I2C is an asynchronous protocol that supports multi master communication between a master and devices.
It uses only two lines: Data (SDA) and Clock (SCL).
Due to the pull up resistors on both lines, the normal status is high on both lines.
Setting SDA low while SCL is high indicates a START condition. Setting SDA high while SCL is high indicates a STOP condition.
On normal operation, SDA only changes when SCL is low.
I2C uses two forms of addressing
- 7-bit addressing. It uses a 7-bit field in the first byte. The 8th bit is the direction bit.
- 10-bit addressing. It uses 7 bits in a second byte to build a 11 bit addressing field.
Combinations that start with 11110 signal that there are additional address bits in a second byte. There are other reserved address ranges that start with 0000 and 1111.
The velocity can range from 10 Kbps to 1 Gpbs, but the standard speeds are shown in the table below.
Speed | Clock frequency |
Standard | 100 KHz |
Fast | 400 KHz |
Fast plus | 1000 KHz |
The EMF32GG microcontrollers have two I2C peripherals.
Unit | SDA | SCL |
I2C0 | PA0 PD6 PC6 PD14 PC0 PF0 PE12 | PA1 PD7 PC7 PD15 PC1 PF1 PE13 |
I2C1 | PC4 PB11 PE0 | PC5 PB12 PE1 |
The pins are listed ordered by the LOCATION number.
Both support standard, fast and fast plus mode of operation.
The I2C1 can be accessed thru the expansion connectors.
Signal | MCU Pin | EXP Pin |
I2C1_SDA | PC4 | 7 |
I2C2_SCL | PC5 | 9 |
- Polling
- Interrupt
- Direct Memory Access
The API is show below.
int I2CMaster_Init(unit,speed,pinconf);
int I2CMaster_Send(unit,address,data,size);
int I2CMaster_Received(unit,address,data,maxsize);
int I2CMaster_Status(unit);
int I2CMaster_ConfigureClock(unit,speed);
f_SCL = 1/(T_low+T_high)
The formulas below does not work for N less than 3
T_high = (N_high x (CLKDIV+1))/f_HFPERCLK
T_low = (N_low x (CLKDIV+1))/f_HFPERCLK
See Table 16.3
I2C0_IRQn (9) I2C1_IRQn (10)
Send START condition.
i2c->CMD |= I2C_CMD_START;
i2c->CTRL |= I2C_CTRL_EN;
For transmission, I2C peripherals uses a double buffer. TXDATA and shift registers.
There is an automatic ACK generation controlled by the AUTOACK bit of CTRL register.
[1] EFM32GG Reference Manual [2] EFM32GG990 Datasheet [3] Starter Kit EFM32GG-STK3700 User Manual [4] I2C Master and Slave Operation. AN0011 - Application Note