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File metadata and controls

380 lines (291 loc) · 15.4 KB

Device Specification Files

The device specification files found in this directory describe how data transmitted/received by a device is encoded. These files include:

  • A device name and brief description
  • The number of bits in messages transmitted/received by the device
  • A state machine that is used to encode/decode raw data
  • A description of how the data is divided up into fields and how these fields should be displayed/parsed

This information is used to both decode and display received data, as well as generate IQ samples to transmit messages to the target device.

These files are written in JSON, with the intent of being easy to read, write, and parse.

Supported Devices

Below is a list of currently supported devices.

Device File Description
p3l-nexa2012 Radio Shack-branded 433.92 MHz wireless temperature sensor
unknown-remote1 Unknown wireless remote control operating at 433.92 MHz.

Format and Structure

Device specifications must begin with a top-level device object:

{ "device": {

This provides a simple means for OOKiedokie to error out in an incorrect JSON file is provided.

Next, the device specification must contain name and description fields:

    "name":         "example-device",
    "description":  "An example device that operates at 915.325 Mhz",

It is preferred that the name field matches the filename. The description field should contain a brief description of the device and its purpose, if known.

A num_bits field must specify the size of messages used by this device, in bits.

    "num_bits": 32,

Internally, OOKiedokie allocates a data buffer of this size. When receiving, data bits are aggregated into this data buffer as the state machine is traversed. When transmitting, the desired message is pre-filled in this data buffer and the state machine is traversed such that these data-bits are assumed, and the output samples are that generated based upon those assumptions.

A states array must be provided, which defines the state machine used to both encode and decode data for the associated device type:

    "states": [

Each entry in the states array defines conditions under which to transition to the next state, and any actions to perform during the transition. This is detailed in the following section.

A fields array defines how the num_bits bits in device messages are organized into fields. Each field entry describes the position of the field bits in the message, and how the data is formatted in that field. The fields array is described more in a later section.

A ts_mode variable may be specified to timestamp messages as they are decoded. This is detailed in a later section.

State Machine Definition

The states array defines the state machine that OOKiedokie shall use to decode received messages, or encode data for transmission. It consists of an array of objects with the following properties:

        "name":         <String value. Required>,
        "duration_us":  <Integer value >= 0. Optional if triggers have durations>
        "timeout_us":   <Integer value >= 0. Optional>,
        "triggers":     <Array of triggers objects. Required>

The state's name field should be a string that uniquely identifies the state.

The duration_us field describes the expected duration of a state, in microseconds. When receiving input, the expected duration is used by OOKiedokie to test if the input is meeting the specification outlined defined by the state machine. OOKiedokie will reset the state machine if not. Note that a 15% tolerance is applied to this value to account for some expected variation. When used to craft samples to transmit, this value defines the exact length of this state. This field may be set to 0 if is not applicable. (This is the default if it is not specified.) However, if it is set to 0, it is expected that one of the entries in the state's triggers array will define a duration. (This is explained more below.)

The timeout_us field describes a timeout for the state, in microseconds. A value of 0 implies, "no timeout." This field is optional and will default to 0 if not specified. The effect of a timeout will become clear shortly.

The triggers array defines the conditions under which a state is left, which state is transitioned to next, and any actions that that should be performed as the result of this transition. The entries in the triggers array are evaluated in the order listed, allowing one to specify the priority of the conditions that are checked. In general, one will want to place a trigger with a "timeout" condition last in the list to that it is activated only if no other triggers are satisfied during that sample-time. (The state machine processes one sample at a time. We use "sample-time" to refer to the context in which a particular sample is being processed.)

The first state in any OOKiedokie state machine must be a state named "reset." When this state executes, it resets the aggregated data bits to zero and resets various internal data structures. It is highly recommended that this be configured to immediately transition to an "idle" state so that these reset operations are only performed a single time.

            "name":         "reset",

            "triggers": [
                    "condition": "always",
                    "state":     "idle"

            "name":         "idle",

            "triggers": [


The triggers array should consist of one or more objects containing the following fields:

            "condition":    <Condition under which this trigger is activated.>
            "duration_us":  <Duration. Required if state did not have a duration.>
            "state":        <Name of next state>
            "action":       <Action to perform during state transition.>


The condition field may be one of the following strings. If this condition is satisfied, then trigger is "activated" and the state machine will progress to the specified state.

Condition String Description
"always" Causes transition to occur immediately.
"pulse_start" Signal has changed from "off" to "on."
"pulse_end" Signal has changed from "on" to "off."
"timeout" The state's specified timeout has expired.
"msg_complete" All bits (i.e., num_bits of data have been aggregated.

The always condition is special, in the sense that it occurs immediately, and does not consume a sample-time. This is useful for having the reset state immediately transition to an "idle" state, and still allow that idle state to "see" the current sample.

