K510 V4L2 Developer's Guide
Document version: V1.0.0
Published: 2022-03-09
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# preface **Document purpose** This document is an explanatory document for the K510 V4L2 application example.Reader Objects
The main people to whom this document (this guide) applies:
- Software developers
- Technical support personnel
Revision history The revision history accumulates a description of each document update. The latest version of the document contains updates for all previous versions.
The version number | Modified by | Date of revision | Revision Notes |
V1.0.0 | System software groups | 2022-03-09 | SDK V1.5 released |
v1.0.1 | Zhu Dalei | 2022-03-11 | SDK V1.5 released |
#include “media_ctl.h”
struct video_info {
unsigned int video_used;
char *video_name[4];
unsigned int enable[4];
unsigned int video_width[4];
unsigned int video_height[4];
unsigned int video_out_format[4];
int mediactl_init(char *video_cfg_file,struct video_info *dev_info);
Initialize media.
[in] video_cfg_file: The video configuration file, the content of this file only needs to care about the content explained below, the specific explanation is as follows.
sensor0_name: the name of the sensor driver only set in the V4L2 driver.
sensor0_cfg_file: the name of the isp parameter configuration file corresponding to the sensor, such as imx219_0.conf.
sensor0_total_width: the total pixels in the horizontal direction output by the sensor are used to generate the VSYNC signal, such as 3476
sensor0_total_height: the total number of lines output by sensor, used to generate HSYNC signal, such as 1166
sensor0_active_width: the effective pixels in the horizontal direction of the sensor output, such as 1920
sensor0_active_height: number of valid lines of sensor output, such as 1080
video2_used: 1 -- enable, 0 -- not use.
video2_width: video output width, such as 1920.
video2_height: video output height, such as 1080.
video2_out_format: 1--YUV420,NV21.
video3_used: 1 -- enable,0 -- not use.
video3_width: video output width, such as 1080.
video3_height: video output height, such as 720.
video3_out_format: 1--YUV420,NV21.
video4_used: 1 -- enable,0 -- not use.
video4_width: video output width, such as 640.
video4_height: video output height, such as 480.
video4_out_format: 1--YUV420,NV21.
video5_used: 1 -- enable,0 -- not use.
video5_width: video output width, such as 320.
video5_height: the height of video storage, such as 320.
video5_height_r: video output height, such as 240.
video5_out_format: 0--Separate RGB, 1--ARGB.
sensor1_name: the name of the sensor driver only set in the V4L2 driver.
sensor1_cfg_file: the name of the isp parameter configuration file corresponding to the sensor, such as imx219_0.conf.
sensor1_total_width: the total pixels in the horizontal direction output by the sensor are used to generate the VSYNC signal, such as 3476.
sensor1_total_height: the total number of lines output by sensor, used to generate HSYNC signal, such as 1166.
sensor1_active_width: the effective pixels in the horizontal direction output by the sensor, such as 1920.
sensor1_active_height: the number of valid lines output by sensor, such as 1080
video6_used: 1 -- enable,0 -- not use.
video6_width: video output width, such as 1920.
video6_height: video output height, such as 1080.
video6_out_format: 1--YUV420,NV21.
video7_used: 1 -- enable,0 -- not use.
video7_width: video output width, such as 1080.
video7_height: video output height, such as 720.
video7_out_format: 1--YUV420,NV21.
video8_used: 1 -- enable,0 -- not use.
video8_width: video output width, such as 640.
video8_height: video output height, such as 480.
video8_out_format: 1--YUV420,NV21.
video9_used: 1 -- enable,0 -- not use.
video9_width: video output width, such as 320.
video9_height: the width of video storage, such as 320.
video9_height_r: video output height, such as 240.
video9_out_format: 0--Separate RGB, 1--ARGB.
[out] dev_info: mediactl_lib returns the video information obtained from the video configuration file, the specific explanation is as follows.
video_used: this refers to the ISP's pipeline, if it is used, it will return 1, otherwise 0. K510 supports two pipelines, ISP_F2K/ISP_R2K, and each pipeline supports up to 4 video outputs.
video_name[4]: the name of the returned video. The four videos of f2k are video2/video3/video4/video5; the four videos of r2k are video6/video7/video8/video9.
enable[4]: whether each video returned is enable, 1 -- enable, 0 -- not use.
video_width[4]: the width of each video returned.
video_height[4]: the height of each video returned.
video_out_format[4]: the output image format of each video returned, see the explanation of "Video Configuration File" for details.
The specific usage is as follows:
char *video_cfg_file = "video_cfg";
struct video_info dev_info[2]
0 success, -1 fail.
