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DCL Deployment on AWS using Terraform and Ansible


This document describes all necessary steps to deploy a new DCL network on AWS cloud in accordance with this design document.

Please note, that the current version of the script can not be used to run just an Observer node without a VN. If you need to run an ON connected to another organization nodes, please follow the manual steps from running-node-manual/


Make sure you have all prerequisites set up

Terraform and Ansible Configuration

1. Set up an AWS user for use with Terraform

Create credentials file [~/.aws/credentials] with the following content:

aws_access_key_id = <access_key_id_here>
aws_secret_access_key = <secret_access_key_here>

Note: Your account must have enough privileges to manage all AWS resources required by terraform

2. Disable host key checking for Ansible (to avoid host key checking when Ansible connects to AWS instances using ssh)

Create Ansible configuration file [~/.ansible.cfg] with the following content:


Deployment Configuration

1. Configure AWS infrastructure parameters


AWS Regions

region_1 = "us-west-1"
region_2 = "us-east-2"
  • Selects two regions where nodes will be created

(Genesis) Validator

validator_config = {
    instance_type = "t3.medium"
    is_genesis    = true
  • Set is_genesis = false to deploy just a validator node (not genesis). This option requires:

    • Putting genesis.json file of an existing network to the following path before the step run-ansible


      where <chain-id> is the chain ID of a network being joined.

      • For testnet-2.0 and main-net the genesis files are already in place

        • deployment/persistent_chains/testnet-2.0/genesis.json (testnet-2.0)
        • deployment/persistent_chains/main-net/genesis.json (main-net)
    • Manually adding the validator to the network (see making node a validator) after the step run-ansible

  • Manually set persistent_peers string in validator config (only if Private Sentries are disabled) [deployment/ansible/roles/configure/vars/validator.yml]

        persistent_peers: "<node1-ID>@<node1-IP>:26656,..."
    • For testnet-2.0 or main-net get the latest persistent_peers string from the CSA slack channel
  • Validator/Genesis node is created in region_1 by default

Private Sentries (optional)

private_sentries_config = {
    enable        = true
    nodes_count   = 2
    instance_type = "t3.medium"
  • Private sentry nodes are created in the region as Validator by default

  • Can be disabled by setting enable = false

  • Only one instance of private sentry is created with static ip address

  • Manually set persistent_peers string in private sentry config [deployment/ansible/roles/configure/vars/private-sentry.yml]

        persistent_peers: "<node1-ID>@<node1-IP>:26656,..."
    • For testnet-2.0 or main-net get the latest persistent_peers string from the CSA slack channel

Public Sentries (optional)

public_sentries_config = {
    enable        = true
    enable_ipv6   = false
    nodes_count   = 2
    instance_type = "t3.medium"

    regions = [
  • Requires Private Sentries being enabled
  • Can be configured to have IPv6 addresses using enable_ipv6 = true

    Note: Number of available IPv4 static addresses is restricted to 5 per region on AWS by default

  • Can be configured to run on multiple regions

Observers (optional)

observers_config = {
    enable           = true
    nodes_count      = 3
    instance_type    = "t3.medium"
    root_domain_name = ""
    enable_tls       = true

    regions = [
  • Requires Private Sentries being enabled
  • When root_domain_name parameter is set, will be serving requests under on.<root_domain_name> domain
    • Name servers for root_domain_name servers must be pointed to AWS and managed by the AWS account
  • TLS can be enabled or disabled
  • Can be configured to run on multiple regions

Prometheus (optional)

prometheus_config = {
  enable        = true
  instance_type = "t3.small"
  • Requires Private Sentries being enabled
  • When enabled runs a dedicated Prometheus server on Private Sentries VPC to collect Tendermint metrics from all DCL nodes
  • Collected metrics are written to AWS AMP workspace

2. Set DCL network params ansible inventory


chain_id: test-net
company_name: company-x
dcl_version: vX.Y.Z
Example for Testnet 2.0 (clickable)
chain_id: testnet-2.0
company_name: <your-company-name>
dcl_version: 0.12.0
Example for Mainnet (clickable)
chain_id: main-net
company_name: <your-company-name>
dcl_version: 0.12.0


1. Run terraform

cd deployment/terraform/aws
terraform apply

Note: Terraform asks a confirmation before applying changes

2. Generate ansible inventory from terraform output

terraform output -json ansible_inventory | dasel -r json -w yaml . > ../../ansible/inventory/aws/aws_all.yaml

3. (Optional) Consider enabling state sync

When joining an existing pool, you may want to enable state sync for all the nodes. To do so, you should set state sync parameters:

    enable: true
    rpc_servers: "http(s):<node1-IP>:26657,..."
    trust_height: <trust-height>
    trust_hash: "<trust-hash>"

in the following ansible config files

Example for Testnet 2.0 (clickable)
    enable: true
    rpc_servers: ","
Example for Mainnet (clickable)
    enable: true
    rpc_servers: ","

NOTE: You should provide at least 2 addresses for rpc_servers. It can be 2 identical addresses

You can use the following command to obtain <trust-height> and <trust-hash> of your network

curl -s http(s)://<host>:<port>/commit | jq "{height: .result.signed_header.header.height, hash: .result.signed_header.commit.block_id.hash}"
Example for Testnet 2.0 (clickable)
curl -s | jq "{height: .result.signed_header.header.height, hash: .result.signed_header.commit.block_id.hash}"
Example for Mainnet (clickable)
curl -s | jq "{height: .result.signed_header.header.height, hash: .result.signed_header.commit.block_id.hash}"
  • <host> - RPC endpoint host of the network being joined
  • <port> - RPC endpoint port of the network being joined

4. Run Ansible

Run the following command from the project home:

ansible-playbook -i ./deployment/ansible/inventory/aws  -u ubuntu ./deployment/ansible/deploy.yml
  • Ansible provisioning can take several minutes depending on number of nodes being provisioned

5. (For non-genesis validator nodes) Add Validator to the network

Deployment Verification

  1. Verify [deployment/persistent_chains/<chain_id>/genesis.json] is created
    • <chain_id> - chain ID of the network specified in Ansible inventory variables
  2. Verify Observers REST endpoint is available under http(s)://on.<root_domain_name> using your browser
  3. Verify Observers RPC endpoint is available under http(s)://on.<root_domain_name>:26657 using your browser
  4. Verify Observers gRPC endpoint is available under http(s)://on.<root_domain_name>:8443 using Postman (or similar tool)
  • <root_domain_name> - domain name specified in terraform Observers config

DCL Web UI integration

Using AWS Amplify Service

  1. Make a fork from DCL UI repo to your own github account

  2. Access your AWS Amplify console and follow the instructions

    • skip instructions for setting up a backend since you are going to deploy only static Vue.js app
    • use the following environment variables:
    • add your <root_domain_name> with a free SSL certificate
  3. Your DCL UI should be available under https://<root_domain_name>

Health and Monitoring


  • Logs from all DCL nodes are collected by AWS cloudwatch agent and available at AWS Cloudwatch
  • Logs are collected per DCL node and AWS region


  • Metrics of AWS EC2 instances where the DCL nodes run on are available at AWS Cloudwatch

  • Metrics of underlying blockchain engine (Tendermint) are pushed to AWS AMP Service when prometheus is enabled

  • Use

    terraform output prometheus_endpoint

    to get prometheus endpoint which can be used by Grafana to visualize metrics. See detailed instructions here