Useful xonsh-shell commands/alias/completer functions
To install use pip:
xpip install xontrib-commands
# or: xpip install -U git+/~
xontrib load commands
Use xontrib_commands.argerize:Command
to build arger dispatcher
for your functions. This will create a nice alias function with auto-completions support.
from xontrib_commands.argerize import Command
def record_stats(pkg_name=".", path=".local/stats.txt"):
stat = $(scc @(pkg_name))
echo @($(date) + stat) | tee -a @(path)
- Directly passing the
instances is also supported.
from xontrib_commands.argerize import Arger, Command
arger = Arger(prog="tst", description="App Description goes here")
def create(name: str):
"""Create new test.
:param name: Name of the test
def remove(*name: str):
"""Remove a test with variadic argument.
:param name: tests to remove
Now a full CLI is ready
$ record-stats --help
usage: xonsh [-h] [-p PKG_NAME] [-a PATH]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PKG_NAME, --pkg-name PKG_NAME
-a PATH, --path PATH
- The following commands are available once the xontrib is loaded.
usage: reload-mods [-h] name
Reload any python module in the current xonsh session.
Helpful during development.
positional arguments:
name Name of the module/package to reload. Giving partial names matches all the nested modules.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
$ reload-mods xontrib
- this will reload all modules imported that starts with xontrib name
Please use
`import module` or `import module as mdl` patterns
`from module import name`
will not reload the name imported
usage: report-key-bindings [-h]
Show current Prompt-toolkit bindings in a nice table format
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
dev - A command to cd into a directory. (Default action)
[NAME] - name of the folder to cd into. This searches for names under $PROJECT_PATHS or the ones registered with ``dev add``
--help [SUBCOMMANDS...] - Display this help and exit
add - Register the current folder to dev command.
When using this, it will get saved in a file, also that is used during completions.
ls - Show currently registered paths
load-env FILE - Load environment variables from the given file into Xonsh session
Using /~
Run "dev COMMAND --help" for more information on a command.
usage: parallex [-h] [-s] [-n] [-c] [args ...]
Execute multiple subprocess in parallel
positional arguments:
args individual commands need to be quoted and passed as separate arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-s, --shell
each command should be run with system's commands
-n, --no-order
commands output are interleaved and not ordered
-c, --hide-cmd
do not print the running command
running linters in parallel
$ parallex "flake8 ." "mypy xonsh"