A word boundary pattern:\b
is a test, just like pattern:^
and pattern:$
When the regexp engine (program module that implements searching for regexps) comes across pattern:\b
, it checks that the position in the string is a word boundary.
There are three different positions that qualify as word boundaries:
- At string start, if the first string character is a word character
. - Between two characters in the string, where one is a word character
and the other is not. - At string end, if the last string character is a word character
For instance, regexp pattern:\bJava\b
will be found in subject:Hello, Java!
, where subject:Java
is a standalone word, but not in subject:Hello, JavaScript!
alert( "Hello, Java!".match(/\bJava\b/) ); // Java
alert( "Hello, JavaScript!".match(/\bJava\b/) ); // null
In the string subject:Hello, Java!
following positions correspond to pattern:\b
So, it matches the pattern pattern:\bHello\b
, because:
- At the beginning of the string matches the first test
. - Then matches the word
. - Then the test
matches again, as we're betweensubject:o
and a comma.
So the pattern pattern:\bHello\b
would match, but not pattern:\bHell\b
(because there's no word boundary after l
) and not Java!\b
(because the exclamation sign is not a wordly character pattern:\w
, so there's no word boundary after it).
alert( "Hello, Java!".match(/\bHello\b/) ); // Hello
alert( "Hello, Java!".match(/\bJava\b/) ); // Java
alert( "Hello, Java!".match(/\bHell\b/) ); // null (no match)
alert( "Hello, Java!".match(/\bJava!\b/) ); // null (no match)
We can use pattern:\b
not only with words, but with digits as well.
For example, the pattern pattern:\b\d\d\b
looks for standalone 2-digit numbers. In other words, it looks for 2-digit numbers that are surrounded by characters different from pattern:\w
, such as spaces or punctuation (or text start/end).
alert( "1 23 456 78".match(/\b\d\d\b/g) ); // 23,78
alert( "12,34,56".match(/\b\d\d\b/g) ); // 12,34,56
```warn header="Word boundary pattern:\b
doesn't work for non-latin alphabets"
The word boundary test `pattern:\b` checks that there should be `pattern:\w` on the one side from the position and "not `pattern:\w`" - on the other side.
But pattern:\w
means a latin letter a-z
(or a digit or an underscore), so the test doesn't work for other characters, e.g. cyrillic letters or hieroglyphs.