In most cases, the msg_complete condition should be given top priority by placing it first in the triggers array, result in a transition to the reset state, and be accompanied with the output_data action. OOKiedokie will error out if more than num_bits are attempted to be aggregated. This is shown below:

            "condition":    "msg_complete",
            "state":        "reset",
            "action":       "output_data"


If the state under which a trigger is placed has not defined a non-zero duration (via its duration_us field), then the elapsed duration can be used as an additional condition. The condition effectively becomes the logical AND of condition and whether duration_us has elapsed in the current state.

For example, the following bit_off_time state is defined such that:

  • The state has no duration_us field set. This implies that one or more trigger conditions will do so.
  • The first trigger will be satisfied if:
  • The signal transitions from off to on
  • AND this occurs 2000 microseconds (+/- allowed tolerance) into this state.
  • The second trigger will be satisfied if:
  • The signal transitions from off to on
  • AND this occurs 4000 microseconds (+/- allowed tolerance) into this state.
  • The last trigger will occur if 6000 microseconds elapse and none of the previous triggers are activated.
            "name":         "bit_off_time",
            "timeout_us":   6000,

            "triggers": [
                    "condition":    "pulse_start",
                    "duration_us":  2000,
                    "state":        "bit_pulse",
                    "action":       "append_0"

                    "condition":    "pulse_start",
                    "duration_us":  4000,
                    "state":        "bit_pulse",
                    "action":       "append_1"

                    "condition":    "timeout",
                    "state":        "reset"


The trigger's state field defines the next state to transition to as a result of the trigger being activated.

Action: RX

When receiving, a trigger's action field defines the action to perform as the result of its activation. The available actions are listed below.

Action String Description
"none" Perform no action.
"append_0" Append a 0 to the buffer of aggregated bits.
"append_1" Append a 1 to the buffer of aggregated bits.
"output_data" Format and print aggregated data.

If no action field is specified, then "none" is assumed.

Consider the trigger in the previous example:

Action: TX

When transmitting, the action field is first treated as the condition that activates the trigger. The condition and duration_us fields are then used to define how the output samples are crafted. The append_0 and append_1 actions are used to select a trigger, depending on the current data bit being evaluated. When the output_data action is encountered, the generation of samples is completed, and OOKiedokie will transmit the computed samples.

If no triggers contain append_0, append_1, or output_data actions, the condition field is used to determine the next state to transition to while generating samples.

Consider this trigger from the previous example:

                    "condition":    "pulse_start",
                    "duration_us":  4000,
                    "state":        "bit_pulse",
                    "action":       "append_1"

When traversing through the state machine, this trigger will be activated if the current data bit that state machine is generating samples for is a 1. It will generate 4000 microseconds worth of the current output (presumably "off") and then change its output state to "on" due to the pulse_start condition.


The fields array is used to break the data buffer into individual fields and describe the conversion between data bits and the field representation.

Each object in the fields array has the following form:

            "name":         <Name string. Required>,
            "default":      <Default value, as a string. Required>,
            "start_bit":    <Start bit position value. Required.>,
            "end_bit":      <End bit position value. Required.>,
            "endianness":   <Bit endianness string. Required.>,
            "format":       <Field format string.>,
            "scaling":      <Value scaling factor. Optional.>,
            "offset":       <Value offset. Optional.>,

The name field should be a unique and user-friendly string used to identify the field. This is the name that will be printed when OOKiedokie prints the contents of received fields. This is also the name used to provide field values via OOKiedokie's --tx-param option.

The default field must contain the default value of the field, as a string.

The start bit and end bit fields define the position of the field's data within the data buffer. The data buffer is laid out left to right, with position 0 being left-most. When receiving, position 0 is where the first received bit is placed. These should be defined as positive integer values such that start bit is less than or equal to end bit. A single-bit field will have both of these set to the same value.

The endianness field defines the bit-endianess of the data with the specified field. This should be set to "big" or "little."

The scaling and offset fields are floating point values that may be used to apply a scaling factor and offset to field values. When receiving, these are applied as follows:

    field_value = data[start_bit:end_bit] * scaling + offset

When transmitting, these are applied as follows:

    data[start_bit:end_bit] = (field_value - offset) / scaling

If not specified, scaling defaults to 1.0 and offset defaults to 0.

The format field defines the data type and presentation of the field. Below are the available options:

Format Description
"hex" Unsigned integer. Displayed as a hexadecimal value.
"unsigned decimal" Unsigned integer. Displaced as a decimal value.
"sign-magnitude" Signed integer with MSB as sign-bit. Displayed as decimal value.
"two's complement" Signed two's complement integer. Displayed as decimal value.
"float" Floating point value.

The "float" option is similar to the "two's complement" option, exception that its fractional portion is retained when the scaling factor is applied. As such, the precision is a factor of the field width, scaling, and offset.

Timestamp Mode

Messages may be timestamped as they are decoded on the host. This is disabled by default, but may be enabled by specifying a ts_mode variable in the device specification file. When enabled, the timestamp will be printed as a "Decode Timestamp" field prior to other message fields.

Options for ts_mode are as follows:

Mode Description
"none" Do not timestamp decoded messages. (Default)
"unix" Timestamp is an integer in seconds since the Unix Epoch.
"unix-frac" Timestamp is a fractional value in seconds since the Unix Epoch.
