A collection of ISO C binding interfaces to Lua 5.4 for Fortran 2008, to call Lua from Fortran and vice versa.
Similar projects:
- AOTUS: Library that provides a Fortran wrapper to use Lua scripts as configuration files (MIT).
- FortLua: Example that shows how to load Lua configuration files from Fortran, based on AOTUS (MIT).
- fortran-lua53: Fortran 2008 bindings to Lua 5.3 (ISC).
- f2k3-lua: Lua bindings for loading configuration files only (MIT).
- luaf: Selected bindings to Lua 5.1 (MIT).
Install Lua 5.4 with development headers. On FreeBSD, run:
# pkg install devel/pkgconf lang/lua54
On Debian Linux, install:
# apt-get install pkg-config liblua5.4 liblua5.4-dev
Use xmake to build fortran-lua54:
$ xmake
This outputs libfortran-lua54.a
and lua.mod
to build/
. Without xmake, just
compile and install the library using the provided Makefile
$ make
$ make install PREFIX=/opt
Or, run the Fortran Package Manager:
$ fpm build --profile release
Link your Fortran applications against libfortran-lua54.a
, and liblua-5.4.a
or -llua54
. On Linux, you have to link against liblua5.4.a
or -llua5.4
respectively instead. The include and library search paths may differ as well.
The following basic example shows how to call the Lua function hello()
from Fortran.
-- script.lua
function hello()
print('Hello from Lua!')
Make sure that script.lua
is stored in the same directory as the Fortran
! example.f90
program main
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
use :: lua
implicit none
type(c_ptr) :: l
integer :: rc
l = lual_newstate()
call lual_openlibs(l)
rc = lual_dofile(l, 'script.lua')
rc = lua_getglobal(l, 'hello')
rc = lua_pcall(l, 0, 0, 0)
call lua_close(l)
end program main
If the the interface bindings are installed to /opt
, then compile,
link, and run the example with:
$ gfortran -I/opt/include/libfortran-lua54/ -L/usr/local/lib/lua/5.4/ \
-o example example.f90 /opt/lib/libfortran-lua54.a -llua-5.4
$ ./example
Hello from Lua!
On Linux, change the prefix /usr/local
to /usr
. To link Lua 5.4 statically,
run instead:
$ gfortran -o example example.f90 libfortran-lua54.a /usr/local/lib/liblua-5.4.a
Additional examples can be found in examples/
- fibonacci: calls a recursive Lua routine loaded from file.
- library: calls a Fortran routine inside a shared library from Lua (copy
, then runshare/library.lua
). - string: runs Lua code stored in a Fortran string.
- table: reads values from a Lua table.
You can add fortran-lua54 as an FPM dependency:
fortran-lua54 = { git = "/~https://github.com/interkosmos/fortran-lua54.git" }
The integer and float types used by Lua internally depend on the targeted
platform. The program test/types.c
outputs the types:
$ make test
$ ./types
lua_integer.: c_long_long
lua_number..: c_double
lua_kcontext: c_intptr_t
You may have to alter lua_integer
, lua_number
, and lua_kcontext
Function Name | Fortran Interface Name | Bound | Wrapper |
luaL_addchar |
luaL_addlstring |
luaL_addsize |
luaL_addstring |
luaL_addvalue |
luaL_argcheck |
luaL_argerror |
luaL_buffinit |
luaL_buffinitsize |
luaL_callmeta |
luaL_checkany |
luaL_checkinteger |
luaL_checklstring |
luaL_checknumber |
luaL_checkoption |
luaL_checkstack |
luaL_checkstring |
luaL_checktype |
luaL_checkudata |
luaL_checkversion |
luaL_dofile |
lual_dofile |
✓ | |
luaL_dostring |
lual_dostring |
✓ | |
luaL_error |
luaL_execresult |
luaL_fileresult |
luaL_getmetafield |
luaL_getmetatable |
luaL_getsubtable |
luaL_gsub |
luaL_len |
lual_len |
✓ | |
