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26 lines (16 loc) · 1.63 KB

File metadata and controls

26 lines (16 loc) · 1.63 KB

PDF (Portable Document Format)

不能複製文字 ?? {: #copy-text }

  • Can’t Copy Text from a PDF File?
    • You can quickly check to see if a PDF file is secured in Adobe Reader by looking up in the title bar and looking for the word SECURED.
    • You can see specific permissions by clicking on Edit and then clicking on Protection and then Security Properties.
    • As you can see below, content copying is not allowed and the security is PROTECTED BY A PASSWORD. If you know the password, then you could remove the security and copy all you want.
    • Unless you’re a hacker, breaking the password is not an option. So the only other thing you can do is take a screenshot of the text and then run it through an OCR program. Sounds like too much work, but it really is not. You can take a screenshot on a Mac or PC without additional software.


Text Extraction ??
