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938 lines (646 loc) · 31 KB

File metadata and controls

938 lines (646 loc) · 31 KB



Added a new stopPropagation() option to drab elements to stop the propagation of the event so it will not bubble.

v0.9.2 Cookies and Safe

This is a slow evolution release, containing a number of bug fixes and a few new features:

  • Cookies function in Drab.Browser
iex> set_cookie(socket, "mycookie", "value", max_age: 10)
{:ok, "mycookie=value; expires=Thu, 19 Jul 2018 19:47:09 GMT"}

iex> Drab.Browser.cookies(socket, decoder: Drab.Coder.Cipher)
{:ok, %{"other" => 42, "mycookie" => "value"}}
  • Drab.{Live, Core, Element, Modal} functions accept %Phoenix.HTML.Safe{}

That means you don't need to call safe_to_string/1 anymore, just pass the safe:

html = ~E"<strong><%= nick %>:</strong> <%= message %><br>"
broadcast_insert socket, "#chat", :beforeend, html
  • Tested with Elixir 1.7

Drab is now blessed to work with Elixir 1.7 and OTP 21.

v0.9.1 jQueryless Modal

Drab.Modal is not dependent on Drab.Query anymore, and does not require jQuery to run! You may now use it out of the box, with standard Phoenix installation. Works with both Bootstrap 3 and 4, while Bootstrap 3 is used by default. In case you want to use Bootstrap 4, configure it with:

config :drab, :modal_css, :boostrap4

Drab.Modal is now loaded by default, as it became the part of Standard Drab Modules.

Also changed the Drab store storage, now it is encrypted, not only signed.

Templates for modal and buttons have been changed!

If you are already using the custom templates for modal of for the button, please read the documentation and update them.


This release finally introduces the final API. There is no intention to change it, unless very significant errors are found.

If you are using Drab already, prepare for the changes in the configuration and also in the code.

Drab.Live API changed

As described in #127, API has changed. The most painful change is Drab.Live.peek, as it now returns {:ok, value} or {:error, why}. Raising Drab.Live.peek is for convenience.

Drab.Live.poke returns tuple now as well, to catch update errors or disconnections.

Redesigned Drab.Config

Since this version, Drab is no longer configured globally. This means that you may use it in the multiple endpoints environments. This requires configuration API change. Most of the Drab options are now located under the endpoint module:

config :drab, MyAppWeb.Endpoint,
  otp_app: :my_app_web,

The endpoint and application name are mandatory.

However, there are still few global options, like :enable_live_scripts. Please read Drab.Config documentation for more information.

Do You Want to Know More?

More API changes

All functions returning {:timeout, description} now return just {:error, :timeout}.

Undeclared handler or shared commander raises

All handlers must now be strictly declared by using Drab.Commander.defhandler or Drab.Commander.public macro.

defhandler my_handler(socket, payload), do: ..


public :my_handler
def my_handler(socket, payload), do: ...

The same is with shared commanders, if you want to use it, declare it with Drab.Controller:

use Drab.Controller, commanders: [My.Shared.Commander]

Hard depreciations of various functions

  • Drab.Client.js/2
  • Drab.run_handler()
  • Drab.Browser.console!/2
  • Drab.Browser.redirect_to!/2
  • Drab.Core.broadcast_js!/2

drab-event and drab-handler combination no longer exists

The existing syntax drab-event and drab-handler is removed. Please use the new syntax of:

<tag drab="event:handler">
<input drab="focus:input_focus blur:input_blur"
<input drab-focus="input_focus" drab-blur="input_blur">

Do You Want to Know More?

Updating from <= v0.8.3



config :drab, main_phoenix_app: :my_app_web, endpoint: MyAppWeb.Endpoint


config :drab, MyAppWeb.Endpoint, otp_app: :my_app_web

Most of the configuration options now must be placed under the endpoint. Please read Drab.Config documentation for more info.


This version brings two useful features: presence and ability to subscribe to topics in the runtime.

Upgrading from =< 0.8.2

Please ensure you have set :main_phoenix_app in your config.exs. The way how Drab is searching for the Phoenix app it is working on, has been changed.

