- Merge subscriber into subscription - having both types is redundant
- See if unique: true actually on subscriber.name actually prevents duplicates from being saved to the list object
- Stop using objectids in URLs and postdata and just use subscriber email/list name
- Option for allowing emails to list without being on the list: Y/N/Moderated
- Use List-Id header (rfc2919)
- Three list types:
- Discussion
- Announce
- Announce+Discuss (reply-to pointing to discussion list)
- Define common error types externally and refactor to use instead of generic Error
- Implement message archiving, and archive browsing interface
- Needs moar tests
- Add mechanism to re-send confirmation message
- (un)Subscription needs to be atomic - currently if something goes wrong between List.subscribe and Subscriber.subscribe, DB can end up in inconsistent state
- Need to pre-model all schemas in init_master
- Support rfc2369 list management headers
- bounce/delivery hooks to handle (non)delivery confirmation
- add virtual to list for (list.displayName || list.name)
- add virtual to list for list.name@config.serverName
- Moderation by email too, or just webui?
- API - Same routes, but different Accept: header for json/xml
- Moderation filters
- a list of methods that if return false result in email being added to moderation queue
- Web UI
- List administration
- User adminstration
- Moderation queue
- Server configuration
- IP bans
- Haraka config in general?
- Prioritise mail queue
- Moderation emails should take precedence over mailouts