees ledger.getFees(params?) { marker?: string, sort?: 'asc'|'desc', limit?: number }
🔒 - fundings ledger.getFundings(params?) { marker?: string, sort?: 'asc'|'desc', limit?: number }
🔒 - withdrawals ledger.getWithdrawals(params?) { marker?: string, sort?: 'asc'|'desc', limit?: number }
🔒 Withdrawals
🔒 - all withdrawals.getAll(params?) { marker?: string, limit?: number, status?: string, method?: string }
🔒 - by wid withdrawals.getByWid(wid)
🔒 - by wids withdrawals.getByWids([wid1, wid2])
🔒 - by origin_ids withdrawals.getByOriginIds([originId1, originId2])
🔒 Fundings
🔒 - all fundings.getAll(params?) { marker?: string, limit?: number, status?: string, method?: string, txids?: string }
🔒 - by fid fundings.getByFid(fid)
🔒 - by fids fundings.getByFids([fid1, fid2])
🔒 User Trades
🔒 - by book userTrades.getByBook('btc_mxn', params?) { marker?: string, sort?: 'asc'|'desc', limit?: number }
🔒 - by id userTrades.getByTid(tid)
🔒 - by ids userTrades.getByTids([tid1, tid2])
🔒 Order Trades
🔒 - by oid orderTrades.getByOid(oid)
🔒 - by origin id orderTrades.getByOriginId(originId)
🔒 Open Orders getOpenOrders(params?) { marker?: string, sort?: 'asc'|'desc', limit?: number, book?: Book }
🔒 Lookup Orders
🔒 - by oid lookupOrders.getByOid(oid)
🔒 - by list of oids lookupOrders.getByOids([oid1, oid2])
🔒 - by list of origin_ids lookupOrders.getByOriginIds([originId1, originId2])
🔒 Cancel Order
🔒 - all cancelOrder.cancelAll()
🔒 - by oid cancelOrder.cancelByOid(oid)
🔒 - by list of oids cancelOrder.cancelByOids([oid1, oid2])
🔒 - by list of origin_ids cancelOrder.cancelByOrderIds([originId1, originId2])
🔒 Place an Order (buy, sell)
🔒 - market market(book, amount, currency)
🔒 - limit limit(book, amount, currency, price, executionType?) executionType = 'goodtillcancelled' | 'fillorkill' | 'immediateorcancel' | 'postonly'
🔒 - stopLoss stopLoss(book, amount, stopPrice)
🔒 - stopLimit stopLimit(book, amount, currency, price, stopPrice, executionType?) executionType = 'goodtillcancelled' | 'fillorkill' | 'immediateorcancel' | 'postonly'
🔒 Funding Destination getFundingDestination(currency)
🔒 Crypto Withdrawals ☑️
🔒 SPEI Withdrawal ☑️
🔒 Bank Codes getBankCodes()
🔒 Debit Card Withdrawal ☑️
🔒 Phone Number Withdrawal ☑️
Undocumented API
- Charting Information charts.getChartInfo(book, timeBucket, startDate, endDate)
- Charting Trades charts.getChartTrades(book, timeframe)
- Available Currency Conversions catalogues.availableCurrencyConversions.public()
🔒 - Available Currency Conversions catalogues.availableCurrencyConversions.private()
- Countries catalogues.getCountries()
- Currencies catalogues.getCurrencies()
🔒 Tickers getTickers()
🔒 Settings getSettings()