This next one is an interesting slide.
Here Paul is saying that we would almost never see a protocol used as a type in an array. Which of course is poppy cock.
We use protocols in arrays all the time. Nothing special there.
What IS special is that some protocols can't be passed around and used in array. And those procotols are ones that use associatedtype
Associated types are placeholders for types in protocols.
For example if we don't know the type of something that is going to be used in a protocol, we would define it as an associatedtype
protocol Container {
associatedtype Item
mutating func append(_ item: Item)
var count: Int { get }
subscript(i: Int) -> Item { get }
Then to implement, the struct or class would need to specify the type to be used like this:
struct IntStack: Container {
// conformance to the Container protocol
typealias Item = Int
mutating func append(_ item: Int) {
var count: Int {
return items.count
subscript(i: Int) -> Int {
return items[i]
What's interesting about protocols that use associatedtype
is you can't define them as variables:
var someViews: [View]
Because if you do you will get an error message like this:
Protocol 'View' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements
What this is saying is that you haven't defined the associatedtype
for me. So I can't store it. I can only store types that have been fully defined. And because the assoicatedtype
here is currently undefined, I can't allocate.
This is one special case where protocols can't be stored right off the bat. And it's because they have associated types.
You will also see this error if you ever accidentally type:
struct ContentView: View {
var body: View {
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
Here some
makes the View
opaque. Which means it's not really clear exactly what this type will be. It hides it. The compiler has access to the type infomration, but clients don't.
But it gets around the associatedtype error. So drop in some
if you see this in your views.
The way protocols are used is to specify the behavior of a struct, class, or enum.
- A
behaves like aView
. - A
behaves like anObservableObject
This last one is interested because while there is no func
the class needed to implement, behind the scenes there was a:
var objectWillChange
Get implemented for us for free behind the scenes.
There are also lighter weight protocols like:
Can also be used to limit or qualify generics.
Restrict extensions.
And of course be used in setting up agreement between two entities (i.e. protocol-delegate).
Protocols are also how we do inheritance in Swift. Instead of extending something, we can define a protocol and then via an extension add a default implementation in there.
Implementation can be added to a procol by creating an extension.
This is how views get .foregroundColor
and .font
- all view extension modifiers.
Let's take a look now and see how filter
can be added as an extension.
So filter
is a function that works on just about any collection. It has a generic called Element
and it returns an Array<Element>
So this function was written be Apple only once, but somehow it gets used on a variety of data types. How did they do that?
was added to the Foundation library as an extension
to the Sequence
Since Array, Range, String, and Dictionary all conform to Sequece, they all get or inherit Sequence functionality via the protocol.
One way of thinking about what protocols give us is constrains and gains
Protocols constrain
what the implementer can do - this force you to implement certains interfaces.
But you also gain
because then can give you default implementations to certain functionality.
This is the protocol-oriented way of doing traditional OO inheritance.
Only here instead of single class inheritance, with protocol-oriented programming you can mix-in, or offer way more functionality, without the clunkiness of single class inheritance.
So for example by us implementing View
in SwiftUI, we gain a tonne of functionality.
So what's going on behind the scenes in the SwiftUI library? Here is some pseudo code:
Basically protocol and it's extensions.
Why protocols? It's a way for types to say what they are capable of.
Let's take a look at Identifable
and see what it can teach us about protocols.
Protocols don't declare generics the same way classes and structs do. When it comes to protocols, the generic is associatedtype
So when you see a generic in a protocol, it is an associated type.
protocol Identifable {
associatedType ID
var id: ID { get }
Now as we learned earlier, this ID
also has to be hashable.
How do we make that ID
don't care Hashable
? We make the associatedType ID
with a where
We turn the generic/associatedtype
from a "don't care" into a "we care a little bit".
So what is Hashable
? Hashable
is a simple don't care protocol.
Now in rare cases two different objects might Hash into the same thing. A collision 💥.
For that reason things that are Hashable
must also be Equatable
. So when you implement hash, you are also implementing equals.
And that begs the question... what is Equatable
Yes - ==
is a legal function name in Swift. Also notice the Self
capital S
. That means your static struct type. You can't use this as a normal type. You can't go:
var x: [Equatable]
Because ==
isn't defined for Equatable
. That's why you can't use self referencing types as var
s or in arrays.
Now if you implement Equatable
, and all of your vars
are equatable, Swift will implement the static ==
for you.
How could we make it so that when too many cards appear on the screen, our ScrollView
doesn't scroll. Let's do this by making the cards smaller.