Shut down the media device and free up the requested share memory memory.
enum adaptive_enable_select_e
int adaptive_enable(int scl);
Configuring the ISP Adaptive Function Switch
ADAPTIVE_SELECT_DISABLE: disable adaptive calc function
ADAPTIVE_SELECT_ENABLE: disable adaptive calc function(default)
enum ae_select_e
int ae_select_init(int scl);
configure sw/hw AE switch function
AE_SELECT_SW_MODE: enable sw AE(default)
enum anti_flicker_scl_e
int anti_flicker_init(int scl);
configure antiflicker correction function
ANTI_FLICKER_ALL_DSIABLE: disable antiflicker correction function
ANTI_FLICKER_F2K_ENABLE: enable F2K antiflicker50Hz correction function
ANTI_FLICKER_R2K_ENABLE: enable R2K antiflicker50Hz correction function
ANTI_FLICKER_ALL2K_ENABLE: enableF2K/R2K antiflicker50Hz correction function(default)
* @brief Use ISP to draw rect.
* @param pipeline
* @param layer 0: main out, 1: DS0, 2: DS1.
* @param area support 32 area, 0 to 31
* @param x
* @param y
* @param width
* @param height
* @param line_width 0 to 63 pixels
* @param color AYCbCr, Alpha as hight bits, Cr as low bits
* @param border_mask up/right/bottom/left, up as low bit, left as hight bit
* @return return 0 if success, -1 if failed.
int mediactl_rect(enum isp_pipeline_e pipeline, unsigned layer, unsigned area, unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned width, unsigned height, unsigned line_width, unsigned color, unsigned border_mask);
Draw rectangles.
enum isp_pipeline_e {
int mediactl_set_ae(enum isp_pipeline_e pipeline);
Disable specific ISP AE.
ISP_F2K_PIPELINE: configure f2k pipeline AE
ISP_R2K_PIPELINE: configure r2k pipeline AE
enum isp_modules {
unsigned int mediactl_get_isp_modules(enum isp_pipeline_e pipeline,enum isp_modules module);
Gets the enable status of each module of the ISP.
isp_pipeline_e: more details see notes in mediactl_set_ae
ISP_TPG -- Test Pattern Control moudel
ISP_BLC -- Black Level Correction moudel
ISP_LSC -- Lens Shading Correction moudel
ISP_AE -- AUTO Exposure Gain moudel
ISP_AWB -- AUTO white balance moudel
ISP_AWB_D65 -- AUTO white balance d65 moudel
ISP_AWB_CCM -- AUTO white balance ccm moudel
ISP_WDR -- wide dynamic range moudel
ISP_RGB_GAMMA -- rgb gamma moudel
ISP_YUV_GAMMA -- yuv gamma moudel
ISP_ADA -- Adaptive dynamic range adjust moudel
ISP_ADA_SBZ -- Image stabilization moudel
ISP_ADA_CCR -- Color correction moudel
ISP_RGBIR -- rgbir rectify moudel
ISP_RAW_2DNR -- raw domain 2DNR moudel
ISP_YUV_Y_2DNR -- yuv domain 2D YNR moudel
ISP_YUV_UV_2DNR -- yuv domain 2D uvNR moudel
ISP_3DNR -- yuv domain 3DNR moudel
ISP_LTM -- local tone mapping moudel
ISP_SHARP -- sharpness moudel
ISP_CC -- color correction moudel
ISP_CTRST -- contrast adjust moudel
ISP_LUMA -- luma adjust moudel
ISP_SATURATION -- saturation adjust moudel
ISP_LDC -- lens Distortion Correction moudel
0 -- moudel disable 1 -- moudel enable
The program is placed/app/mediactl_lib
in the directory:
:v4l2 and drm linkage case, added -f to modify the name of the input configuration file, -e to open the isp ae function. You can use -h to view help.
Run v4l2_drm.out
- -e:0 turns off all aes, 1 turns on f-2k ae, 2 turns on r-2k ae, and 3 turns on all aes. By default, you can leave -e to turn off all aes.
- -x:0 switch to sw ae provided by lib3actl, 1 switch to hardware AE. By default, you can not specify -x, will use sw ae.
- -a:0 disable antiflicker correction, 1 enable f-2k 50Hz correction, 2 enable r-2k correction, 3 enable all antiflicker 50Hz correction. By default, you can not specify -a, will enable f2k/r2k 50Hz correction functions.
- -l:0 disable the ISP adaptive calculation function provided by libadaptive.so, 1 ISP adaptive calculation function provided by libadaptive.so. By default, you can not specify -l, will enable the ISP adaptive computing function provided by libadaptive.so.
- The demo requires the video configuration file and the corresponding sensor configuration file to be in the current directory.
- The demo can demonstrate single and double cameras by changing the configuration file.
- The demo demo single-camera full screen: ./v4l2_drm.out -e 1 -f video_drm_1080x1920.conf
- The demo demo dual camera: ./v4l2_drm.out -f video_drm_1920x1080.conf
- The demo must ensure that three profiles video_drm_1920x1080.conf, imx219_0.conf, and imx219_1.conf exist
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If you would like to report a translation error or inaccuracy, please feel free to contact us by mail.