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k3b edited this page Sep 9, 2015 · 38 revisions

You can reach the Gallery-View via

  • opening from android-s app manager
  • the Geografic-Map's contextmenu by long tapping a marker.

The Gallery-View show photos in a scrollable view:

  • If you swipe up or down you will see more photos.
  • If you tap on a photo it will be opend in the Image-View.
  • If you long-tap on a photo the app enters multi selection mode
  • The Symbol(s) in the actionbar and the menu item(s)

The Gallery-View show the photos of the device which are current visible.

This visibility is either the result of

  • SearchFiter + CurrentFolder + Sorter or
  • SearchFiter + CurrentGeoArea + Sorter
  • or shows the selected items (See Multi Selection below)

The Search Fiter is used to find a set of photos by search criteria.

The CurrentFolder or CurrentGeoArea is used to navigate in the SearchFiter`s resultset.

The Sorter determines the order in which the result photos are presented in the Gallery-View and in the Image-View.

The Gallery-View has these elements:

  • via the SearchFiter symbol (or menu item "Filter") you can open the Filter-View to define the SearchFiter.
  • via the CurrentFolder symbol (or menu item "Folder Filter") you can open a Folder-Picker to pick the CurrentFolder.
  • via the CurrentGeoArea symbol (or menu item "Map Area Filter") you can open a Geographic-Map to pick the CurrentGeoArea.
  • via the menu item "Sort xxx" you see the current sort order.
    • Example "Sort: Name ^" means "sort by name ascending". "^" means ascending; "v" means descending.
    • If you click on the "Sort xxx" menuitem you get a submenu with the different sort criteria.
    • If you select the same sort criteria again you toggle between ascending and descending.
      • Example: if current sort is "Sort: Name ^" and you select "Name" again the sort will become "Sort: Name v".

###Example Usecase

  • The device contains 15000 photos.
  • You search is "photos taken in 2007" (that photo date is between 2007-01-01 and 2008-01-01").
  • If you open the Current folder picker you will see only those folders that contain images taken in 2007.
    • The resultset contains 79 folders with 1166 photos.
  • If you open the Current geo area picker the map will show markers of photos taken in 2007.
    • The resultset contains 584 photos that contain geo-data.
  • If you pick the current Folder "Job" the gallery will show only photos from folder "Job" or subfolders of "Job" from 2007.
    • Photos from other years are not visible - they are filtered out.
  • If you long-tap on a photo the app enters multi selection mode: with different menu items and symbols in the actionbar:
  • Taping on any photo toggles selection of that photo. A Selected photo contains a [X] symbol.
  • Long-tap on a photo it will open it in the Image-View.
  • If you open the Geographic-Map in multi selection mode selected photos will be shown as blue markers.
  • Additional symbols in the Actionbar (or overflow menu):
    • taping on the cancel symbol exits the multi selection mode.
    • taping on the selected only symbol will show only the seleceted photos. The symbol changes to
    • taping on the selected only symbol again will show all photots. The symbol changes to .
    • taping on the Selection: add all visible will select all Current Visible Photos. (Since Version 0.4.1)
    • taping on the Selection: remove all visible will unselect all Current Visible Photos. (Since Version 0.4.1)
    • taping on the delete symbol or the "Delete" menu will delete the selected photo(s).
    • the move/copy menu will move/copy the selected photo(s) to a different folder.
      • Pressing the "..." button or long pressing a folder in the foder picker allows you to create a new folder.
    • the change geo menu allow you to change the photos geo location (latitude/longitude). (Since Version 0.4.1)
    • you can send/share the selected photos via the share symbol .
      • if you have installed k3b's ToGoZip : Add the photo to a zip file
      • other options are: send photo(s) via bluetooth or mail

The Intent API for Gallery-View support

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