diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 633e10e..1436d14 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ This device uses a MAX30102 Sensor to measure the SPO2 levels with using the algorithms form [MAX30102_by_RF](/~https://github.com/aromring/MAX30102_by_RF) and using initialization codes from [SparkFun MAX301x Particle Sensor Library](/~https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun_MAX3010x_Sensor_Library). +A huge thanks to [har-in-air](/~https://github.com/har-in-air/ESP8266_MAX30102_SPO2_PULSE_METER) for providing this code. + **Beware of Chinese Clones of MAX30102 sensor because I found a hard time figuring why my SPO2 level are failed to measure, the cause was that the chinese MAX30102 sensors has a swapped IR LED and RED LED. Refer the Line 235 on arduino code for more information. If you are using a geniune MAX30102 sensor the sensor has the IR LED at the middle and the RED LED at right side.** *For more information on the above issue please visit* [this discussion.](/~https://github.com/aromring/MAX30102_by_RF/issues/13)