luaL_loadbufferx |
luaL_loadfile |
lual_loadfile |
✓ | |
luaL_loadfilex |
lual_loadfilex |
✓ | |
luaL_loadstring |
lual_loadstring |
✓ | ✓ |
luaL_newlib |
luaL_newlibtable |
luaL_newmetatable |
luaL_newstate |
lual_newstate |
✓ | |
luaL_openlibs |
lual_openlibs |
✓ | |
luaL_opt |
luaL_optinteger |
luaL_optlstring |
luaL_optnumber |
luaL_optstring |
luaL_prepbuffer |
luaL_prepbuffsize |
luaL_pushresult |
luaL_pushresultsize |
luaL_ref |
luaL_register |
luaL_requiref |
luaL_setfuncs |
luaL_setmetatable |
luaL_testudata |
luaL_tolstring |
luaL_traceback |
luaL_typename |
luaL_unref |
luaL_where |
lua_absindex |
lua_arith |
lua_arith |
✓ | |
lua_atpanic |
lua_call |
lua_call |
✓ | |
lua_callk |
lua_callk |
✓ | |
lua_checkstack |
lua_checkstack |
✓ | |
lua_close |
lua_close |
✓ | |
lua_compare |
lua_compare |
✓ | |
lua_concat |
lua_concat |
✓ | |
lua_copy |
lua_copy |
✓ | |
lua_createtable |
lua_createtable |
✓ | |
lua_dump |
lua_error |
lua_gc |
lua_gc |
✓ | |
lua_getallocf |
lua_getextraspace |
lua_getfield |
lua_getfield |
✓ | ✓ |
lua_getglobal |
lua_getglobal |
✓ | ✓ |
lua_geti |
lua_getmetatable |
lua_gettable |
lua_gettop |
lua_gettop |
✓ | |
lua_getuservalue |
lua_insert |
lua_isboolean |
lua_isboolean |
✓ | |
lua_iscfunction |
lua_iscfunction |
✓ | |
lua_isfunction |
lua_isfunction |
✓ | |
lua_isinteger |
lua_isinteger |
✓ | |
lua_islightuserdata |
lua_isnil |
lua_isnil |
✓ | |
lua_isnone |
lua_isnone |
✓ | |
lua_isnoneornil |
lua_isnoneornil |
✓ | |
lua_isnumber |
lua_isnumber |
✓ | |
lua_isstring |
lua_isstring |
✓ | |
lua_istable |
lua_istable |
✓ | |
lua_isthread |
lua_isthread |
✓ | |
lua_isuserdata |
lua_isuserdata |
✓ | |
lua_isyieldable |
lua_isyieldable |
✓ | |
lua_len |
lua_load |
lua_load |
✓ | |
lua_newstate |
lua_newtable |
lua_newtable |
✓ | |
lua_newthread |
lua_newuserdata |
lua_next |
lua_numbertointeger |
lua_pcall |
lua_pcall |
✓ | |
lua_pcallk |
lua_pcallk |
✓ | |
lua_pop |
lua_pop |
✓ | |
lua_pushboolean |
lua_pushboolean |
✓ | |
lua_pushcclosure |
lua_pushcclosure |
✓ | |
lua_pushcfunction |
lua_pushfstring |
lua_pushglobaltable |
lua_pushinteger |
lua_pushinteger |
✓ | |
lua_pushlightuserdata |
lua_pushlightuserdata |
✓ | |
lua_pushliteral |
lua_pushlstring |
lua_pushlstring |
✓ | ✓ |
lua_pushnil |
lua_pushnil |
✓ | |
lua_pushnumber |
lua_pushnumber |
✓ | |
lua_pushstring |
lua_pushstring |
✓ | ✓ |
lua_pushthread |
lua_pushthread |
✓ | |
lua_pushvalue |
lua_pushvalue |
✓ | |
lua_pushvfstring |
lua_rawequal |
lua_rawget |
lua_rawget |
✓ | |
lua_rawgeti |
lua_rawgeti |
✓ | |
lua_rawgetp |
lua_rawlen |
lua_rawlen |
✓ | |
lua_rawset |
lua_rawset |
✓ | |
lua_rawseti |
lua_rawseti |
✓ | |
lua_rawsetp |
lua_register |
lua_register |
✓ | |
lua_remove |
lua_replace |
lua_resume |
lua_rotate |
lua_setallocf |
lua_setfield |
lua_setfield |
✓ | ✓ |
lua_setglobal |
lua_setglobal |
✓ | ✓ |
lua_seti |
lua_seti |
✓ | |
lua_setmetatable |
lua_settable |
lua_settable |
✓ | |
lua_settop |
lua_settop |
✓ | |
lua_setuservalue |
lua_status |
lua_status |
✓ | |
lua_stringtonumber |
lua_toboolean |
lua_toboolean |
✓ | ✓ |
lua_tocfunction |
lua_tointeger |
lua_tointeger |
✓ | |
lua_tointegerx |
lua_tointegerx |
✓ | |
lua_tolstring |
lua_tonumber |
lua_tonumber |
✓ | |
lua_tonumberx |
lua_tonumberx |
✓ | |
lua_topointer |
lua_tostring |
lua_tostring |
✓ | |
lua_tothread |
lua_touserdata |
lua_type |
lua_type |
✓ | |
lua_typename |
lua_typename |
✓ | ✓ |
lua_upvalueindex |
lua_version |
lua_version |
✓ | |
lua_xmove |
lua_yield |
lua_yieldk |