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A lightweight online game framework written in Java. The project just shows some simple logic examples, the most important is to provide most of the base components for rapid game development. You only need to focus on game logic then. The project use maven to manage jar dependency and build project
├── jforgame-common --base common service
├── jforgame-runtime --application runtime profile, including memory, thread, clazz and so on.
├── jforgame-admin --game admin web tool
├── jforgame-socket-parent -- tcp socket server, including io message codec, message request mapper, session management
├── jforgame-socket-api --socket api, including server and client
├── jforgame-socket-netty --netty implemention, including a simple websocket server
├── jforgame-socket-mina --mina implemention
├── jforgame-orm --use a lightweight tool for conversion between pojo and database asynchronously
├── jforgame-spring-boot-starter-data --Encapsulate the reading of configuration data in springboot's starter mode, supporting file formats such as CSV and Excel. Support configuration hot reload
├── jforgame-hotswap --support hotswap without restarting server
├── jforgame-codec-parent --data codec for socket communication
├── jforgame-codec-api --codec api
├── jforgame-codec-protobuf --protobuf implemention
├── jforgame-codec-struct --reflect implemention
├── jforgame-demo
| ├── cache package, use guava cache to support players cache system
| ├── db package, use a independent thread pool to save players' and common data asynchronously
| ├── monitor package, to monitor game service,currently, we'll use jmx to manage game server
| ├── listener package, event driver model
| ├── doctor package, there are two ways for u to hotswap class
| ├── game/gm pakcage, gm command for test
| ├── game/admin package, http admin command for system
| ├── redis package, cross-server communication, such as multiserver ranking list
| ├── tools pakcage, little tool to support project's development
| └── utils package, code utils
- Chinese wiki --> wiki
- Use git to download codes, git clone /~https://github.com/kingston-csj/jforgame
- Import maven project to your ide
- Create new database named game_data_001 and import resources/game_data_001.sql into it. Similarly, create new databse named game_user_001 and import resources/game_user_001.sql into it
- Start game server,entrance is ServerStartup.java
- Start robot client,entrance is ClientStartup.java
- you can also import as dependencies
starting server just as following (socket/websocket)
.setMessageCodec(new StructMessageCodec())
.setSocketIoDispatcher(new MessageIoDispatcher(ServerScanPaths.MESSAGE_PATH))
We are always looking for people to join us. If you have an issue, feature request, or pull request, let us know!
Many thanks for your stars!!