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File metadata and controls

160 lines (159 loc) · 4.29 KB

Video using these commands: These commands work after installing the hax cli globally

npm install --global @haxtheweb/create


Interactive program to step through options

hax start

Create a new web component or interact with an existing one

hax webcomponent
Create a new site or interact with an existing one
hax site

Print Help information for options and arguments

hax help

webcomponent - new

Create a new webcomponent, prompt for details

hax webcomponent

Create a new webcomponent called x-button, accept defaults and launch

hax webcomponent x-button --y

webcomponent - existing

  • you already made a webcomponent called x-button, you want to work on it again
cd x-button
npm start


cd x-button
hax webcomponent

site - new

Create a new site, prompt for details

hax site

Create a new site called zombocom, prompt for theme and opening

hax site zombocom

Create a new site called zombocom, set theme to polaris-flex-theme and open the site to start working

hax site zombocom --theme "polaris-flex-theme" --y

site - existing site

--root ./zombocom - implies to run the command as if it was executed from the ./zombocom folder

site node operations


Add a page, setting root so that the call can be executed from a different directory than where the site lives

hax site --root ./zombocom node:add --title "My summer vacation" --content "<p>This is an awesome blog post I am writing about my vacation.</p>" --y


Show data or content of a node, interactively

hax site node:stats


Edit a detail about a node, interactively

hax site node:edit

Edit the title of a specific node, scripted.

hax site node:edit --item-id item-ac247e47-5dcf-4a98-814a-03f2e70151c8 --node-op title --title "my new title"

Edit the content of a specific node, scripted

hax site node:edit --item-id item-ac247e47-5dcf-4a98-814a-03f2e70151c8 --node-op content --content "<p>This is the new content</p><stop-note></stop-note>"

Edit the parent of a specific node, interactive selection

hax site node:edit --item-id item-ac247e47-5dcf-4a98-814a-03f2e70151c8 --node-op parent


Delete a node, interactively

hax site node:delete

Delete a specific node, skip confirmation

hax site node:delete --item-id item-ac247e47-5dcf-4a98-814a-03f2e70151c8 --y

site operations

List stats for the current site

hax site site:stats

List items (nodes) for the current site and write them to a file called export-items.json

hax site site:items --to-file export-items.json

Import items (nodes) for the current site from a file called export-items.json

hax site site:items-import --items-import export-items.json

List files uploaded to the site

hax site site:list-files

Change theme, interactively

hax site site:theme

Change theme to clean-two, scripted

hax site site:theme --theme "clean-two" --y

Output the entire site as HTML with <h1> for title, redirected to file output.html

hax site site:html --to-file output.html

Output the entire site as MD with # for title, redirected to file

hax site site:md --to-file

Output the entire site as HAXSchema (vdom) with h1 for title, redirected to file schema.json

hax site site:schema --to-file schema.json

Sync git repo for the site, if hooked up to a remote

hax site site:sync

Publish site to, interactively

hax site site:surge

Publish site to, setting the domain to be

hax site site:surge --domain

Print out the recipe used in building the current site

hax site recipe:read

Play a site recipe against the current site, interactively

hax site recipe:play

Play a site recipe against the current site named create-cli.recipe, interactive selection per command

hax site recipe:play --recipe create-cli.recipe 

Play a site recipe against the current site named create-cli.recipe, scripted

hax site recipe:play --recipe create-cli.recipe --y