Learn React, Redux, Node.js, MongoDB, GraphQL and TypeScript in one go! This course introduces us to modern JavaScript-based web development. The main focus is on building single page applications with ReactJS that use REST APIs built with Node.js.
- General Info
- Fundamentals of Web apps
- Introduction to React
- JavaScript
- Component State, event handlers
- A more complex state, debugging React apps
- Rendering a collection, modules
- Forms
- Getting data from server
- Altering data in server
- Adding style to React apps
- Node.js and Express
- Deploying app to internet
- Saving data to MongoDB
- Validation and ESLint
- Structure of backend application, introduction to testing
- Testing and backend
- User administration
- Token administration
- Login in frontend
- props.children and proptypes
- Testing React apps
- End to end testing
- Flux-architecture and Redux
- Many reducers
- Communicating with server in a redux application
- React Query, useReducer and the context
- React-router
- Custom hooks
- More about styles
- Webpack
- Class components, Miscellaneous
- Exercises - extending the bloglist
- GraphQL-server
- React and GraphQL
- Database and user administration
- Login and updating the cache
- Fragments and subscriptions
- Background and introduction
- First steps with TypeScript
- Typing the express app
- React with types
- Introduction to React Native
- React Native basics
- Communicating with server
- Testing and extending our application
- Introduction to CI/CD
- Getting started with GitHub Actions
- Deployment
- Keeping green
- Expanding further
- Introduction to containers
- Building and configuring environments
- Basics of Orchestration
- Using relational databases with Sequelize
- Join tables and queries
- Migrations, many-to-many relationships