This is my cookiecutter template to build a simple, fast and rock solid website based upon the Tornado framework. There are quite many Tornado templates out there, but I wanted to start something from scratch, that fits my needs and evolves out of years of experiences (positive and negative alike) with other Python based webframeworks like Turbogears and Django.
Of course this template is not designed for larger data structures. The main focus is on scalability, fast data access and small library dependencies.
- Configurable as a Cookiecutter template
- Basic HTML5 Boilerplate
- (Optional) pytest
- (Optional) tox
- (Optional) Docker support
- (Optional) Vagrant support
- (Optional) Internationalization (i18n) support
Install Cookiecutter
$ pip install cookiecutter
Initialize the project with cookiecutter and answer some questions for the newly started project:
$ cookiecutter /~
If you decide to contribute to this cookiecutter template, feel free to fork it and make a pull request. To start with the development of this template, you need to install some Python requirements:
[sudo] pip install poetry
After that simply let pipenv install all requirements:
$ poetry install
To activate the virtual environment, simply call:
$ poetry shell
Now you are able to run the tests for this template:
$ py.test
In addition to that you can install tox to test the template against different Python versions:
$ [sudo] pip install tox
And then run the tests with:
$ tox
All tests will be added to the tests directory, whether you are using pytest for testing or other tools like nose- or unittests.
With pytest you will be able to run the tests with:
$ py.test
To start the final application, just run the following fabric command:
$ fab devserver
This will tell Tornado to start the application with the default port 8888. If you want to use another port, just type:
$ fab devserver:port=8000
In addition to that, see the Script for other parameters and commands.
To run the server within a Vagrant VM, you need to install Vagrant 1.7.x and the Vagrant Alpine plugin:
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-alpine
After that you can start the development server with the following command:
$ vagrant up $ fab vagrant devserver
You can now access your application via http://localhost:8000
Install docker and docker compose in the latest version. Then start the tornado project with docker-compose:
$ docker-compose up
You can now access your application via http://localhost:8000