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Sonic 3 for Sega Genesis save file format

This is a specification for the save file format used by Sonic 3 and Sonic 3 & Knuckles, released in 1994 for the Sega Genesis, and Sonic & Knuckles Collection, released in 1997 for Windows 95.

This document uses the following terms to represent data sizes, consistent with their use in the Motorola 68000 instruction set:

Term Length Range
BYTE 1 byte (8 bits) 0–255
WORD 2 bytes (16 bits) 0–65,535
LONG 4 bytes (32 bits) 0–4,294,967,295

All numbers are big endian integers, meaning that the word $00FF has the decimal value of 255 and not 65,280.


Offset (Console) Offset (PC) Size Description
$008$05B $000$053 84 bytes Competition, section 1
$05E$0B1 84 bytes Competition, section 2
$0B4$0E7 $0C0$0F3 52 bytes Sonic 3 single-player, section 1
$0FA$12D 52 bytes Sonic 3 single-player, section 2
$140$193 $180$1D3 84 bytes Sonic 3 & Knuckles single-player, section 1
$196$1E9 84 bytes Sonic 3 & Knuckles single-player, section 2

All other bytes are 0.


The save file is 512 bytes long and contains a section for competition times and sections for Sonic 3 or Sonic 3 & Knuckles single-player data (or both, though this is uncommon for emulator saves since emulators give each ROM a separate save file).

Each section contains its own checksum and is duplicated for redundancy. If the checksum for the first section fails, the game tries the second one. If the checksum for the second section fails, the game resets the save data to the default values.

Many emulators, including Gens and Kega Fusion, pad each byte to word-length in big-endian (Motorola) order (so the byte $FF would be written as the word $00FF).


This is the original PC release of the game from 1997. Its save file is named "sonic3k.bin" and located in the program directory. The file is always 1024 bytes in length.

The format is very similar to the console version, but without the duplication (each section only appears once), without the section checksums, and with different starting offsets for each section.

Competition section

The competition section is 84 bytes long. The first section starts at $008 and the second starts at $05E. Both sections should contain identical data unless data corruption has occurred.

Offset 1 (Console) Offset 2 (Console) Offset (PC) Size Description
$008$017 $05E$06D $000$00F 16 bytes Azure Lake
$018$027 $06E$07D $010$01F 16 bytes Balloon Park
$028$037 $07E$08D $020$02F 16 bytes Desert Palace
$038$047 $08E$09D $030$03F 16 bytes Chrome Gadget
$048$057 $09E$0AD $040$04F 16 bytes Endless Mine
$058$059 $0AE$0AF $050$051 WORD Always $4C44
$05A$05B $0B0$0B1 WORD Checksum

Note that the order of Chrome Gadget and Desert Palace are transposed from their order in the game.

Stage contents

Each stage consists of:

Offset Size Description
$0$3 LONG 1st place time
$4$7 LONG 2nd place time
$8$B LONG 3rd place time
$C$F LONG Characters

See Appendix A for a complete list of competition position offsets.


Each time long is structured as follows:

  • First byte is $80 if the position is empty, $00 otherwise.
  • Second byte is minutes.
  • Third byte is seconds.
  • Fourth byte is ticks.

For the PC version, the bytes are in the opposite order:

  • First byte is ticks.
  • Second byte is seconds.
  • Third byte is minutes.
  • Fourth byte is $80 if the position is empty, $00 otherwise.

A tick in Sonic 3 is 1/100 of a second.

If the position is empty, all bytes except the first are set to $00. Empty positions are surpassed by any time when the player completes a stage, regardless of the value of the other bytes.


The characters long is structured as follows:

  • First byte is the character for the 1st place position.
  • Second byte is the character for the 2nd place position.
  • Third byte is the character for the 3rd place position.
  • Fourth byte is always 0.

The character is $00 for Sonic, $01 for Tails, or $02 for Knuckles.

The default value is $00010200 if all positions are empty.

Sonic 3 single-player section

The Sonic 3 single-player section is 52 bytes long. The first section starts at $0B4 and the second starts at $0FA. Both sections should contain identical data unless data corruption has occurred.

Offset 1 (Console) Offset 2 (Console) Offset (PC) Size Description
$0B4$0BB $0FA$101 $0C0$0C7 8 bytes Slot 1
$0BC$0C3 $102$109 $0C8$0CF 8 bytes Slot 2
$0C4$0CB $10A$111 $0D0$0D7 8 bytes Slot 3
$0CC$0D3 $112$119 $0D8$0DF 8 bytes Slot 4
$0D4$0DB $11A$121 $0E0$0E7 8 bytes Slot 5
$0DC$0E3 $122$129 $0E8$0EF 8 bytes Slot 6
$0E4$0E5 $12A$12B $0F0$0F1 WORD Always $4244
$0E6$0E7 $12C$12D WORD Checksum

Slot contents

Each slot is structured as follows:

Offset Size Description
$0 BYTE New game
$1 BYTE Always 0
$2 BYTE Character
$3 BYTE Current Zone
$4 BYTE Next Special Stage
$5 BYTE Number of emeralds
$6 BYTE Chaos Emeralds
$7 BYTE Giant Rings

New game

$80 if new, $00 otherwise.

