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Deploy DC/OS 1.9 running CoreOS on Microsoft Azure using Terraform

This script allow you to deploy a DC/OS cluster in best practices on Microsoft Azure.

A Section about Packer is in progress

You can watch this online meetup about Terraform and DC/OS in general where I presented this project.

Terraform Usage

WARNING: Be sure that you are not overriding existing Azure resources that are in use. This Terraform process will create a resource group to contain all dependent resources within. This makes it easy to cleanup.

NOTE: This deployment is not meant to obviate the need to understand the install process or read the docs. Please spend some time to understand both DC/OS and the install process.

Preperation Steps

  • It is assumed that you have a functioning Azure client installed. You can do so here

  • Install Terraform and create credentials for Terraform to access Azure. To do so, you will need to following environment variables :

  • The values for the above environment variables can be obtained through the Azure CLI commands below.

NOTE: A more detailed overview can be found on the Terraform Site

$ az login
  • Run the following commands. This will print 2 lines, the first is the tenant ID and the second is the subscription ID.
$ az account show

  "environmentName": "AzureCloud",
  "id": "a97d7ca2-18ca-426f-b7c4-1a2cdaa4d9d1",
  "isDefault": true,
  "name": "My_Azure_Subscription",
  "state": "Enabled",
  "tenantId": "34a934ff-86a1-34af-34cd-2d7cd0134bd34",
  "user": {
    "name": "",
    "type": "user"

export SUBSCRIPTIONID=`az account show --output tsv | cut -f2`
  • Create an Azure application
$ export PASSWORD=`openssl rand -base64 24`

$ az ad app create --display-name dcosterraform--identifier-uris --homepage --password $PASSWORD

$ unset PASSWORD
  • Create A Service Principal
$ APPID=`az ad app list --display-name dcosterraform -o tsv --out tsv | grep dcos | cut -f1`

$ az ad sp create --id $APPID
  • Grant Permissions To Your Application
$ az role assignment create --assignee --role "Owner" --scope /subscriptions/$SUBSCRIPTIONID
  • Print the Client ID
$ az ad app list --display-name dcosterraform

NOTE: A more detailed overview can be found on the Terraform Site

Deploy the Azure infrastructure and DC/OS

  • First, review the default configuratiion. Most common options are available in terraform/dcos/terraform.tfvars. The full list of available options are in terraform/dcos/ CoreOS is the default as it has pre-requirements built in.

  • Update dcos/terraform.tfvars with the path to your passwordless SSH public and private keys.

  • Change resource_suffix (and optionally resource_base_name) to something unique

  • Make sure that the bootstrap_script_url, install_script_url and dcos_download_url variables are updated with the correct public URL that you want to use.

  • Optionally, customize the agent_private_count (default 10), the agent_public_count (default 1) and master_count for master (default 3), the agents size is Standard_D2_V2 per default, but you can change it for your need in dcos/

  • Create the DC/OS cluster by executing:

$ EXPORT ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID=<your subscription id>
$ EXPORT ARM_CLIENT_ID=<your client id>
$ EXPORT ARM_CLIENT_SECRET=<your cient secret>
$ EXPORT ARM_TENANT_ID=<your tenant id>

$ cd <repo>/terraform && terraform apply

Connection to the cluster

  • Initiate a SSH tunnel to <masterVIP>.<location> and you should be able to reach the DC/OS UI.
$ sudo ssh core@<masterVIP>.<location> -p 2200 -L 8080:localhost:443 -k <sshPrivateKey>
  • The default username/password is admin/Passw0rd.


Customize DC/OS Install

Default Security & Telemetry

Is off by default, that can be changed by modifying the dcos/files/ file and following the install docs here


To restart and cleanup the Azure assets run the following commands from the /terraform directory

$ az group delete dcosterraform
info:    Executing command group delete
Delete resource group dcosterraform? [y/n] y
+ Deleting resource group dcosterraform                                        
info:    group delete command OK

$ cd <repo>/terraform && rm ./*/*terraform.tfstate && rm -rf ./*/.terraform*


If the deployment gets in an inconsistent state (repeated terraform apply commands fail, or output references to leases that no longer exist), you may need to manually reconcile. Destroy the <dcosterrform> resource group, run terraform remote config -disable and delete all terraform.tfstate* files from dcos, follow the above instructions again.

Baked your base image with Packer and Ansible

More to come