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File metadata and controls

92 lines (82 loc) · 7.86 KB


The two components of the Hedera Mirror Node, the parser and REST API, both support loading configuration from an application.yml file or via the environment. Some of the configuration properties overlap between the two, so to simplify configuration it is recommended to create a single application.yml for use by both.

Most configuration settings have appropriate defaults and can be left unchanged. One of the exceptions is hedera.mirror.downloader.bucketName as it is a required field but does not have a default. This is because the bucket is not publicly available at this time. Another important property that should be adjusted is as it controls which Hedera network to mirror. Additionally, the password properties have a default, but it is recommended they be changed from the default.


The Hedera Mirror Node uses Spring Boot properties to configure the application. As as a result, you can use properties files, YAML files, environment variables and command-line arguments to supply configuration. See the Spring Boot documentation for the location and order it loads configuration.


The REST API supports loading configuration from YAML or environment variables. By default it loads a file named application.yml or application.yaml in each of the search paths (see below). The file name can be changed by setting the CONFIG_NAME environment variable. A custom location can be loaded by setting the CONFIG_PATH environment variable. The configuration is loaded in the following order with the latter configuration overwriting (technically recursively merged into) the current configuration:

  1. ./config/application.yml
  2. ./application.yml
  3. ${CONFIG_PATH}/application.yml
  4. Environment variables that start with HEDERA_MIRROR_ (e.g. HEDERA_MIRROR_API_MAXLIMIT=100)


The following table lists the available properties along with their default values. Unless you need to set a non-default value, it is recommended to only populate overridden properties in the custom application.yml.

Name Default Description
hedera.mirror.addressBookPath "" The path to an address book used to override the built-in address book
hedera.mirror.api.includeHostInLink false Whether to include the hostname and port in the next link in the response
hedera.mirror.api.maxLimit 1000 The maximum size the limit parameter can be that controls the REST API response size
hedera.mirror.api.log.level debug The logging level. Can be trace, debug, info, warn, error or fatal.
hedera.mirror.api.ttl.accounts 60 The time to live in seconds that accounts should stay in cache
hedera.mirror.api.ttl.balances 60 The time to live in seconds that balances should stay in cache 10 The time to live in seconds that events should stay in cache
hedera.mirror.api.ttl.transactions 10 The time to live in seconds that transactions should stay in cache
hedera.mirror.api.port 5551 The REST API port
hedera.mirror.api.includeHostInLink false Whether to include the host:port in the next links returned by the REST API
hedera.mirror.dataPath ./data The data directory used to store downloaded files and other application state
hedera.mirror.db.apiPassword mirror_api_pass The database password the API uses to connect. Should be changed from default
hedera.mirror.db.apiUsername mirror_api The username the API uses to connect to the database The IP or hostname used to connect to the database mirror_node The name of the database
hedera.mirror.db.password mirror_node_pass The database password the processor uses to connect. Should be changed from default
hedera.mirror.db.port 5432 The port used to connect to the database
hedera.mirror.db.username mirror_node The username the processor uses to connect to the database
hedera.mirror.downloader.accessKey "" The cloud storage access key
hedera.mirror.downloader.balance.batchSize 15 The number of signature files to download per node before downloading the signed files
hedera.mirror.downloader.balance.enabled true Whether to enable balance file downloads
hedera.mirror.downloader.balance.frequency 500ms The fixed period between invocations. Can accept duration units like 10s, 2m etc.
hedera.mirror.downloader.balance.prefix accountBalances/balance The prefix to search cloud storage for balance files
hedera.mirror.downloader.balance.threads 13 The number of threads to search for new files to download
hedera.mirror.downloader.bucketName "" The cloud storage bucket name to download streamed files. Required, but not publicly available
hedera.mirror.downloader.cloudProvider S3 The cloud provider to download files from. Either S3, GCP or LOCAL
hedera.mirror.downloader.event.batchSize 15 The number of signature files to download per node before downloading the signed files
hedera.mirror.downloader.event.enabled false Whether to enable event file downloads
hedera.mirror.downloader.event.frequency 1m The fixed period between invocations. Can accept duration units like 50ms, 10s etc.
hedera.mirror.downloader.event.prefix eventsStreams/events_ The prefix to search cloud storage for event files
hedera.mirror.downloader.event.threads 13 The number of threads to search for new files to download
hedera.mirror.downloader.maxConcurrency 1000 The maximum number of allowed open HTTP connections. Used by AWS SDK directly.
hedera.mirror.downloader.record.batchSize 40 The number of signature files to download per node before downloading the signed files
hedera.mirror.downloader.record.enabled true Whether to enable record file downloads
hedera.mirror.downloader.record.frequency 500ms The fixed period between invocations. Can accept duration units like 10s, 2m etc.
hedera.mirror.downloader.record.prefix recordstreams/record The prefix to search cloud storage for record files
hedera.mirror.downloader.record.threads 13 The number of threads to search for new files to download
hedera.mirror.downloader.region us-east-1 The region associated with the bucket
hedera.mirror.downloader.secretKey "" The cloud storage secret key MAINNET Which Hedera network to use. Can be either MAINNET or TESTNET
hedera.mirror.parser.balance.batchSize 2000 The number of balances to insert before committing
hedera.mirror.parser.balance.enabled true Whether to enable balance file parsing
hedera.mirror.parser.balance.fileBufferSize 200000 The size of the buffer to use when reading in the balance file
hedera.mirror.parser.event.enabled false Whether to enable balance file parsing
hedera.mirror.parser.event.frequency 1m The fixed period between invocations. Can accept duration units like 50ms, 10s etc.
hedera.mirror.parser.record.enabled true Whether to enable balance file parsing
hedera.mirror.parser.record.frequency 500ms The fixed period between invocations. Can accept duration units like 10s, 2m etc.
hedera.mirror.parser.record.persistClaims false Persist claim data to the database
hedera.mirror.parser.record.persistContracts true Persist contract data to the database
hedera.mirror.parser.record.persistCryptoTransferAmounts true Persist crypto transfer amounts to the database
hedera.mirror.parser.record.persistFiles true Persist all file data to the database
hedera.mirror.parser.record.persistSystemFiles true Persist only system files (number lower than 1000) to the database
hedera.mirror.shard 0 The default shard number that this mirror node participates in