Subscribe and unsubscribe from external topics in a runtime

Finally, you are not limited to the compile-time topic you’ve set with broadcasting/1 macro in the commander. Now you can subscribe/2 to the external topic, receiving broadcasts sent to it.

subscribe(socket, same_action(MyApp.MyController, :index))
subscribe(socket, same_topic("user_#{user_id}"))


Conveniences for Phoenix.Presence If configured (it is disabled by default), tracks the user presence on the topic. The following example shows the number of connected users, live:

defmodule MyAppWeb.MyCommander
  use Drab.Commander

  broadcasting "global"
  onconnect :connected
  ondisconnect :disconnected

  def connected(socket) do
    broadcast_html socket, "#number_of_users", Drab.Presence.count_users(socket)

  def disconnected(_store, _session) do
    topic = same_topic("global")
    broadcast_html topic, "#number_of_users", Drab.Presence.count_users(topic)

By default, presence map key is set as a browser UUID (which is shamelessly stored in the local store in the browser), but it may be also any session value. This may be useful, if you have the user_id already in the session, just configure it:

config :drab, :presence, id: :user_id

Updated enable/disable when processing behaviour

After launching an event from the page, the control (button) is disable until processing stops. Now it is even better, as it recognizes previously disabled controls (#146).


This version is a preparation for v0.9.0, which is going to bring API changes, as described in #127.

  • new functions in Drab.Element (#134, #135)
  • new Drab.Coder for encoding terms to string (#137)
  • new js_socket_constructor config (#133), useful when using Drab with Webpack
  • all assigns are now peekable (#126)
  • broadcast_poke now gets subject, not only socket (under some limitations) (#141)
  • preserve csrf token if poke updates the form (fix for #130)

v0.8.1 - mix drab.install

Very important role of Drab is to encourage beginners to try out Elixir |> Phoenix |> Drab. The goal is to have an environment, which is less scary than others, like ruby.rails.ajax. This is why all the configuration stuff should be minimized (but with options for power users).

mix drab.install

Bug Fixes

Again, Drab.Live engine has been redesigned to solve existing and future issues.

v0.8.0 - rm priv/

Potentially breaking release!

Drab.Live engine has been redesigned again. No more stupid DETS cache anymore. Drab engine now creates modules for each template, and stores metadata compiled there.

Elixir version

Bumped to 1.6, because of the changes in the EEx Engine

Migration from 0.7.7

rm priv/
mix clean

Bug fixes

Many. See closed issues!


Potentially breaking release!

As a preparation to 0.8.0, this release contains fundamental change in Drab.Live behaviour. It removes all the engine limitations, and makes a big change on how it treats @conn assign.

Please report any found issues with this release.

API Changes

The @conn case

Because sometimes it is huge, @conn is treated in the special way - it is trimmed to contain only essential fields. By default it is :private => :phoenix_endpoint, but you may configure it.

config :drab, :live_conn_pass_through, %{
  assigns: %{
    users: true
  private: %{
    phoenix_endpoint: true

See Drab.Live documentation for more details on this case.

:templates_path config must be under priv/

If you are using :templates_path config, and your templates are not under the priv/ directory, you'll have to move them. Solved #105.


New Features

Living assigns per process cache

The performance of poke and peek operations increases significantly, as the event handler does not have to get the assigns from the browser each time.


You now may broadcast the assign, in exactly the same way you're doing poke.


New Features

Living assigns inside the shared comamander

If you are using drab-commander attribute, the requests coming from the shared commander updates stuff only under this tag.

<div drab-commander="DrabTestApp.Shared1Commander">
  <div><%= @assign1 %></div>
  <button drab-click="button_clicked">Shared 1</button>
<div drab-commander="DrabTestApp.Shared1Commander">
  <div><%= @assign1 %></div>
  <button drab-click="button_clicked">Shared 2</button>

defhandler button_clicked(socket, sender) do
  poke socket, assign1: "changed"

This will update only the div with @assign1 in the same

as the button.

The Great Unification

Callbacks now works in the Shared Commanders.

drab-id attribute now is generated with the counter, instead of UUID

This means you are now able to use this/1 and this_commander/1 with the broadcasting functions.

The browser will not reconnect when client library change

Forces user to reload the page in case the Drab JS library is changed.


This is a bugfix release.

Fixed Bugs

#97 - 414: url too long when connect

This bug was introduced in 0.7.2, after moving update of assigns cache to the connect token.

