When processing any step of any protocol, if something is wrong, the mediator tries to:
- Update the record to a documented error state
- Log the error in the service logs
- Send the problem report message when appropriate
This table defines the expected behavior of the mediator in different scenarios not covered by the specifications.
Mediators | Mediator | Roadmap Mediator |
Scenario G1 | G1C | - |
Scenario G2 | G2B [ATL-5840] | - |
Scenario G3 | Fallback G2B | [TODO] G3B |
Scenario G4 | G4B | - |
Scenario G5 | Fallback G4B | [TODO] G5B |
Scenario G6 | Fallback G4B | G6B |
Scenario G7 | Fallback G4B | [TODO] G7B |
Scenario G8 | G8C | - |
Scenario M1 | M1B | - |
Scenario M2 | M2B | - |
Scenario M3 | M3B | - |
Scenario M4 | M4B | - |
Scenario M5 | M5B [#145] | - |
G1 - Received the exact same message (encrypted with the same ephemeral keys) (possible replay attack)
- S1A - (default) executes the protocol as normal
- S1B - ignore (no effect/output)
- S1C - Send a problem report "e.p.cryto.dejavu" ??? or "e.p.crypto.replay"
- S1D - Reply with the exact same message (encrypted with the same ephemeral keys)
G2 - Receive a message for an unsupported protocol https://input-output.atlassian.net/browse/ATL-5840
- G2A - ignore (no effect/output)
- G2B - Send a problem report
G3 - Receive a message for an unsupported version of the protocol.
- G2B - Fallback to G2
- G3B - Send a problem report
and say what version(s) its supported
G4 - When an internal error or any unexpected error happens.
- G4A - ignore (no effect/output)
- G4B - Send a problem report "e.p.error"
G5 - If the message is tampered or got any crypto errors when decoding.
- G5A - ignore (no effect/output)
- G5B - (sync!) Send a problem report "e.p.crypto"
G6 - If the DID method is not supported (
in this case)- G6A - ignore (no effect/output)
- G6B - (sync!) e.p.did
G7 - If the DID method is malformed.
- G7A - ignore (no effect/output)
- G7B - (sync!) e.p.did.malformed
G8 - When a parsing error from the decrypted message.
- G8A - ignore (no effect/output)
- G8B - (sync!) Send a problem report
if the plaintext message is malformed - G8C - Send a problem report
if the plaintext message is malformed or if parsing into a specific protocol's data model fails.
M1 - Receive a pickup message from a DID not enrolled.
- M1A - ignore (no effect/output)
- M1B - Send a problem report "e.p.req.not_enroll"
M2 - Connection to the BD is not working (at the moment of the call).
- G4
- M2A - ignore (no effect/output)
- M2B - Send a problem report "e.p.me.res.storage" (maybe mention the try again later)
M3 - Business logic in BD is failing (got some error from the query).
- G4
- M3A - ignore (no effect/output)
- M3B - Send a problem report "e.p.me.res.storage"
M4 - Get a Forward message to a DID that is not enrolled.
- M4A - ignore (no effect/output)
- M4B - Send a problem report "e.p.req.not_enroll" (the
DID is not enrolled)
M5 - LiveModeChange https://didcomm.org/messagepickup/3.0/live-delivery-change
- Follow the protocol -> Upon receiving the
message withlive_delivery
set to `true``:- M5A - If the connection supports live delivery respond with a
message. - M5B - If the connection is incapable of live delivery send a problem report
- M5A - If the connection supports live delivery respond with a
- Follow the protocol -> Upon receiving the
In the Identus Mediator, when an issue arises, we undertake the following steps:
- Log the error.
- Dispatch a problem report as outlined in the table above.
- Record the problem report and error information in the database.
