Intuitive Bootstrap WordPress starter-theme and time-saving plugins
bootScore combines the Underscores theme boiler template with Bootstrap to create a compact starter theme for excellent WordPress projects. It does not contain customizer settings, logo upload functionality, or drag-and-drop features. bootScore is entirely customizable through its .php, .scss, and .js files, necessitating basic coding skills for editing.
Moreover, bootScore seamlessly integrates with Bootstrap and offers complete WooCommerce support, featuring an integrated AJAX offcanvas cart.
bootScore is a time-saving tool designed to swiftly create clean, mobile-first projects. If you are familiar with Bootstrap and it's HTML classes, you'll feel right at home and be able to build whatever you want.
- Download latest release
- Upload theme via the WordPress theme-uploader and activate it
To install with composer you will need to have composer installed on your system, and ideally on your server also with command line access, but that’s not required.
Edit theme in an upgrade-safe way using the provided bootScore Child. The child-theme is not a stand-alone theme, bootScore must be installed.
Extend bootScore with tiny but usefull plugins. Each plugin uses Bootstrap or adds it to 3rd party plugins.
Check the documentation. If you have a general question or need help with your project, feel free to open a new discussion. Maybe your question is in help wanted labeled issues already solved.
If you find a bug or have a feature idea, you're welcome to open an issue. Please check closed issues first to avoid duplicates.
We’re happy if you want to contribute. Just fork the repository, do your changes and create a pull request. Every PR will be reviewed. If everything is fine we’ll merge your changes to the main
For important updates read the blog and follow us on Twitter. You will be informed if there is something new you should know.
Like what you see? You can support us by sponsoring this project. Every contribution is highly appreciated, as it helps us maintain high motivation and continually develop the project.
- bootScore, MIT License
- Bootstrap, MIT License
- Bootstrap 5 WordPress Navbar Walker by AlexWebLab, MIT License
- Font Awesome Free License
- scssphp by Leaf Corcoran, MIT License
- Plugin Update Checker by YahnisElsts, MIT License