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j7126 edited this page Oct 13, 2020
74 revisions
Welcome to the OctoPrint-Dashboard wiki!
- Improvements
- A new more organized settings UI
- Added default webcam option to choose which webcam appears when the page is loaded
- Bug Fixes
- Multi-cam issues fixed by creating dashboard's own multi-cam implementation
- Multi-cam settings can now be found in dashboard settings
- MultiCam plugin no longer supported
- Added a loading animation when switching between webcams
- Fix issue with floating navbar plugin in dashboard full-screen
- Added an option to disable Themeify color support #213
- Fixed an issue with long file names running out of space #212
- Fixed an issue with conflicting timers preventing restart #214. Contributed by @cp2004
- Multi-cam issues fixed by creating dashboard's own multi-cam implementation
- Features
- Official release of Command Widgets
- Added Command Widget permissions to prevent unauthorized access
- Dashboard now works properly with Themeify #206
- Official release of Command Widgets
- Bug Fixes
- Fix for CPU temp not showing in python 3. (#191) Contributed to by @0xz00n
- Fix for non-formatted print height. (#193) Contributed by @OllisGit
- Fix for issues with Command Widgets on python 3
- Tabbed settings consistent UI and more descriptive tab names
- Added setting for removing webcam nonce
- Fix for compatibility with OctoPrint-Widescreen plugin #182
- Layer duration chart now scrolls #73
- Features
- A new label interpolation algorithm and the possibility to scroll the layer graph has been added to make it more useful on large prints. (#73) Contributed by @Willmac16
- Experimental support for Command Widgets. It is now possible to configure shell commands where the stdout/stderr result can be displayed in widgets. This makes it possible to extend the Dashboard thru commands and scripts like for example showing SNMP metrics, etc. (#162)
- Improved visibility of webcam icons in dark themes (#170)
- Granular CSS classnames for improved usability with themes (#172). Contributed by @Klammerson
- New Tabbed settings dialog (#175).
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed CSS Typo (#172). Contributed by @Klammerson
- Fixed interfering with Multicam plugin settings where the stream order setting was reversed due to a bug in v1.13.0. A problem with the wrong stream button being selected in the Control tab persists as the cause has not yet been identified.
- Features
- Added support for multiple webcams via the multicam plugin and it is now also possible to stop the webcam to save bandwidth (#119) thanks to a patch provided by CynanX.
- Features
- Added support for Showing RPi CPU temp with Onewire temp sensors. (#148)
- Bug Fixes
- Fix botched version numbering in 1.12.0 (#153)
- Features
- Setting to suppress the DisplayLayerProgress warning messages. (#151)
- Added support for BananaPi CPU temp. (#139)
- Bug Fixes
- Fix for changing the temp gauge color to red when above target (#146)
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed botched version id in setup.py introduced in 1.11.2 (Issue #129)
- Bug Fixes
- Changed DLP total height property from TotalHeightWithExtrusion to TotalHeight (Issue #127)
- Merged pull request #108 to fix filenames with non-ascii chars.
- Features
- Marked plugin as compatible with Python 3 (Issue #86)
- Bug Fixes
- Changed the way the full browser button works to support more browsers (Issue #96)
- Features
- A setting to enable coloring of the temp gauges has been added. The temp indicator will be blue below the target temp, green on the target temp and red above. A deviation parameter is used to configure how many degrees below or above the target temp the indicator shall be set to green. (Issue #40)
- Two settings has been added for CPU warning threshold (default 70 degrees) and CPU critical threshold (default 85 degrees). The CPU temp indicator will blue by default, orange above the warning threshold and red above the critical threshold. (Issue #40)
- A CPU frequency indicator (MHz) has been added to the CPU widget. This will indicate the level of throttling the system applies to the CPU. (mainly useful on RPi) (Issue #40)
- Added a check to not load the webcam stream if the webcam view is disabled in the Dashboard settings. (Issue #80)
- Added a new button to switch to full browser mode in addition to the full screen mode. The new button has the same effect as typing in the ?dashboard=full url parameter. The full browser mode was added in 1.8.0 and is useful when for example using a "kiosk" browser as a printer display. (Issue #95)
- Removed the context menus for job control and connect/disconnect to printer that was added in 1.6.0. The reason is that they were not useful on tablets and too hard to find. (Issue #93). Replaced by:
- Added a setting (disabled by default) to enable Job control widgets for Starting, Pausing/Resuming and Cancelling a job. This is useful for users who use the fullscreen mode on tablets as a printer monitor. (Issue #87)
- Removed the experimental support for DHT11/22 sensors added in 1.10.0 and replaced it with an integration to the Enclosure Plugin. All input temperature/humidity sensors configured in Enclosure will be displayed as widgets on the Dashboard if enabled. (Issue #92) This will make it possible to integrate all temp sensor types supported by Enclosure in the Dashboard:
- DHT11
- DHT22
- AM2302
- DS18B20
- SI7021
- BME280
- TMP102
- MAX31855
- Bug Fixes
- Fix for widgets not fitting on the screen in fullscreen mode. (Issue #71)
- Bug Fixes
- Fix for layer count not correct in dashboard but in DisplayLayerProgress (Issue #81)
- Fix for incorrect dashboard height indicator (Issue #76)
- Font size for long filenames scales down to fit the file name on one line instead of breaking. (Issue #83)
- Bug Fixes
- Fix for setup failure on non-RPi systems due to introduction of Adafruit DHT module import (Issue #77 - Broken update on PC/x86)
- Features
- New experimental feature: Layer Progress circle and bar gauges. This feature was kindly provided by @j7126 (Issue #8). This feature introduces a new dependency to the Gcode Visualizer Tab that from this version on has to be enabled for the Dashboard to work.
