- yaml/pyyaml: Canonical source repository for PyYAML PyYAML - The next generation YAML parser and emitter for Python. 同時做為 YAML 的 parser 與 emitter (寫出 YAML)
- PyYAML - Wiki
- A complete YAML 1.1 parser. In particular, PyYAML can parse all examples from the specification. 對 YAML 1.2 的支援?
- Unicode support including UTF-8/UTF-16 input/output and * <-- 最後的星號指的是?
- Low-level EVENT-BASED parser and emitter API (like SAX).
- High-level API for serializing and deserializing native Python objects (like DOM or pickle).
- Support for all types from the YAML types repository. A simple extension API is provided. 若 YAML 支援這麼多 type,那麼 PyYAML 支援 object serialization 也不奇怪了。
- Both pure-Python and fast LibYAML-based parsers and emitters.
- Welcome to PyYAML PyYAML is a full-featured YAML FRAMEWORK for the Python programming language. 支援 high-/low-level API、pure-Python/LibYAML-based impl、object serialization、可擴充 YAML type 等,就能理解 framework 的說法。
- ansible/requirements.txt at v2.7.5 · ansible/ansible
- mkdocs/setup.py at 1.0.4 · mkdocs/mkdocs
- Search · filename:setup.py pyyaml - GitHub
- PyYAML - Wiki A complete YAML 1.1 parser.
- YAML 1.2 support · Issue #116 · yaml/pyyaml (2017-12-27) 不少人按讚,但幾乎沒有討論;ruamel.yaml 是選項?
- Is this time to pass the baton? · Issue #31 · yaml/pyyaml (2016-08-08) #ril
- xi / pyyaml / issues / #59 - Has this project been abandoned? — Bitbucket (2016-04-05)
- Nicholas Chammas: It just seems weird that such an important and widely used Python library -- ~3.8M downloads last month according to PyPI! 這麼多人在用的 library,卻這麼久沒更新了;https://bitbucket.org/ruamel/yaml 這個 fork 看似有趣?
- AMIGrAve: 沒進 Python standard library 也很奇怪。
- pyyaml does not support literals in unicode over codepoint 0xffff · Issue #25 · yaml/pyyaml jlevy: ruamel.yaml 沒這個問題、adamchainz: 問題解了但還沒 release。
- Rebase off ruamel? - many new valuable features · Issue #46 · yaml/pyyaml (2016-12-10) #ril
- PyYAML Wiki #ril
- PyYAML Documentation #ril
- How can I parse a YAML file in Python - Stack Overflow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1773805/ 也用 PyYAML #ril
- YAML parsing and Python? - Stack Overflow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6866600/ 用 PyYAML 套件 #ril
- PyYAML - Wiki 提到 high-level API for serializing and deserializing native Python objects (like DOM or pickle).
- Welcome to PyYAML LibYAML is a YAML parser and emitter written in C 為什麼會特別提及 LibYAML,跟 PyYAML 在同個組織下?
- PyYAML - Wiki Both pure-Python and fast LibYAML-based parsers and emitters.
- yaml/pyyaml: Canonical source repository for PyYAML #ril
- By default, the
script checks whether LibYAML is installed and if so, builds and installs LibYAML bindings. To skip the check and force installation of LibYAML bindings, use the option--with-libyaml
:python setup.py --with-libyaml install
. - To disable the check and skip building and installing LibYAML bindings, use
:python setup.py --without-libyaml install
會檢查系統是不是有 LibYAML,如果有的話就安裝 LibYAML binding,若不想安裝 LibYAML binding 則可以加上--without-libyaml
- By default, the