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Available Vagrant Plugins
Graham Williamson edited this page May 23, 2018
216 revisions
To browse available plugins, run gem list --remote vagrant-
Before Vagrant 1.4.2 there are two distinct names for each one of the plugins that you need to know:
- rubygem name (used for installing plugin, via
$ vagrant plugin install rubygem-plugin-name
) - internal name (used in Vagrantfile, via
With Vagrant 1.4.2 and later you just need to know the rubygem name of the plugin that will work either for $ vagrant plugin install
and for Vagrant.has_plugin?()
The following list has both names in this order: rubygem name /internal name/
This page is part of a community wiki that can be edited by anyone. Plugins listed on this page are not "official" or supported in any way.
- vagrant-berkshelf /berkshelf/
- vagrant-butcher /vagrant-butcher/
- vagrant-librarian-chef /vagrant-librarian-chef/
- vagrant-librarian-chef-nochef /vagrant-librarian-chef-nochef/
- vagrant-omnibus /vagrant-omnibus/
- vagrant-ohai /vagrant-ohai/
- vagrant-templated /vagrant-templated/ Init with custom Vagrantfile and Berksfile
- vagrant-librarian-puppet /vagrant-librarian-puppet/
- vagrant-puppet-install /vagrant-puppet-install/
- vagrant-r10k /vagrant-r10k/ -- Deploys puppet modules using r10k from a Puppetfile.
- landrush works for Guest and Host (using dnsmasq)
- vagrant-dns (using rubydns)
- vagrant-dnsmasq (using dnsmasq)
- vagrant-hostmanager
- vagrant-hosts-provisioner -- A Vagrant provisioner for managing the /etc/hosts file of the host and guest machines.
- vagrant-hostsupdater
- vagrant-multi-hostsupdater
- vagrant-hosts
- vagrant-flow -- A seamless development to production workflow with Ansible - Published ansible inventory files for multiple hosts, does local domain resolution too
- vagrant-dns-updater -- A Vagrant plugin that allows you to automatically configure a subdomain with the IP of your vagrant instance using your registrar API. Only the registrar OVH is supported for the moment.
- vagrant-aws-dns -- A Vagrant plugin that allows you to set up route53 records for instances created using vagrant-aws provider.
- vagrant-atomic -- Adds a Vagrant guest type for Atomic Host.
- vagrant-alpine -- Vagrant plugin for Alpine Linux Guest.
- vagrant-vyos -- VyOS guest support for Vagrant
- vagrant-guests-clearlinux -- Vagrant plugin for Clear Linux.
- vagrant-aws
- vagrant-azure
- vagrant-bhyve
- vagrant-brightbox
- vagrant-cloudstack
- vagrant-digitalocean
- vagrant-ganeti
- vagrant-google
- vagrant-hp
- vagrant-joyent
- vagrant-kvm (This project is dead, please use vagrant-libvirt instead.)
- vagrant-linode
- vagrant-libvirt
- vagrant-lxc
- vagrant-lxd
- vagrant-managed-servers
- vagrant-openstack
- vagrant-openstack-provider
- vagrant-openvz
- vagrant-parallels
- vagrant-proxmox
- vagrant-rackspace
- vagrant-scaleway
- vagrant-skytap
- vagrant-softlayer
- vagrant-vcenter
- vagrant-vcloud
- vagrant-vcloudair
- vagrant-veertu
- vagrant-vmware-appcatalyst
- vagrant-vmware-esxi
- vagrant-vsphere
- vagrant-vultr
- copy-my-conf
- rubber
- vagrant-ansible-local
- vagrant-baseline
- vagrant-fabric
- vagrant-guest_ansible
- vagrant-reload -- "Reload a VM as a provisioning step."
- vagrant-saltdeps -- Pull in all your salt formula dependencies and merge all your test grain and pillar data!
- vagrant-sprinkle
- vagrant-docker-compose
- vagrant-gatling-rsync -- An rsync watcher for Vagrant 1.5.1+ that uses fewer host resources.
- vagrant-nfs_guest -- "reverse" NFS support, where the guest provides the nfs daemon and the host is the client
- vagrant-winnfsd -- NFS support for Windows hosts
- vagrant-bindfs -- Automate bindfs mount in guest (to work around NFS share permissions issues, for example)
- vagrant-winrm-syncedfolders -- WinRM folder synchronization using the native WinRM communicator.
- vagrant-sshfs -- mounts folders from the Vagrant host into the Vagrant guest via SSHFS.
- vagrant-host-shell -- simple vagrant provisioner that executes commands on the host
vagrant-notify -- "redirects
from guest to host machine" - vagrant-host-path -- creates an environment variable with the path to the project's root dir on your host machine
- vagrant-host-route -- configures a network route on the host
- vagrant-ip-show -- lists all IPs of VM networks
- vagrant-guestip -- displays IP address of a guest
- vagrant-notify-forwarder -- forwards file system events from the host to the guest
- vagrant-triggers -- execute scripts on the host/guest before/after Vagrant commands
- vagrant-cucumber -- allow cucumber to work with VMs
- vagrant-serverspec -- run serverspec in your VM as provision step
- vagrant_spec -- serverspec testing designed for distributed / clustered systems
- vagrant-auto_network
- vagrant-software-bridge -- configures a software bridge within a guest
- vagrant-vlan -- configures a VLAN within a guest
- vagrant-vmware-dhcp -- configures VMware's DHCP server to provide static IP addresses for guest VMs
- vagrant-netinfo -- displays forwarded ports for running machines.
- vagrant-port-range -- mapping forwarded ports using range of host ports.