- New experimental feature: Support for DHT11 and DHT22 temperature/humidity sensor via RPi GPIO pins. This includes a new widget and visibility setting. This can be used to monitor ambient or enclosure temperature. (Issue #57)
- Features
- New Widget for displaying last M117 Message sent to printer (Issue #63)
- Support for showing system info on Linux (Issue #68)
- Better scaling of Layer Duration Chart X axis when layers > 100 (Issue #67)
- Updates Fan Speed widget immediately instead of on next layer change (Issue #66)
- Bug Fixes
- Fix for Extruded Filament widget not working when gcode in relative mode or absolute mode with extruder resets on layer change. (Issue #60)
- Attempted fix for webcam stream disappearing after a while (Issue #69)
- Features
- New Layer duration chart that displays time spent on each printed layer. This feature requires DisplayLayerProgress v1.14.0 or later. (Issue #59)
- Fullscreen mode option is now available when accessing the page via URL. This makes it possible to use the Dashboard in Kiosk-mode browsers. (Issue #50)
- Features
- New setting to use theme colours in fullscreen mode.
- Bug fixes
- New attempt to fix broken GCode parser that was introduced in v1.6.0 to support the extruded filament widget. Symptoms included ignored GCode commands (Issue #53 #54 and #55)
- Bug fixes
- Fix for broken GCode parser that was introduced in v1.6.0 to support the extruded filament widget. (Issue #53 and #54)
- Features
- New SVG brogress bar that is consistent with the rest of the Dashboard UI (Issue #45)
- New Extruded Filament widget that tracks the extrusion commands sent to the printer (Issue #51)
- New Context Menus (right click) on Connection, Progress and File widgets to send commands to connect/disconnect and Cancel/Pause jobs. This is a first step to provide controls to the dashboard without cluttering the view (Issue #4)
- Bug fixes
- Fix for fullscreen compatability with touch ui #52
- Bug fixes
- Fix for compatibility with other plugins that displays the webcam view like WebcamTab, ConsolidateTempControl, TouchUI, etc...
- Features
- Polished fullscreen support thanks to PR from GitHub user j7126 (Issue #38)
- Support for WebCam Rotation by 90 degrees (Issue #42)
- Added a Help page on the Wiki for Q&A and various config tips: /~https://github.com/StefanCohen/OctoPrint-Dashboard/wiki/Help
- Bug fixes
- Fixed WebCam scaling in fullscreen mode (Issue #41)
- Fix for Webcam stream not loading if relative path doesn't begin with slash (Issue #44)
- Features
- Added (Experimental) Fullscreen support in settings (setting adds full-screen icon to the Dasboard tab). The styling will need some work to make sense in fullscreen and I welcome help from somebody who knows CSS better than I do (Issue #38)
- Removed leading slash character from image links. It should now be easier to use the Dashboard behind reverse proxies.
- Re-added the experimental setting to Hide Hotend gauge(s) if target temp == 0. This should hopefully work as expected now without causing issues for other users. (Issue #26)
- Bug fixes
- Removed the experimental setting to Hide Hotend gauge(s) if target temp == 0. (Issue #26) since it was causing problems for several users.
- Features
- Webcam view Scaling supported. Also adapts to larger screens. (Issue #29)
- Webcam flipping Horizontally and Vertically supported. (Issue #28)
- Setting to hide the progress gauge completelly (useful on smaller screens) (Issue #27)
- Experimental setting to Hide Hotend gauge(s) if target temp == 0. Useful of multi-hotend printers. (#26)
- Better formatting for smaller screens. (#31)
- Features
- Added WebCam view in the dashboard (Issue #2)
- New widgets for Host metrics (CPU load, CPU Temp, Mem, Disk) added. Can be enabled in the plugin settings (Issue #20)
- Setting to enable/disable Fan, Octoprint Host System Info and Webcam added to the plugin settings (Issue #15)
- An OctoPrint error popup message is displayed if DisplayLayerProgress is not detected. This is hopefully more clear than the previous error message (Issue #22)
- The setting in DisplayLayerProgress to format the Average Layer Time string is used instead of a hardcoded format (issue #24)
- Layer count uses the Layer Offset from DisplayLayerProgress instead of a hard-coded offset (Issue #16)
- Bug fixes
- Temperature Gauge Maximums settings introduced in 1.1.0 now works as designed (Issue #23)
- Features
- The link to the DisplayLayerProgress page now opens in a new window.
- The temperature gauges now have individually configurable max temperatures in the settings dialog (issue #3)
- Temperatures are rounded to no decimals (issue #1)
- Bug fixes
- The hotend temp gauge(s) are no longer visible while disconnected (issue #18)
- The Fan icon tooltip is now correct (issue #13)
- Layer icons no longer displayed as NaN during the first layer (issue #12)
- The progress bar percentage value is now not hidded behind the bar (issue #6)
- Initial release via the Octoprint Plugin Manager