Since there is no container with a ViewBuilder
to do that for us, we will make one ourselves.
struct EmojiMemoryGameView: View {
@ObservedObject var game: EmojiMemoryGame
var body: some View {
AspectVGrid(items:, aspectRatio: 2/3) { card in
cardView(for: card)
import SwiftUI
struct AspectVGrid<Item, ItemView>: View where Item: Identifiable, ItemView: View {
var items: [Item]
var aspectRatio: CGFloat
var content: (Item) -> ItemView
init(items: [Item], aspectRatio: CGFloat, @ViewBuilder content: @escaping (Item) -> ItemView) {
self.items = items
self.aspectRatio = aspectRatio
self.content = content
var body: some View {
GeometryReader { geometry in
VStack {
let width: CGFloat = widthThatFits(itemCount: items.count, in: geometry.size, itemAspectRatio: 2/3)
LazyVGrid(columns: [adaptiveGridItem(width: width)], spacing: 0) {
ForEach(items) { item in
content(item).aspectRatio(aspectRatio, contentMode: .fit)
Spacer(minLength: 0)
private func adaptiveGridItem(width: CGFloat) -> GridItem {
var gridItem = GridItem(.adaptive(minimum: width))
gridItem.spacing = 0
return gridItem
private func widthThatFits(itemCount: Int, in size: CGSize, itemAspectRatio: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
var columnCount = 1
var rowCount = itemCount
repeat {
let itemWidth = size.width / CGFloat(columnCount)
let itemHeight = itemWidth / itemAspectRatio
if CGFloat(rowCount) * itemHeight < size.height {
columnCount += 1
rowCount = (itemCount + (columnCount - 1)) / columnCount
} while columnCount < itemCount
if columnCount > itemCount {
columnCount = itemCount
return floor(size.width / CGFloat(columnCount))
is a protocol that inherits from View
. All Shapes
are also Views.
By default Shapes draw themselves by filling with the current foreground color. They can be changed with .stroke()
and .fill()
. But the arguments to stroke and fill are pretty interesting.
You might think there are different versions of the fill funciton that takes a color, and another that takes a gradient. But that's not quite the case.
The fill function actually takes a don't care.
func fill<S>(_ whatToFilWith: S) -> some Viwe where S: ShapeStyle
Functions can be generic as well. ShapeStyle
knows how to turn a Shape
into a View
What if we want to create our own Shape
For that you implement the Shape
protocol which forces you to return a Path
. The Path
struct has a ton of functions to support drawing.
Let's start by adding a circle behind our face up card.
Note how Circle
is placed between the x3 views here:
shape.strokeBorder(lineWidth: DrawingConstants.lineWidth)
Circle() // Add circle
Text(card.content).font(font(in: geometry.size))
Get used to thinking of each line of code that modifies view as a new view. Not that we are doing something to the original. These are new views returned everytime.
When we run this in preview mode we run into a bit of a problem. Every time we add a new line of code our preview refreshes itself making working with our current view hard.
So to fix this remember you can use your Preview
to always keep it up.
struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
let game = EmojiMemoryGame()
return EmojiMemoryGameView(game: game)
Couple of things aren't great about this circle.
- Touches the sides too closely.
- Wrong share of red
So we can:
- add padding
- change the opacity
Circle().padding(5).opacity(0.5) // Add circle
To make our pie let's create a new Shape.
Note how this is a struct
- not a View
. Path
is simply a struct containing a set of instructions on how to draw a Shape.
import SwiftUI
struct Pie: Shape {
func path(in rect: CGRect) -> Path {
var p = Path()
return p
Simplest way to draw our pie is to:
- move to the center
- draw a line up to the top (called
) - then go around in an arc
- then draw a line back to the center
To do that we will need the center of the shape as well as the radius of the circle.
Radius and start point really depend on how much space we are offered. Whenever you hear that think GeometryReader
. Remember GeometryReader
and its proxy give you the size offered for any given view.
Radius will be half the width or height of space but the smaller of the two.
One thing that is interesting is why are our variables defined for this struct
not lets
The reason why these aren't lets
struct Pie: Shape {
var startAngle: Angle
var endAngle: Angle
var clockwise = false
is because these are going to change.
var startAngle: Angle
var endAngle: Angle
Are going to be animated. So these need to be var
is interesting because it we made it a let
, then it would be instantly initialized before the initialization pass because it just got a value. They wouldn't be able to change. I don't quite understand Pauls point here. Will have to think about this one.
We can define our angles as:
180 0
So you'd think we could draw it like this:
But that's not quite right because this it is not our normal cartesian coordinate system.
In iOS our origin is upper left increase down and to the right as x and y.
0,0 ----> x
So we have to flip everything 180. Because it is upside down.
Fix is to invert the clockwise
Finished product for shape.
import SwiftUI
struct Pie: Shape {
var startAngle: Angle
var endAngle: Angle
var clockwise = false
func path(in rect: CGRect) -> Path {
let center = CGPoint(x: rect.midX, y: rect.midY)
let radius = min(rect.width, rect.height) / 2
// need the angle to draw up and animate
// need to add start / end angle
// then do trigonometry to figure out where to start our arc
// the start point at the top will be:
let start = CGPoint(
x: center.x + radius * cos(startAngle.radians),
y: center.y + radius * sin(startAngle.radians)
var p = Path()
p.move(to: center)
p.addLine(to: start)
center: center,
radius: radius,
startAngle: startAngle,
endAngle: endAngle,
clockwise: !clockwise
p.addLine(to: center)
return p