Releases: kiwix/kiwix-apple
Releases · kiwix/kiwix-apple
- Notification for when a download task complete
- Improved handling and error surfacing for failed download tasks
- Fixed an issue where tasks are not labeled as failed when app is force quit (iOS & iPadOS)
- Kiwix for iOS & iPadOS is now also on macOS
- Library now has opened, categories, downloads, and new sections
- Zim file list in library and bookmark list has new design
- Revert libkiwix and libzim to the last known stable release (9.4.1 and 6.3.2 respectively)
- Added version notation of libkiwix and libzim to the about page
- Half sheet table of contents (iOS 15 & horizontally compact interfaces)
- Using quicklook to preview zim files in the files app
- Bookmark UI is made consistent with other article list UI (e.g. search results)
- fix: crashes during parsing search result snippets
- fix: crashes when activating search by tapping search bar
- improvement: search result snippet extraction performance
Drop iOS 12 (#398) * settings * library * search * BuildingBlocks * RootViewController * BarButtons * WebViewController * SidebarController * AppDelegate & SceneDelegate * project * lint
- Library zim file detail now show file descriptions
- Technical implementation improvements for library on iOS 13 & 14 (Mostly SwiftUI)
- Fixed an issue where recent search button doesn't do anything if the search text contains spaces
- Note: we will drop support for iOS 12 once iOS 15 is released, we support the last three major iOS versions
- fix: memory usage issue when performing searches
- maintance updates:
- swift 5.2, version bump of libkiwix, realm and SwiftyUserDefaults
- removed third party library ProcedureKit, now use Foundation.OperationQueue to handle async tasks
- updated user feedback email address
- dropped support for external indexes
- improved iOS 12 support
- new version of libkiwix and Swift 4.2
- Use Realm in replace of CoreData as database
- Added Wiktionary, Wikiquote and Wikisource categories
- Fix: unable to detect embedded index in some situations
- Fix: unable to cancel erroneous download tasks