For more info read the GulpJS Getting Started guide.
1. Get NodeJS
In the directory where a local copy of the SDK is placed:
$ npm install
Bower is needed to run Karma tests.
$ npm run bower
Build schema:
┏━━━━━ webpack ━━━━┳━ version ━ uglify ━━┓
┃ ┃ ┃
clean ━╋━ webpack-bundle ━┛ ┣━ default
┃ ┃
┗━ version ━┛
$ npm run build
$ npm test
$ npm run mocha
$ npm run mocha-compilers
$ npm run karma [-- --no-single-run --auto-watch --log-level warn --browsers Chrome]
$ npm run karma-webpack [-- --no-single-run --auto-watch --log-level warn --browsers Chrome]
or use short-hands: $ npm run karma-chrome
and $ npm run karma-watch
$ npm run istanbul
Attention Repository follows the GitFlow branching model.
The SDK will be used in a variety of different third-party applications, which means it has to be written with the lowest amount of dependencies. Please do not include anything external if there is no proper justification.
The SDK can be used in a Browser and NodeJS environment with no changes, so this applies a number of requirements to the code base.
- Every file must begin and end with a special Amdefine-RequireJS hybrid wrapping function
- NPM dependencies like CryptoJS and PUBNUB must be included in RequireJS config with appropriate paths matching NPM IDs ("crypto-js" for instance)
- Pure prototype-based inheritance only
- Properly defined JSDOC is a strict requirement
Most models may be serialized and de-serialized, and oftentimes the models' constructor will be called without arguments, because serialized data will be populated. This means the model must not do anything in the constructor (like loading, making AJAX requests, creating timeOut's and so on). The constructor must create only an empty (or almost empty) instance.
define(function(require, exports, module) {
var Observable = require('../path/to/core/Observable').Clas;
* Class declaration
* @constructor
* @extends Observable
YourClass() {;
YourClass.prototype = Object.create(Observable.prototype); // set up inheritance
YourClass.prototype.on = function() { // method declaration
return Observable.prototype.on.apply(this, arguments); // call to the parent method
// The rest of your code here
module.exports = {
Class: YourClass,
$get: function() { return new YourClass(); }
- All AJAX interaction must be mocked
- No direct SDK's method overrides in tests
Unit tests, that have to interact with Platform API server must have the following expression:
describe('RCSDK.messages.Filter', function() {
// ...
Unit tests, that modify somehow SDK-wide singletons must have the following expression:
describe('RCSDK.core.Platform', function() {
// ...
In order to mock a certain AJAX request use Mock object:
path: '/restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension/~/sms', // URL that will be substituted
* This method returns the response from "server"
* @param {AjaxMock} ajax
* @param request
* @returns {Object}
response: function(ajax) {
return {...};
* This method is called to determine whether this mock is applied for pending request
* @param {AjaxMock} ajax
* @returns {boolean}
test: function(ajax){ return true; }
Test suite includes a number of pre-configured mocks in ./test/lib/mocks/
directory. Please see the source.
It is forbidden to use variables to determine, whether callback was executed or not. The following code IS NOT OK:
var wasCalled = false,
callParameter = null;
callback = function(e){ wasCalled = true; callParameter = e; };{success: callback});
The way it should be done:
var spy = chai.spy(function(e){ expect(e); }); // expectation in callback{success: spy});
expect(spy); // expectation that spy was called
These tests access real account on real production/staging servers. In order to make things happen a proper environment variables have to be defined:
Once ready run the following command:
$ npm run test-api
Environment variables may also be defined inline (substitute (...)
with more vars):
$ RCSDK_API_KEY=YOUR_API_KEY (...) RCSDK_AGS_DBNAME=database npm run test-api