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Available Vagrant Plugins
Paul Broadwith edited this page Aug 29, 2016
216 revisions
Before Vagrant 1.4.2 there are two distinct names for each one of the plugins that you need to know:
- rubygem name (used for installing plugin, via
$ vagrant plugin install rubygem-plugin-name
) - internal name (used in Vagrantfile, via
With Vagrant 1.4.2 and later you just need to know the rubygem name of the plugin that will work either for $ vagrant plugin install
and for Vagrant.has_plugin?()
The following list has both names in this order: rubygem name /internal name/
This page is part of a community wiki that can be edited by anyone. Plugins listed on this page are not "official" or supported in any way.
- vagrant-berkshelf /berkshelf/
- vagrant-butcher /vagrant-butcher/
- vagrant-librarian-chef /vagrant-librarian-chef/
- vagrant-librarian-chef-nochef /vagrant-librarian-chef-nochef/
- vagrant-omnibus /vagrant-omnibus/
- vagrant-ohai /vagrant-ohai/
- vagrant-librarian-puppet /vagrant-librarian-puppet/
- vagrant-puppet-install /vagrant-puppet-install/
- vagrant-r10k /vagrant-r10k/ -- Deploys puppet modules using r10k from a Puppetfile.
- landrush works for Guest and Host (using dnsmasq)
- vagrant-dns (using rubydns)
- vagrant-dnsmasq (using dnsmasq)
- vagrant-hostmaster
- vagrant-hostmanager
- vagrant-hosts-provisioner -- A Vagrant provisioner for managing the /etc/hosts file of the host and guest machines.
- vagrant-hostsupdater
- vagrant-multi-hostsupdater
- vagrant-hosts
- vagrant-flow -- A seamless development to production workflow with Ansible - Published ansible inventory files for multiple hosts, does local domain resolution too
- vagrant-dns-updater -- A Vagrant plugin that allows you to automatically configure a subdomain with the ip of your vagrant instance using your registrar API. Only the registrar OVH is supported for the moment.
- vagrant-aws-dns -- A Vagrant plugin that allows you to set up route53 records for instances created using vagrant-aws provider.
- vagrant-atomic -- Adds a Vagrant guest type for Atomic Host.
- vagrant-alpine -- Vagrant plugin for Alpine Linux Guest.
- vagrant-vyos -- VyOS guest support for Vagrant
- vagrant-aws
- vagrant-azure
- vagrant-brightbox
- vagrant-cloudstack
- vagrant-digitalocean
- vagrant-ganeti
- vagrant-google
- vagrant-hp
- vagrant-joyent
- vagrant-kvm (This project is dead, please use vagrant-libvirt instead.)
- vagrant-linode
- vagrant-libvirt
- vagrant-lxc
- vagrant-managed-servers
- vagrant-openstack
- vagrant-openstack-provider
- vagrant-openvz
- vagrant-parallels
- vagrant-proxmox
- vagrant-rackspace
- vagrant-skytap
- vagrant-softlayer
- [vagrant-vcenter] (/~https://github.com/gosddc/vagrant-vcenter)
- [vagrant-vcloud] (/~https://github.com/frapposelli/vagrant-vcloud)
- [vagrant-vcloudair] (/~https://github.com/gosddc/vagrant-vcloudair)
- [vagrant-veertu] (https://veertu.com/knowledgebase/vagrant-setup-instructions/)
- vagrant-vmware-appcatalyst
- vagrant-vsphere
- vagrant-vultr
- copy-my-conf
- rubber
- vagrant-ansible-local
- vagrant-baseline
- vagrant-fabric
- vagrant-guest_ansible
- vagrant-reload -- "Reload a VM as a provisioning step."
- vagrant-saltdeps -- Pull in all your salt formula dependencies and merge all your test grain and pillar data!
- vagrant-sprinkle
- ventriloquist
- vagrant-docker-compose
- vagrant-gatling-rsync -- An rsync watcher for Vagrant 1.5.1+ that uses fewer host resources.
- vagrant-nfs_guest -- NFS support with Guest provides the export and the Host mounts it.
- [vagrant-winnfsd] (/~https://github.com/GM-Alex/vagrant-winnfsd) -- NFS support for Windows hosts
- [vagrant-bindfs] (/~https://github.com/gael-ian/vagrant-bindfs) -- Automate bindfs mount in guest (to work around NFS share permissions issues, for example)
- [vagrant-winrm-syncedfolders] (/~https://github.com/Cimpress-MCP/vagrant-winrm-syncedfolders) -- WinRM folder synchronization using the native WinRM communicator.
- vagrant-host-shell -- simple vagrant provisioner that executes commands on the host
vagrant-notify -- "redirects
from guest to host machine" - vagrant-host-path -- creates an environment variable with the path to the project's root dir on your host machine
- vagrant-host-route -- configures a network route on the host
- vagrant-ip-show -- lists all IPs of VM networks
- vagrant-guestip -- displays IP address of a guest
- vagrant-notify-forwarder -- forwards file system events from the host to the guest
- vagrant-triggers -- execute scripts on the host/guest before/after Vagrant commands
- vagrant-cucumber -- allow cucumber to work with VMs
- vagrant-serverspec -- run serverspec in your VM as provision step
- vagrant_spec -- serverspec testing designed for distributed / clustered systems
- vagrant-auto_network
- vagrant-software-bridge -- configures a software bridge within a guest
- vagrant-vlan -- configures a VLAN within a guest
- vagrant-vmware-dhcp -- configures VMware's DHCP server to provide static IP addresses for guest VMs
- sahara -- snapshot support (was integrated into Vagrant 1.8+ but has issues)
- vagrant-multiprovider-snap -- snapshotting for Virtualbox and VMWare through the same interface (integrated into Vagrant 1.8+)
- vagrant-remove-old-box-versions -- Check your downloaded boxes and remove every box that is not the lastest downloaded version.
