Popper.js aims to be a foundation block to build powerful libraries on top of it.
In this page we try to collect a list of libraries built with it:
You can easily use Popper.js inside your application written using one of the most common frameworks or view libraries thank to the following projects.
We are looking for awesome libraries to integrate Popper.js into other frameworks and libraries. Have you written an integration library for your favourite framework? Let us know!
React wrapper around Popper.js.
React wrapper around Popper.js, maintained by Atlassian.
This component is in alpha base, you can contribute to it!
The Vue.js situation is particular, there are several UI frameworks that use Popper.js internally, but only few "basic" components that let you use Popper.js with it.
Simple Vue.js component for Popper.js.
Vue.js tooltip directive (based on Popper.js)
An Ember-centric wrapper around Popper.js.
It is developed for React but it works fine with both Preact and Inferno if
you alias react
and react-dom
to preact-compat
or inferno-compat
A lightweight, pure JavaScript tooltip library.
For an always updated list of projects using Popper.js, please visit:
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