#94 Jason not found in production

Updated the applications list in mix.exs

New Features

Pass options for Phoenix.Channel

Set the list of options to pass to use Phoenix.Channel. For example, to turn off logging of each handle_in:

config :drab, :phoenix_channel_options, [log_handle_in: false]


Fixed the connect issue.


New Features

use Drab.Controller is now optional

When using default commander name, corresponding to the controller (like PageCommander -> PageController), there is no need to mark controller as Drab.Controller anymore.

Shared Commanders should be declared in the page controller

All shared commanders must be explicitly declared in the controller:

use Drab.Controller, commanders: [My.Shared.Commander]

In this version, system generates warning message if commanders are not declared. This warning will become error in v0.8.0

defhandler macro for creating event handlers in commanders

Since this version, all event handlers, whenever they are in shared or "normal" commander, must be declared with public or defhandler macro. Use defhandler instead of the standard def.


public :button_clicked
def button_clicked(socket, sender), do: ...

is an equivalent of:

defhandler button_clicked(socket, sender), do: ...

In this version, system generates warning message if the function is not declared as handler. This warning will become error in v0.8.0

Create Reusable Drab Components with Shared Commanders

Accomplished this with the new Drab.Core.this_commander/1 function, returning the unique selector of the sourrounding commander tag, so you may easly reduce the region where your update works.

Having the page as below, we want the button to update .spaceholder1 only within the range of drab-commander.

<div drab-commander="DrabTestApp.Shared1Commander">
  <div class="spaceholder1">Nothing</div>
  <button drab-click="button_clicked">Shared 1</button>
<div drab-commander="DrabTestApp.Shared1Commander">
  <div class="spaceholder1">Nothing</div>
  <button drab-click="button_clicked">Shared 2</button>

Just like we can use Drab.Core.this/1 to select the exact sender of the event, we may have Drab.Core.this_commander/1, to build a selector which chooses the desired object:

defhandler button_clicked(socket, sender) do
  set_prop socket, this_commander(sender) <> " .spaceholder1", innerText: "changed"

Notice the space before “.spaceholder1”. this_commander/1 returns the string like [drab-id="f59d54e6-a924-4e72-90d1-5177efecac9b"], so you may build any selector based on it.


This version is a step forward for creating component-like pieces of code with Drab, with enhanced Shared Commanders and possibility to pass additional argument to the handler function.

Finally, most functions got their own @spec and Drab is now dialyzable.


Drab.Live cache DETS has changed, please ensure your "*.drab templates are recompiled after the upgrade.

New Features

Define Shared Commander with drab-commander on all children nodes

If you add drab-commander attribute to any tag, all children of this tag will use Shared Commander defined in this tag. Notice it will not redefine nodes, which already has Shared Commander defined.

Thus this:

<div drab-commander="DrabExample.SharedCommander">
  <button drab-click="button1_clicked">1</button>
  <button drab-click="button2_clicked">1</button>
  <button drab-click="DrabExample.AnotherCommander.button3_clicked">1</button>

is equivalent of:

  <button drab-click="DrabExample.SharedCommander.button1_clicked">1</button>
  <button drab-click="DrabExample.SharedCommander.button2_clicked">1</button>
  <button drab-click="DrabExample.AnotherCommander.button3_clicked">1</button>

Additional argument for handlers

Since this version you may create handler with arity of 3, and pass the additional parameter using parenthesis after the handler name in drab attribute:

<button drab-click='button_clicked(42)'>

This will run button_clicked/3 instead of button_clicked/2 in your Commander:

def button_clicked(socket, sender, the_answer_for_the_ultimate_question)

The attribute is evaluated on the client side, so it could be any valid JS expression:

<button drab-click='button_clicked({the_answer: 42})'>
<button drab-click='button_clicked(window.location)'>


Analogically to drab-commander attribute, there is a drab-argument to set this argument for more nodes. Notice that the existing arguments are not overwritten, so this:

<div drab-argument='42'>
  <button drab-click='button_clicked'>
  <button drab-click='button_clicked(43)'>

is the equivalent to:

<button drab-click='button_clicked(42)'>
<button drab-click='button_clicked(43)'>

Client-side errors now appears in the application log

For developer happines, all client-side errors are now displayed both on JS console and on the Phoenix side.


