This is a very important result in computer science. Check these slides or this video.
- Quick Select has bad theoretical worst-case running time. How can we find the median in linear time? Watch Turing Award winner Blum talk about his algorithm. Watch this explanation of the algorithm.
- Given a continuously arriving stream of data, how can we efficiently, at any point, report the median? Check these slides.
The following are more examples of well-known Divide & Conquer algorithms. Some of these examples were taught previousl at PSUT and are commonly taught in courses on algorithms.
Counting Inversions. This problem has many applications and can be solved efficiently with a slight modification of Mergesort. [video1][video2]
Karatsuba's Algorithm for Integer Multiplication. This is a classic (and quite clever) algorithm for multiplying two integers. It is better than the algorithms discussed in the introductory lecture of this course (slides from Spring 2023, video).
Finding the closest pair of points in a 2D space. While the divide and conquer algorithm is not the fastest known algorithm for this problem, it is a classic example of divide and conquer that can be eye opening to learn! [video]
Strassen's Algorithm for Matrix Multiplication (wikipedia article)