Install and test a chart
Run 'helm install', 'helm test', and optionally 'helm upgrade' on
- changed charts (default)
- specific charts (--charts)
- all charts (--all)
in given chart directories. If upgrade (--upgrade) is true, then this command will validate that 'helm test' passes for the following upgrade paths:
- previous chart revision => current chart version (if non-breaking SemVer change)
- current chart version => current chart version
Charts may have multiple custom values files matching the glob pattern '*-values.yaml' in a directory named 'ci' in the root of the chart's directory. The chart is installed and tested for each of these files. If no custom values file is present, the chart is installed and tested with defaults.
ct install [flags]
--all Process all charts except those explicitly excluded.
Disables changed charts detection and version increment checking
--build-id string An optional, arbitrary identifier that is added to the name of the namespace a
chart is installed into. In a CI environment, this could be the build number or
the ID of a pull request. If not specified, the name of the chart is used
--chart-dirs strings Directories containing Helm charts. May be specified multiple times
or separate values with commas (default [charts])
--chart-repos strings Additional chart repositories for dependency resolutions.
Repositories should be formatted as 'name=url' (ex: local=
May be specified multiple times or separate values with commas
--charts strings Specific charts to test. Disables changed charts detection and
version increment checking. May be specified multiple times
or separate values with commas
--config string Config file
--debug Print CLI calls of external tools to stdout (caution: setting this may
expose sensitive data when helm-repo-extra-args contains passwords)
--exclude-deprecated Skip charts that are marked as deprecated
--excluded-charts strings Charts that should be skipped. May be specified multiple times
or separate values with commas
--helm-extra-args string Additional arguments for Helm. Must be passed as a single quoted string
(e.g. "--timeout 500s"
--helm-repo-extra-args strings Additional arguments for the 'helm repo add' command to be
specified on a per-repo basis with an equals sign as delimiter
(e.g. 'myrepo=--username test --password secret'). May be specified
multiple times or separate values with commas
-h, --help help for install
--namespace string Namespace to install the release(s) into. If not specified, each release will be
installed in its own randomly generated namespace
--print-config Prints the configuration to stderr (caution: setting this may
expose sensitive data when helm-repo-extra-args contains passwords)
--release-label string The label to be used as a selector when inspecting resources created by charts.
This is only used if namespace is specified (default "")
--remote string The name of the Git remote used to identify changed charts (default "origin")
--since string The Git reference used to identify changed charts (default "HEAD")
--skip-missing-values When --upgrade has been passed, this flag will skip testing CI values files from the
previous chart revision if they have been deleted or renamed at the current chart
--target-branch string The name of the target branch used to identify changed charts (default "master")
--upgrade Whether to test an in-place upgrade of each chart from its previous revision if the
current version should not introduce a breaking change according to the SemVer spec
- ct - The Helm chart testing tool