<button drab=":wrong">


[error] Browser reports: Drab attribute value ':wrong' is incorrect.


  • Parent/child expression case in Drab.Live (#71) solved
  • Updated floki to 0.20; fixed #76
  • Special case for outerHTML in Drab.Element.set_prop, fixed #80
  • Special case for HTMLOptionsCollection; fixed #75


Updated the Drab core to introduce few important features. Fixed to Elixir version >= 1.5.2. Tested with Elixir 1.6.0.

Possibility to provide own connect/2 callback for socket authentication, etc

Previously, Drab intercepted the connect/2 callback in your UserSocket. Now, there is a possibility to use your own callback:

defmodule MyApp.UserSocket do
  use Phoenix.Socket

  channel "__drab:*", Drab.Channel

  def connect(params, socket) do
    Drab.Socket.verify(socket, params)

Do You Want to Know More?

Use of the custom marker "/" in Drab templates

This version allow you to use of <%/ %> marker to avoid using Drab.Live for a given expression. The expression would be treaten as a normal Phoenix one, so will be displayed in rendered html, but Drab will have no access to it.

  <%/ @this_assigns_will_be_displayed_but_not_drabbed %>

Do You Want to Know More?

Changed event definition core

The existing syntax drab-event and drab-handler attributes does not allow having multiple events on the one DOM object (#73). This form is now depreciated and replaces with the brand new, better syntax of:

<tag drab="event:handler">

Now may set more event on the single object:

<input drab="focus:input_focus blur:input_blur"


<input drab-focus="input_focus" drab-blur="input_blur">

Do You Want to Know More?

Event shorthands list is now configurable

By default, you can use only few arbitrary-chosen shorthands for the event name / handler name (drab-click="clicked") attribute. Now you may configure the list with :events_shorthands config. See #73.

Style changes:

  • source code formatted with 1.6.0
  • use @impl true in behaviour callbacks
  • started annotating all functions with @spec (so far only few)
  • small style improvements suggested by Credo


  • Drab.Client.js/2 becomes
  • drab-event and drab-handler attributes combination replaced by drab



  • workaround for #71: better docs and error message
  • Drab.Live.poke returns {:error, description} on error
  • improved examples on connect in iex (#72)
  • assign list with Drab.Live.assigns (#72)


Bug fixes:

  • live_helper_modules config entry now allows list (#66)
  • when updating value attribute, poke updates property as well (for inputs and textareas)
  • changed the order of loaded modules; fixes #69
  • changed the way drab is asking for a store and session on connect; probably fixed #68


This release fixes new, better bugs introduced in v0.6.0:

  • "atom :save_assigns not found" error
  • @conn case (it was not removing @conn from the initial)
  • cache file was deleted after mix phx.digest, moved the file to the Drab's priv directory

Please read documentation for Drab.Browser, the API has changed

  • cleaned up the mess with API in Drab.Browser


This is a major release. The biggest change is completely redesigned engine for Drab.Live with nodrab option. Also introducting shared commanders, updates in Drab.Browser, performance and bug fixes.

Migration from 0.5

After installation, please remove all remaining priv/hashes_expressions.drab.cache.* files (they were renamed to and do a mix clean to recompile templates:

mix clean


The main change in the new template engine is that now it is not injecting <span> everywhere. Now, it parses the html and tries to find the sourrounding tag and mark it with the attribute called drab-ampere. The attribute value is a hash of the previous buffer and the expression, so it is considered unique.

Consider the template, with initial value of 1 (given in render function in the Controller, as usual):

<p>Chapter <%= @chapter_no %>.</p>

which renders to:

<p drab-ampere="someid">Chapter 1.</p>

This drab-ampere attribute is injected automatically by Drab.Live.EExEngine. Updating the @chapter_no assign in the Drab Commander, by using poke/2:

chapter = peek(socket, :chapter_no)     # get the current value of `@chapter_no`
poke(socket, chapter_no: chapter + 1)   # push the new value to the browser

will change the innerHTML of the <p drab-ampere="someid"> to "Chapter 2." by executing the following JS on the browser:

document.querySelector('[drab-ampere=someid]').innerHTML = "Chapter 2."

