Homebrew uses formulas to know how to install things. If you want to see what a given thing's formula file (written in Ruby) looks like, there are two ways to get at it.
If you already have the thing installed, the formula is available on your
machine. You can cat
it to stdout with brew cat
❯ brew cat bat
Here is what bat
looks like:
class Bat < Formula
desc "Clone of cat(1) with syntax highlighting and Git integration"
homepage "/~https://github.com/sharkdp/bat"
url "/~https://github.com/sharkdp/bat/archive/v0.17.1.tar.gz"
sha256 "16d39414e8a3b80d890cfdbca6c0e6ff280058397f4a3066c37e0998985d87c4"
license "Apache-2.0"
depends_on "rust" => :build
uses_from_macos "zlib"
def install
system "cargo", "install", *std_cargo_args
assets_dir = Dir["target/release/build/bat-*/out/assets"].first
man1.install "#{assets_dir}/manual/bat.1"
fish_completion.install "#{assets_dir}/completions/bat.fish"
zsh_completion.install "#{assets_dir}/completions/bat.zsh" => "_bat"
test do
pdf = test_fixtures("test.pdf")
output = shell_output("#{bin}/bat #{pdf} --color=never")
assert_match "Homebrew test", output
If you don't have the thing installed, you'll have to access the formula remotely.
❯ brew info --github bat
This will open up the formula on GitHub in your default browser.