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Hedera Consensus Service Design


The Hedera Consensus Service (HCS) provides decentralized consensus on the validity and order of messages submitted to a topic on the network and transparency into the history of these events over time. Since the Hedera mainnet does not store history, the persistence and retrieval of these messages needs to be handled by the Mirror Node. This document attempts to design a scalable solution to provide such functionality.


  • Ingest HCS related transactions from the mainnet and persist to the database
  • Provide a streaming GRPC API to subscribe to HCS topics
  • Persist a subset of entities or transaction types due to the potential increase in the volume of data caused by HCS
  • Provide a listener interface so third parties can add custom code to be notified of validated transactions
  • Make the Mirror Node easier for users to run to enable wider adoption by the community


These items are not currently in scope at this time in order to deliver a MVP, but can be revisited later as the need arises:

  • Provide a HCS REST API
  • Provide a HCS WebSocket or Server Sent Events API
  • Provide a non-HCS GRPC API
  • Provide a "relay" service to publish to other downstream systems
  • Provide higher level functionality like encryption, fragmentation or reassembly
  • Gossip based Mirror Node



  1. Downloader retrieves transactions from S3 and validates them
  2. Parser persists to PostgreSQL
  3. Client queries GRPC API for messages from a specific topic
  4. GRPC API retrieves the current messages from PostgreSQL and returns to client
  5. GRPC API is notified of new messages via PostgreSQL Notify


  • Replace step #5 above with the GRPC layer polling for new data
  • Replace step #5 above with a message broker that parser publishes to and GRPC API consumes



  • Create a new Maven module mirror-protobuf
  • Create a new Maven module mirror-grpc
  • Use reactive-grpc to compile the protobuf and provide service stubs
  • Use spring-boot-starter-data-r2dbc and io.r2dbc:r2dbc-postgresql for reactive database access and asynchronous pg_notify support
  • Create a Systemd unit file mirror-grpc.sevice
  • Add to CircleCI and deployment script


message ConsensusTopicQuery {
    .proto.TopicID topicID = 1; // A required topic ID to retrieve messages for.
    .proto.Timestamp consensusStartTime = 2; // Include messages which reached consensus on or after this time. Defaults to current time if not set.
    .proto.Timestamp consensusEndTime = 3; // Include messages which reached consensus before this time. If not set it will receive indefinitely.
    uint64 limit = 4; // The maximum number of messages to receive before stopping. If not set or set to zero it will return messages indefinitely.

message ConsensusTopicResponse {
    .proto.Timestamp consensusTimestamp = 1; // The time at which the transaction reached consensus
    bytes message = 2; // The message body originally in the ConsensusSubmitMessageTransactionBody. Message size will be less than 4K.
    bytes runningHash = 3; // The running hash (SHA384) of every message.
    uint64 sequenceNumber = 4; // Starts at 1 for first submitted message. Incremented on each submitted message.

service ConsensusService {
    rpc subscribeTopic (ConsensusTopicQuery) returns (stream ConsensusTopicResponse);

Consensus Service

Sequence diagram

Note: A Flux is a reactive publisher that emits an asynchronous sequence of 0..N items.


Implement a TopicMesage domain class and a TopicMessageRepository:

public interface TopicMessageRepository extends ReactiveCrudRepository<TopicMessage, Long>, TopicMessageRepositoryCustom {

Implement a custom repository method that uses R2DBC's Fluent Data Access API to build a dynamic query based upon the filter:

public class TopicMessageRepositoryCustomImpl implements TopicMessageRepositoryCustom {
  public Flux<TopicMessage> findByFilter(TopicMessageFilter filter) {

Topic Message Service

public interface TopicMessageService {
    Flux<TopicMessage> subscribeTopic(TopicMessageFilter filter);
  • Implement a TopicMessageServiceImpl to provide a reusable service layer for different transport protocols:
  • Perform topicMessageRepository.findByFilter(filter)
  • If the database goes down, TopicMessageService should continue retrying to connect
  • If the listener misses any messages, TopicMessageService should manually query for them before continuing

GRPC Service

public class ConsensusServiceGrpc extends ReactorConsensusServiceGrpc.ConsensusServiceImplBase {
    public Flux<ConsensusTopicResponse> subscribeTopic(Mono<ConsensusTopicQuery> consensusTopicQuery) {
  • Validate input
  • Map ConsensusTopicQuery to TopicMessageFilter
  • Perform topicMessageService.subscribeTopic(filter)
  • Map TopicMessage to ConsensusTopicResponse

Topic Listener

public interface TopicListener {
    Flux<TopicMessage> listen(TopicMessageFilter filter);
  • Provide the ability to stream new topic messages from the database and notify open GRPC streams of new data:
  • Implement a TopicListener that uses R2DBC's notify/listen support
  • Register TopicMessageService with TopicListener to receive notifications of topic messages, filtering and buffering appropriately until current query finishes



Modify RecordFileLogger to handle HCS transactions

  • Modify Entities to handle Topic ID and new fields
  • Insert HCS transaction into t_transactions
  • Insert ConsensusSubmitMessage transactions into topic_message


Provide the ability to filter transactions before persisting via configuration:

  • Add a new option hedera.mirror.parser.include
  • Add a new option hedera.mirror.parser.exclude with higher priority than includes
  • The structure of both will be a list of transaction filters and get turned into a single Predicate at runtime:
    - transaction: [ConsensusCreateTopic, ConsensusDeleteTopic, ConsensusUpdateTopic, ConsensusSubmitMessage]
      entity: [0.0.1001]
  • Remove options hedera.mirror.parser.record.persist* and convert defaults to newer format


Provide the ability to notify components of new transactions:

public interface TransactionListener {
    void onTransaction(TransactionEvent event);

public class TransactionEvent {
    private final Transaction transaction;
    private final TransactionRecord record;
  • Rework RecordFileLogger to implement TransactionListener
  • Decouple RecordFileParser and RecordFileLogger so that RecordFileParser invokes TransactionListener


  • Add new t_entity_types row with name topic
  • Add new columns to t_entities:
    • submit_key bytea
    • topic_valid_start_time nanos_timestamp
  • Add new t_transaction_types:
  • Add new t_transaction_result:
    • INVALID_TOPIC_ID = 150
    • TOPIC_DELETED = 151
    • MESSAGE_TOO_LONG = 152
    • UNAUTHORIZED = 158
  • Add new table topic_message:
create table if not exists topic_message (
  consensus_timestamp nanos_timestamp primary key not null,
  message bytea not null,
  realm_num entity_realm_num not null,
  running_hash bytea not null,
  sequence_number bigint not null,
  topic_num entity_num not null

create index if not exists topic_message_realm_num_timestamp
on topic_message (realm_num, topic_num, consensus_timestamp);
  • Create a trigger that calls a new function on every insert of topic_message, serializes it to JSON and calls pg_notify
    • Alternative would be dynamically create trigger for each GRPC call, but deleting trigger would be racy and duplicate traffic for same topic
  • Implement a retention period for topic_message using a Java @Scheduled thread and a config property hedera.mirror.parser.retention of type java.time.Duration

Non-Functional Requirements

See GitHub issue 374

Open Questions

  1. Should filter properties not apply to some tables or apply to all tables?
  2. Will pg_notify be able to handle the scale of data and clients required? See Alternatives section
  3. How will we optimize for multiple clients requesting the same topic ID?