Every one of these steps should be traceable back to the initial call via an
, and by the MsgID (the SHA-251 hash of the encrypted message). This procedure will enhance Level 3 support and debugging capabilities. (For ATL-4147)
[TODO optional] Would be nice to propose a list/table of new tokens to the protocol specs:
classDef processing fill:#f00,color:white,font-weight:bold,stroke-width:2px,stroke:yellow
[*] -->Recipient
Recipient --> mediation_request_received:mediation request message(1)
mediation_request_received --> request_stored :received mediation request message (2)
request_stored --> request_processing:{Mediation request processing} (3)
request_processing -->Recipient: Mediation Grant message reply Sync (4)
request_processing -->Recipient: Mediation Deny message reply Sync (4)
request_processing -->Recipient: Problem report message reply sync (4)
class request_processing processing
classDef processing fill:#f00,color:white,font-weight:bold,stroke-width:2px,stroke:yellow
classDef grant fill:#0a0,color:white,font-weight:bold,stroke-width:2px,stroke:yellow
mediation_granted -->Recipient
Recipient --> Key_list_update_request:key list update request message(1)
Key_list_update_request --> request_stored :received Key list update request message (2)
request_stored --> request_processing:{Key list update request processing} (3)
request_processing -->Recipient: Key list update Response message reply Sync (4)
request_processing -->Recipient: Problem report message reply sync (4)
class request_processing processing
class mediation_granted grant
classDef processing fill:#f00,color:white,font-weight:bold,stroke-width:2px,stroke:yellow
classDef grant fill:#0a0,color:white,font-weight:bold,stroke-width:2px,stroke:yellow
mediation_granted -->Recipient
Recipient --> Key_list_query_request:key list query request message(1)
Key_list_query_request --> request_stored :received Key list query request message (2)
request_stored --> request_processing:{Key list query request processing} (3)
request_processing -->Recipient: Key list query Response message reply Sync (4)
request_processing -->Recipient: Problem report message reply sync (4)
class request_processing processing
class mediation_granted grant
MessagePickup 3.0 https://didcomm.org/messagepickup/3.0/
classDef processing fill:#f00,color:white,font-weight:bold,stroke-width:2px,stroke:yellow
classDef success fill:#0a0,color:white,font-weight:bold,stroke-width:2px,stroke:yellow
mediation_granted --> Key_list_updated
Key_list_updated -->Recipient
Recipient --> status_request:status request message(1)
status_request --> request_stored :received status request message (2)
request_stored --> request_processing: status request processing (3)
request_processing -->Recipient: status Response message reply Sync (4)
request_processing -->Recipient: Problem report message reply sync (4)
class request_processing processing
class mediation_granted,Key_list_updated success
classDef processing fill:#f00,color:white,font-weight:bold,stroke-width:2px,stroke:yellow
classDef success fill:#0a0,color:white,font-weight:bold,stroke-width:2px,stroke:yellow
mediation_granted --> Key_list_updated
Key_list_updated -->Recipient
Recipient --> Key_list_query_request:Delivery request message(1)
Key_list_query_request --> request_stored :received Delivery request message (2)
request_stored --> request_processing:{Delivery request processing} (3)
request_processing -->Recipient: Delivery Response message reply Sync (4)
request_processing -->Recipient: Problem report message reply sync (4)
class request_processing processing
class mediation_granted,Key_list_updated success
classDef processing fill:#f00,color:white,font-weight:bold,stroke-width:2px,stroke:yellow
classDef success fill:#0a0,color:white,font-weight:bold,stroke-width:2px,stroke:yellow
mediation_granted --> Key_list_updated
Key_list_updated -->Recipient
Recipient --> Key_list_query_request:messages-received request message(1)
Key_list_query_request --> request_stored :messages-received request message (2)
request_stored --> request_processing:{messages-received request processing} (3)
request_processing -->Recipient: messages-received Response message reply Sync (4)
request_processing -->Recipient: Problem report message reply sync (4)
class request_processing processing
class mediation_granted,Key_list_updated success
Sender to Recipient (Sender use the type forward message) https://didcomm.org/routing/2.0/forward
classDef processing fill:#f00,color:white,font-weight:bold,stroke-width:2px,stroke:yellow
[*] --> Sender
Sender --> forward_message_request:forward message request(1)
forward_message_request --> request_stored :forward request message (2)
request_stored --> request_processing:{forward message request processing} (3)
request_processing --> forward_message_stored: message stored (4)
request_processing -->Sender: Problem report Signed message reply sync (4)
forward_message_stored --> [*]
class request_processing processing