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One-shot StreetLearn and Memory & Planning Game

This repository contains code for the environments used in the paper "Rapid Task-Solving in Novel Environments" by Sam Ritter, Ryan Faulkner, Laurent Sartran, Adam Santoro, Matt Botvinick and David Raposo. It was published as a conference paper at ICLR 2021.

To cite this work:

  title={Rapid Task-Solving in Novel Environments},
  author={Samuel Ritter and Ryan Faulkner and Laurent Sartran and Adam Santoro
  and Matthew Botvinick and David Raposo},
  booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},

Memory&Planning Game

The Memory&Planning Game is a simple variation of the well-known Memory Game, wherein players must remember the locations of cards in a grid. This variation extends the challenge to require planning as well as remembering.

In the Memory&Planning Game, the agent occupies an environment consisting of a grid of symbols (e.g. 4x4). The observation consists of two symbols — one which corresponds to the agent's current location, and another that corresponds to the "goal" the agent is tasked with navigating to. The agent can not see its relative location with respect to other symbols in the grid. At each step the agent selects one of 5 possible actions: move left, move right, move up, move down, and collect. If the agent chooses the "collect" action when its current location symbol matches the goal symbol, a reward of +1 is received. Otherwise, the agent receives a reward of 0. At the beginning of each episode, a new set of symbols is sampled, effectively inducing a new transition function. The agent is allowed a fixed number of steps (e.g. 100) per episode to "collect" as many goals as possible. Each time the agent collects a goal — which corresponds to completing a task —, a new goal is sampled in and the transition function stays fixed.


The following code snipped shows an example of how to load the environment, start a new episode and take a few random steps. A plot representing the current state of the environment is displayed for each step.

import memory_planning_game

env = memory_planning_game.MemoryPlanningGame(4, seed=123)
_ = env.reset()
for _ in range(5):
  timestep = env.take_random_action()
  fig, ax = env.draw_maze()

Memory & Planning Game environment

One-Shot StreetLearn

The One-Shot StreetLearn is a domain wherein environments are sampled as neighborhoods from the StreetLearn dataset (Mirowski et al., 2019). Tasks are then sampled by selecting a position and orientation that the agent must navigate to from its current location.

In One-Shot StreetLearn, the agent's observations consist of a representation of the current state and a representation of the goal state. The agent receives no other information from the environment. The available actions are turn right, which orients the agent clockwise toward the next available direction of motion from its current location; turn left, which does the same in the other direction; and move forward, which moves the agent along the direction it is facing to the next available location. In each episode, we sample a new neighborhood with 5 intersections from one of 12 cities. To reduce the exploration problem while keeping the planning difficulty constant, we removed all the locations that were not intersections (i.e. that corresponded to degree-2 nodes in the connectivity graph of the sampled neighbourhood).

Note: In the paper we used images to represent each location, taken from the StreetLearn dataset. In this codebase, to simplify the public release process, we replace the images with one-hot vectors, to represent each location.

Every time the agent reaches a goal, a new starting- and goal-state pair is sampled, initiating a new task, until the fixed episode step limit is reached (e.g. 200 steps). A step that takes the agent to the goal state results in a reward of +1. Any other step results in a reward of 0.

City graph datasets

In this [link] ( you can download the datasets containing the connectivity graphs of different cities. You will need at least one of these datasets in order to build the environment.


The following code snipped shows an example of how to load the environment for an example city (in this case, Madrid), start a new episode and take a few random steps. A plot representing the current state of the environment is displayed for each step.

import numpy as np
import one_shot_streetlearn

region = 'madrid'
sl_config = {
    'dataset_path': f'./datasets/{region}_full_graph.gexf',
    'max_episode_steps': 200,
    'num_junctions': 5,
env = one_shot_streetlearn.OneShotStreetLearn(**sl_config)

_ = env.reset()
for _ in range(4):
  rnd_action = np.random.randint(env.NUM_ACTIONS)
  timestep = env.step(rnd_action)
  fig, ax = env.draw_subgraph()

One-shot StreetLearn environment