- vagrant-compose -- A Vagrant plugin that helps building complex multi-machine scenarios.
- vagrant-registration -- registers your enterprise linux guests
- vagrant-env -- loads environment variables from .env into ENV
nugrant -- "enhance Vagrantfile to allow user specific configuration values (from the
file)" - vagrant-apache2
- vagrant-box-updater
- vagrant-box-version
- vagrant-bundler
- vagrant-cachier -- caches packages for different managers like apt, yum
- vagrant-camera -- "Takes screenshots of your Vagrant VMs"
- vagrant-clean -- Destroys all Vagrant resources
- vagrant-destroyer
- vagrant-exec -- an alternative to vagrant ssh + command execution
- vagrant-ec2setup
- vagrant-faster -- Make VMs run faster by allocating more Memory/CPUs based on machine capacity
- vagrant-fog-box-storage -- Gets the authenticated url of a private box to download cloud storage. (Not yet compatible with Vagrant 1.1)
- vagrant-foodshow -- "Automatically create a NGROK tunnel to expose a local web server to the internet"
- vagrant-git -- for checking out and updating git repos
- [vagrant-git-sync] (/~https://github.com/jbornemann/vagrant-git-sync) -- For keeping Git-backed Vagrant configuration in-sync
- vagrant-httpproxy -- for offline Chef cookbook development
- vagrant-invade -- generates a Vagrantfile outside a YAML configuration
- vagrant-junos -- control Junos-based guests, like Firefly Perimeter (vSRX)
- vagrant-mongodb
- vagrant-mosh -- connect to box using Mosh
- vagrant-multi-putty -- Allows you to use putty to ssh into VMs.
- vagrant-mutate -- Convert boxes to work with different providers
- vagrant-node -- Allows you to control and manage a virtual environment remotely
- vagrant-nodemaster -- Allows you to centrally control remote virtual environments.
- vagrant-nuke -- remove all boxes listed under vagrant box list
- vagrant-orchestrate -- Cross platform deployment orchestration to existing servers using vagrant provisioners
- vagrant-oscar -- "yaml based puppet multiple machine deployment"
- vagrant-persistent-storage -- "creates a persistent storage and attaches it to guest machine"
- vagrant-plugins -- Lists active vagrant plugins (with descriptions).
- vagrant-pristine -- a single command for "vagrant destroy && vagrant up"
- vagrant-proxy -- Proxy HTTP requests made by the Vagrant provisioner.
- vagrant-proxyconf -- Configures the VM to use proxies
- vagrant-pushbullet -- Get notified when provisioning completes on devices supported by pushbullet.com
- vagrant-pushover -- Add pushover notification.
- vagrant-rake -- Allows rake tasks toi be executed on the host using the vagrant rake command alleviating the need to SSH into the VM.
- vagrant-rdp -- With this plugin, you can connect to windows VM by remote desktop connection.
- vagrant-rekey-ssh -- Replaces the default insecure SSH keys on vagrant VMs with a key unique to the VM host
- vagrant-s3auth -- "Private, versioned Vagrant boxes hosted on Amazon S3."
- vagrant-scp -- SCP files to host VMs.
- [vagrant-screenshot] (/~https://github.com/igorsobreira/vagrant-screenshot) -- Take screenshots of your VM. Useful to debug your VM while booting.
- vagrant-shell-commander -- "Executes the given command on all the machines on multinode environments"
- vagrant-sparseimage -- Creates and mounts a sparseimage for the guest system to share with the host (Only runs in OSX. Requires Vagrant v1.2+).
- vagrant-timezone -- configures the time zone of the guest
- vagrant-unify -- rsync files from guest->host, host->guest, or Unison files for bidirectional sync
- vagrant-vbguest -- automatically update VirtualBox guest additions if necessary
- vagrant-vbinfo -- Vagrant plugin for outputing detailed VirtualBox information (Mac and Linux only)
vagrant-winrm-s -- Extends the
communicator with sspinegotiate-based domain authentication.
- vagrant-status Powershell prompt modification that shows the basic status of Vagrant machines in the current directory
- oh-my-vagrant An easy to manipulate development environment for using vagrant with puppet, docker and more!
- vagrant-web. Web application (written in php) to manage machines (nodes), virtual machines, boxes, configurations, etc. It is required that each machine runs vagrant-node.
- bindler -- "Bundler for vagrant" (no longer maintained)
- docker-provider (integrated into Vagrant 1.6+)
- vagrant-boxen (deprecated)
- vagrant-global-status (integrated into Vagrant 1.6+)
- vagrant-plugin-bundler (deprecated)
- vagrant-windows (integrated into Vagrant 1.6+)
- vagrant-salt (integrated into Vagrant 1.3+)
- vagrant-snap (does not work with Vagrant 1.0+)
- vocker (integrated into Vagrant 1.4+)
- vagrant-rsync -- "make it easy to rsync your shared folders" - for e.g. EC2 VMs
- vagrant-mysql -- no longer maintained, purpose not clear
- vagrant-vyatta -- Vyatta guest support for Vagrant
- vagrant-vbox-snapshot (integrated into Vagrant 1.8+)
- vagrant-windows-hyperv -- Repository gone