All other bytes for the slot are $00 if set to new.


Value Character
$00 Sonic & Tails
$01 Sonic
$02 Tails
$02 Knuckles

Knuckles displays properly on the Data Select screen, but selecting him results in playing as Sonic with some minor changes.


The current Zone or $07 for clear.

Value Zone
$00 Angel Island
$01 Hydrocity
$02 Marble Garden
$03 Carnival Night
$04 Flying Battery
$05 Ice Cap
$06 Launch Base
$07 Clear

Flying Battery is selectable but missing most assets. It appears as "Zone 5" on the Data Select screen, the same as Ice Cap.

Next Special Stage

The next Special Stage to be played, between $00 and $06. The game goes through all of the Special Stages in rotation, skipping the ones that have already been successfully completed. This value is set to $00 once the player has collected all of the Chaos Emeralds.

A value of $07 loads an unused Special Stage layout.

If the value corresponds to a Chaos Emerald that has already been collected or is greater than $07, the value is ignored and the game loads the lowest uncompleted Special Stage instead.

Number of emeralds

The number of Chaos Emeralds collected, between $00 and $07. If set to $07, Special Stages can no longer be entered and super forms are enabled.

Chaos Emeralds

Tracks the Chaos Emeralds collected by the player. Each Chaos Emeralds is associated with a particular Special Stage, so they can be collected out of order if the player fails a Special Stage.

This is stored as a bit field of seven bits, each representing one Chaos Emerald:

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | Green
| | | | | Orange
| | | | Pink
| | | Purple
| | Grey
| Red

This can also be expressed as a sum of the powers of 2:

Emerald Value
Green 2
Orange 4
Pink 8
Purple 16
Grey 32
Red 64
Blue 128

A value of $FE means that all of the Chaos Emeralds have been collected.

Giant Rings

Tracks the Giant Rings collected in each Zone. Resets to $00 at the start of a new Zone or after the game has been completed.

This is stored as a bit field of seven bits, each representing one Giant Ring:

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | 1st Giant Ring
| | | | | | 2nd Giant Ring
| | | | | 3rd Giant Ring
| | | | 4th Giant Ring
| | | 5th Giant Ring
| | 6th Giant Ring
| 7th Giant Ring
8th Giant Ring

This can also be expressed as a sum of the powers of 2:

Giant Ring Value
1st 1
2nd 2
3rd 4
4th 8
5th 16
6th 32
7th 64
8th 128

Sonic 3 & Knuckles single-player section

The Sonic 3 & Knuckles single-player section is 84 bytes long. The first section starts at $140 and the second starts at $196. Both sections should contain identical data unless data corruption has occurred.

Offset 1 (Console) Offset 2 (Console) Offset (PC) Size Description
$140$149 $196$19F $180$189 10 bytes Slot 1
$14A$153 $1A0$1A9 $18A$193 10 bytes Slot 2
$154$15D $1AA$1B3 $194$19D 10 bytes Slot 3
$15E$167 $1B4$1BD $19E$1A7 10 bytes Slot 4
$168$171 $1BE$1C7 $1A8$1B1 10 bytes Slot 5
$172$17B $1C8$1D1 $1B2$1BB 10 bytes Slot 6
$17C$185 $1D2$1DB $1BC$1C5 10 bytes Slot 7
$186$18F $1DC$1E5 $1C6$1CF 10 bytes Slot 8
$190$191 $1E6$1E7 $1D0$1D9 WORD Always $4244
$192$193 $1E8$1E9 WORD Checksum

Slot contents

Each slot is structured as follows:

Offset Size Description
$0 BYTE New or clear value
$1 BYTE Always 0
$2 BYTE Character, number of emeralds
$3 BYTE Current Zone
$4 BYTE Giant Rings
$5 BYTE Always 0
$6$7 WORD Chaos Emeralds/Super Emeralds
$8 BYTE Lives
$9 BYTE Continues

New or clear value

Value Type
$80 New
$00 Not cleared
$01 Cleared without all Chaos Emeralds
$02 Cleared with all Chaos Emeralds
$03 Cleared with all Super Emeralds

All other bytes for the slot are $00 if set to new.

Character, number of emeralds

The most significant digit is the character:

Value Character
$00 Sonic & Tails
$10 Sonic
$20 Tails
$30 Knuckles

A value of $40 or higher result in the glitched "Blue Knuckles" character, which uses Knuckles' sprite with Sonic's color palette.

The least significant digit is the number of emeralds collected, between $00 and $07. An emerald is counted as collected if it is a Chaos Emerald, in the Hidden Palace, or a Super Emerald. After all emeralds have been collected, this digit rolls back around to 0.

