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What's new in Visual Studio subscriptions |
Learn about the new and updated features that you can use to manage Visual Studio subscriptions. |
06/27/2019 |
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We update the Subscription benefits package often to make it more useful to you. We'll also make enhancements to our subscriber and subscription management portals to provide you the best possible experience. Read on to learn about the latest features and updates, sorted quarterly.
Maximum Usage added to Subscriptions Administration portal
A new feature in the Visual Studio subscriptions administration portal helps you track how many subscriptions you've purchased and assigned, and identifies the peak number of subscriptions of each level you've assigned, both within the past year and throughout the duration of your agreement(s). This can help you understand your current subscription usage and plan for future purchases.
You can also see a running history of your assignments, including your purchases and assignments.
For more information, please our maximum usage article.
At the //build conference in May, Microsoft announced that Enterprise Agreement customers can now purchase Visual Studio subscriptions that include GitHub Enterprise. It's an easy way to acquire both Visual Studio subscriptions and GitHub Enterprise for a single lower price.
GitHub Enterprise is available with Visual Studio Enterprise and Visual Studio Professional subscriptions acquired through Enterprise Agreements. There's also a "step-up" offer that allows you to add GitHub Enterprise even if your Enterprise agreement isn't due to renew.
To learn more about benefits, options, and pricing please visit https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/subscriptions/visual-studio-github.
If your organization already has Visual Studio with GitHub Enterprise subscriptions, you can learn more managing Visual Studio with GitHub Enterprise subscriptions in our documentation.
And that's it for now!