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Dotcom Rendering

Frontend rendering framework for It uses React, with Emotion for styling.

Getting started

This guide will help you get the dotcom-rendering application running on your development machine.

Install Node.js

The only thing you need to make sure you have installed before you get going is Node.js.

We recommend using fnm to help manage multiple versions of Node.js on on machine.

Once Node is installed, make sure you're using the correct package manager by enabling corepack:

$ corepack enable


If you're using asdf, you'll need to run asdf reshim nodejs after running corepack enable.

Running instructions

$ git clone
$ cd dotcom-rendering
$ make dev

make dev will start the development server on port 3030: http://localhost:3030.

Visit the root path of the dev server for some example URLs to visit.

You can render a specific article by specifying the production URL in the query string.

You can view the JSON representation of an article, as per the model sent to the renderer on the server, by going to


Detailed Setup

If you're new to TypeScript projects, if you're trying to integrate with other applications or if you prefer to take things slow, we also have a more detailed setup guide.


Technology Description
Preact DCR is rendered on the server with Preact and uses Preact as the Client-side framework. We use preact-compat to ensure compatability with React modules.
Emotion CSS-in-JS Emotion is css-in-js library, DCR uses the css tagged template literal style to allow CSS copy-pasting.
Typescript DCR is written in Typescript. You can see the block element types as an example of our Typescript types.
Express We use Express as a very thin server to communicate with the Frontend endpoint.
Storybook We use storybook to generate component variations and 'layouts' that are then visual regression tested in Chromatic. You'll notice .stories. files in the repo for components that define the variations of components as defined by the component props.
Chromatic Chromatic is a visual regression testing tool that reviews our Storybook components at PR time.
Jest Jest is a unit testing tool. You will find Jest tests in the repo with .test. filenames.
Playwright Playwright is an integration testing tool that runs tests in the browser. You will find the Playwright tests in the playwright folder.
AB Testing The A/B Testing library is an internal NPM Module. There are a some docs here.
Deno Deno is a JavaScript runtime that we've started incorporating into some of our Github Actions workflows. You will only need to install it if you are planning to run the workflow scripts locally. Some installation and troubleshooting instructions can be found in the Deno scripts folder.

UI Design System

Source is the Guardian's design system. For detailed and up-to-date information on how to use it, see the Source guide.


There are some concepts to learn, that will make working with Dotcom Rendering clearer:

Visual Debugging

DCR provides a visual debugging tool through a bookmarklet which you can find out more about in the debug tool docs.

Dotcom Rendering now renders most articles and fronts in Production

You can force DCR on or off explicitly with ?dcr=true or ?dcr=false.

One way to verify whether the article you're looking at is being rendered by DCR or not is to look for (dcr) in the footer after the copyright notice.

Code Quality

You can ensure your code passes code quality tests by running:

$ make validate

This runs our linting tool, the TypeScript compiler and our tests, before finally building the bundles.

You can also run these tasks individually:

$ make lint
$ make stylelint
$ make tsc
$ make test

If you get lint errors, you can attempt to automatically fix them with:

$ make fix

See the makefile for the full list.

Read about testing tools and testing strategy.



To monitor vulnerabilities from GitHub, you can use Dependabot alerts in the security tab.

Manual audit

To check for vulnerabilities in development, you can run:

$ make audit

IDE setup

We recommend using VSCode.


VSCode should prompt you to install our recommended extensions when you open the project.

You can also find these extensions by searching for @recommended in the extensions pane.

Auto fix on save

We recommend you update your workspace settings to automatically fix formatting and linting errors on save, this avoids code style validation failures. These instructions assume you have installed the esbenp.prettier-vscode VSCode plugin:

  1. Open the Command Palette (shift + cmd + P) and select:

    Preferences: Open Workspace Settings (JSON)
  2. Add the following:

    "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
    	"source.fixAll.eslint": true