Current Zone

Value Zone
$00 Angel Island
$01 Hydrocity
$02 Marble Garden
$03 Carnival Night
$04 Ice Cap
$05 Launch Base
$06 Mushroom Hill
$07 Flying Battery
$08 Sandopolis
$09 Lava Reef
$0A Hidden Palace
$0B Sky Sanctuary
$0C Death Egg
$0D The Doomsday

Note that the numbering differs from Sonic 3 after Carnival Night since Flying Battery is moved.

If the game is cleared, this value is set to the last Zone ($0B for Knuckles, $0C for Tails and Sonic with fewer than seven emeralds collected, and $0D for Sonic with at least seven emeralds collected).

Giant Rings

Tracks the Giant Rings collected in each Zone. See the Sonic 3 section for a full description.

Chaos Emeralds/Super Emeralds

Tracks the Chaos Emeralds and Super Emeralds collected by the player. Each emerald corresponds to a particular Special Stage.

This is stored in two separate bytes, each consisting of a bit field.

The first byte:

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | Purple Chaos Emerald
| | | | | | Purple Emerald in Hidden Palace
| | | | | Pink Chaos Emerald
| | | | Pink Emerald in Hidden Palace
| | | Orange Chaos Emerald
| | Orange Emerald in Hidden Palace
| Green Chaos Emerald
Green Emerald in Hidden Palace

The second byte:

1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | Blue Chaos Emerald
| | | | Blue Emerald in Hidden Palace
| | | Red Chaos Emerald
| | Red Emerald in Hidden Palace
| Grey Chaos Emerald
Grey Emerald in Hidden Palace

Each emerald has two bits associated with it, representing one of four possible states:

Bits State
%00 Not collected
%01 Chaos Emerald collected
%10 In Hidden Palace
%11 Super Emerald collected

A value of $FFFC means that all of the Super Emeralds have been collected.

For the PC version, these bytes are in the opposite order (such that $FCFF signifies that all Super Emeralds have been collected).


The number of lives, between 0 and 99 ($63).


The number of continues, between 0 and 99 ($63).

Checksum algorithm

The original algorithm for calculating and verifying the checksum is implemented in Motorola 68000 assembly:

    moveq   #0,d7

    move.w  (a6)+,d5
    eor.w   d5,d7
    lsr.w   #1,d7
    bcc.s   loc_C370
    eori.w  #$8810,d7

    dbf     d6,loc_C364

The address register a6 points to the save data. The data register d7 holds the checksum and d6 is the counter.

We initialize the checksum to $00 and the counter to the length of the section in words, minus the checksum ($28 for the competition and Sonic 3 & Knuckles single-player sections, $18 for the Sonic 3 single-player section).

Then we iterate through the save data one word at a time and xor each word with the checksum. We then do a logical shift right, which saves the least significant bit before the shift as the carry bit. If the carry bit is 0, we xor the checksum with the value $8810.

The algorithm implemented in JavaScript:

function calculateChecksum(bytes) {
	const BIT_MASK = 0x8810;
	let checksum = 0;

	for (let i = 0; i < bytes.length - 2; i += 2) {
		checksum ^= (bytes[i] << 8) | bytes[i + 1];

		const carry = checksum & 1; // gets least significant bit before shift
		checksum >>>= 1;

		if (carry != 0) {
			checksum ^= BIT_MASK;

	return checksum;

The checksum is only used by the console version.


A. Competition offsets

Offset (Console) Offset (PC) Size Description
$008$00B $000$003 LONG Azure Lake, 1st place time
$00C$00F $004$007 LONG Azure Lake, 2nd place time
$010$013 $008$00B LONG Azure Lake, 3rd place time
$014$017 $00C$00F LONG Azure Lake, characters
$018$01B $010$013 LONG Balloon Park, 1st place time
$01C$01F $014$017 LONG Balloon Park, 2nd place time
$020$023 $018$01B LONG Balloon Park, 3rd place time
$024$027 $01C$01F LONG Balloon Park, characters
$028$02B $020$023 LONG Desert Palace, 1st place time
$02C$02F $024$027 LONG Desert Palace, 2nd place time
$030$033 $028$02B LONG Desert Palace, 3rd place time
$034$037 $02C$02F LONG Desert Palace, characters
$038$03B $030$033 LONG Chrome Gadget, 1st place time
$03C$03F $034$037 LONG Chrome Gadget, 2nd place time
$040$043 $038$03B LONG Chrome Gadget, 3rd place time
$044$047 $03C$03F LONG Chrome Gadget, characters
$048$04B $040$043 LONG Endless Mine, 1st place time
$04C$04F $044$047 LONG Endless Mine, 2nd place time
$050$053 $048$04B LONG Endless Mine, 3rd place time
$054$057 $04C$04F LONG Endless Mine, characters


Checksum algorithm taken from Sonic Retro's Sonic 3 & Knuckles disassembly by Stealth and contributors.