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I2C is an asynchronous protocol that supports multi master communication between a master and devices.

It uses only two lines: Data (SDA) and Clock (SCL).

Due to the pull up resistors on both lines, the normal status is high on both lines.

Setting SDA low while SCL is high indicates a START condition. Setting SDA high while SCL is high indicates a STOP condition.

On normal operation, SDA only changes when SCL is low.


I2C uses two forms of addressing

  • 7-bit addressing. It uses a 7-bit field in the first byte. The 8th bit is the direction bit.
  • 10-bit addressing. It uses 7 bits in a second byte to build a 11 bit addressing field.

Combinations that start with 11110 signal that there are additional address bits in a second byte. There are other reserved address ranges that start with 0000 and 1111.


The velocity can range from 10 Kbps to 1 Gpbs, but the standard speeds are shown in the table below.

Speed Clock frequency
Standard 100 KHz
Fast 400 KHz
Fast plus 1000 KHz

I2C on EFM32 Giant Gecko MCU

The EMF32GG microcontrollers have two I2C peripherals.

I2C0 PA0 PD6 PC6 PD14 PC0 PF0 PE12 PA1 PD7 PC7 PD15 PC1 PF1 PE13
I2C1 PC4 PB11 PE0 PC5 PB12 PE1

The pins are listed ordered by the LOCATION number.

Both support standard, fast and fast plus mode of operation.

The I2C1 can be accessed thru the expansion connectors.

Signal MCU Pin EXP Pin
I2C1_SDA PC4 7
I2C2_SCL PC5 9

Operation modes

  • Polling
  • Interrupt
  • Direct Memory Access

Polling mode

The API is show below.

int I2CMaster_Init(unit,speed,pinconf);
int I2CMaster_Send(unit,address,data,size);
int I2CMaster_Received(unit,address,data,maxsize);
int I2CMaster_Status(unit);
int I2CMaster_ConfigureClock(unit,speed);



f_SCL  = 1/(T_low+T_high)

The formulas below does not work for N less than 3

T_high = (N_high x (CLKDIV+1))/f_HFPERCLK
T_low  = (N_low x (CLKDIV+1))/f_HFPERCLK

See Table 16.3


I2C0_IRQn (9) I2C1_IRQn (10)

Master/Slave mode

Send START condition.

i2c->CMD |= I2C_CMD_START;


i2c->CTRL |= I2C_CTRL_EN;


For transmission, I2C peripherals uses a double buffer. TXDATA and shift registers.

There is an automatic ACK generation controlled by the AUTOACK bit of CTRL register.



[1] EFM32GG Reference Manual [2] EFM32GG990 Datasheet [3] Starter Kit EFM32GG-STK3700 User Manual [4] I2C Master and Slave Operation. AN0011 - Application Note