- vagrant-remove-old-box-versions -- Check your downloaded boxes and remove every box that is not the latest downloaded version.
- vagrant-compose -- A Vagrant plugin that helps building complex multi-machine scenarios.
- vagrant-registration -- registers your enterprise linux guests
- vagrant-env -- loads environment variables from .env into ENV
nugrant -- "enhance Vagrantfile to allow user specific configuration values (from the
file)" - vagrant-apache2
- vagrant-box-updater
- vagrant-box-version
- vagrant-bundler
- vagrant-cachier -- caches packages for different managers like apt, yum
- vagrant-camera -- "Takes screenshots of your Vagrant VMs"
- vagrant-clean -- Destroys all Vagrant resources
- vagrant-destroyer
- vagrant-disksize -- Resize disk for VirtualBox machines
- vagrant-exec -- an alternative to vagrant ssh + command execution
- vagrant-ec2setup
- vagrant-faster -- Make VMs run faster by allocating more Memory/CPUs based on machine capacity
- vagrant-fog-box-storage -- Gets the authenticated url of a private box to download cloud storage. (Not yet compatible with Vagrant 1.1)
- vagrant-foodshow -- "Automatically create a NGROK tunnel to expose a local web server to the internet"
- vagrant-git -- for checking out and updating git repos
- vagrant-git-sync -- For keeping Git-backed Vagrant configuration in-sync
- vagrant-httpproxy -- for offline Chef cookbook development
- vagrant-invade -- generates a Vagrantfile outside a YAML configuration
- vagrant-junos -- control Junos-based guests, like Firefly Perimeter (vSRX)
- vagrant-mongodb
- vagrant-mosh -- connect to box using Mosh
- vagrant-multi-putty -- Allows you to use putty to ssh into VMs.
- vagrant-mutate -- Convert boxes to work with different providers
- vagrant-node -- Allows you to control and manage a virtual environment remotely
- vagrant-nodemaster -- Allows you to centrally control remote virtual environments.
- vagrant-nuke -- remove all boxes listed under vagrant box list
- vagrant-orchestrate -- Cross platform deployment orchestration to existing servers using vagrant provisioners
- vagrant-oscar -- "yaml based puppet multiple machine deployment"
- vagrant-persistent-storage -- "creates a persistent storage and attaches it to guest machine"
- vagrant-plugins -- Lists active vagrant plugins (with descriptions).
- vagrant-pristine -- a single command for "vagrant destroy && vagrant up"
- vagrant-proxy -- Proxy HTTP requests made by the Vagrant provisioner.
- vagrant-proxyconf -- Configures the VM to use proxies
- vagrant-pushbullet -- Get notified when provisioning completes on devices supported by pushbullet.com
- vagrant-pushover -- Add pushover notification.
- vagrant-rake -- Allows rake tasks to be executed on the host using the vagrant rake command alleviating the need to SSH into the VM.
- vagrant-rdp -- With this plugin, you can connect to windows VM by remote desktop connection.
- vagrant-s3auth -- "Private, versioned Vagrant boxes hosted on Amazon S3."
- vagrant-scp -- SCP files to host VMs.
- vagrant-screenshot -- Take screenshots of your VM. Useful to debug your VM while booting.
- vagrant-shell-commander -- "Executes the given command on all the machines on multinode environments"
- vagrant-sparseimage -- Creates and mounts a sparseimage for the guest system to share with the host (Only runs in OSX. Requires Vagrant v1.2+).
vagrant-sudo-rsync -- Copy files from/to a Vagrant VM via
sudo rsync
- vagrant-timezone -- Configures the time zone of the guest (Only Linux and BSD supported. Requires Vagrant 1.2+).
- vagrant-trellis-cert -- Trust all Trellis self-signed certificates with single command.
- vagrant-unify -- rsync files from guest->host, host->guest, or Unison files for bidirectional sync
- vagrant-vbguest -- automatically update VirtualBox guest additions if necessary
- vagrant-vbinfo -- Vagrant plugin for outputting detailed VirtualBox information (Mac and Linux only)
vagrant-winrm-s -- Extends the
communicator with sspinegotiate-based domain authentication.
- vagrant-status Powershell prompt modification that shows the basic status of Vagrant machines in the current directory
- oh-my-vagrant An easy to manipulate development environment for using vagrant with puppet, docker and more!
- vagrant-web. Web application (written in php) to manage machines (nodes), virtual machines, boxes, configurations, etc. It is required that each machine runs vagrant-node.
- bindler -- "Bundler for vagrant" (no longer maintained)
- docker-provider (integrated into Vagrant 1.6+)
- vagrant-boxen (deprecated)
- vagrant-global-status (integrated into Vagrant 1.6+)
- vagrant-plugin-bundler (deprecated)
- vagrant-windows (integrated into Vagrant 1.6+)
- vagrant-salt (integrated into Vagrant 1.3+)
- vagrant-snap (does not work with Vagrant 1.0+)
- vocker (integrated into Vagrant 1.4+)
- vagrant-rsync -- "make it easy to rsync your shared folders" - for e.g. EC2 VMs
- vagrant-mysql -- no longer maintained, purpose not clear
- vagrant-vyatta -- Vyatta guest support for Vagrant
- vagrant-vbox-snapshot (integrated into Vagrant 1.8+)
- vagrant-windows-hyperv -- Repository gone
- vagrant-rekey-ssh -- obsolete as of Vagrant 1.7+
- vagrant-multiprovider-snap -- snapshotting for Virtualbox, VMWare and HyperV through the same interface (integrated into Vagrant 1.8+) -- no longer actively maintained now that vagrant supports this natively.
- ventriloquist -- no longer mantained