This is possible because during the compile phase, Drab stores the drab-ampere and the corresponding pattern in the cache DETS file (located in priv/

Sometimes it must add a <span>

In case, when Drab can't find the parent tag, it injects <span> in the generated html. For example, template like:

Chapter <%= @chapter_no %>.

renders to:

Chapter <span drab-ampere="someid">1</span>.

Avoiding using Drab (nodrab option)

If there is no need to use Drab with some expression, you may mark it with nodrab/1 function. Such expressions will be treated as a "normal" Phoenix expressions and will not be updatable by poke/2.

<p>Chapter <%= nodrab(@chapter_no) %>.</p>

In the future (Elixir 1.6 I suppose), the nodrab keyword will be replaced by a special EEx mark / (expression will look like <%/ @chapter_no %>).

The @conn case

The @conn assign is often used in Phoenix templates. Drab considers it read-only, you can not update it with poke/2. And, because it is often quite hudge, may significantly increase the number of data sent to the browser. This is why Drab treats all expressions with only one assign, which happen to be @conn, as a nodrab assign.

Shared Commanders

By default Drab runs the event handler in the commander module corresponding to the controller, which rendered the current page. Now it is possible to choose the module by simply provide the full path to the commander:

<button drab-click='MyAppWeb.MyCommander.button_clicked'>clickme</button>

Notice that the module must be a commander module, ie. it must be marked with use Drab.Commander, and the function must be whitelisted with Drab.Commander.public/1 macro.

Changes in Drab.Browser

All function in Drab.Browser were renamed to their bang version. This is because in the future release functions with and without bang will be more consist with Elixir standards - nobang function will return tuples, bangs will raise on error.

Warning: functions redirect_to!/2 and console!/2 are changed

In preparation to change all the functions in the module, this functions behavior have changed. Now, they are just bang version of the "normal" function, and they are not broadcasting anymore.

You should use broadcast_redirect_to!/2 and broadcast_console!/2 instead.


Reverted back #51 - @conn is available again.



  • #20 (broadcasting in Phx 1.3)
  • #44 (docs for broadcasting)
  • #45 (button inside for submits in Firefox)
  • #47 (docs and error message updated)
  • #51 (removed @conn from living assigns, encrypts assigns)


Fixes for adding templates in a runtime.

poke socket, live_partial1: render_to_string("partial1.html", color: "#aaaabb")
poke socket, "partial1.html", color: "red"


  • #37
  • #40 (updated documentation for Drab.Live.EExEngine)
  • #41
  • #34 and #38


Phoenix 1.3 compatibility

  • bugfixes (#19, #36).
  • drab.gen.commander works both with Phoenix 1.2 and 1.3


This is a small update to make Drab compatible with Elixir 1.5. Due to an issue with 1.5.0 (elixir-lang/elixir#6391) Elixir version is fixed on 1.4 or >= 1.5.1.


  • #26, #27, #30, #31, #33



  • Transpiled all JS templates, and removed all occurences of forEach (#22)
  • Radio buttons not reported correctly in sender["form"] (#23)
  • New :main_phoenix_app config item, in case the app name can't be read from mix.exs (#25)


  • sender[:params] contains params normalized to controller type params (#24)

    %{"_csrf" =>
    "1234", "user[id]" => "42", "user[email]" => "",
    "user[account][id]" => "99", "user[account][address][street]" =>
    "123 Any Street"}


    %{"_csrf" => "1234",
    "user" => %{"account" => %{"address" => %{"street" => "123 Any Street"},
    "id" => "99"}, "email" => "", "id" => "42"}}

New features:

  • Core.Browser.set_url/2 to manipulate the browser's URL bar


This version is a major update. The default module, Drab.Query has been replaced with Drab.Live and Drab.Element. Drab is not jQuery dependent by default anymore.


Allows to remotely (from the server side) replace the value of the assign in the displayed paged, without re-rendering and reloading the page.

Such template:

<a href="https://<%= @url%>" @style.backgroundColor=<%= @color%>>
  <%= @url %>

can be updates live with poke/2:

poke socket, url: "", color: "red"


Query and update displayed page from the server side.

set_prop socket, "p", style: %{"backgroundColor" => "red"} # awesome effect


Broadcasting functions now get subject instead of socket. There is no need to have an active socket to broadcast anymore. Useful when broadcasting from background servers or ondisconnect callback.

Form parameters in sender

If the event launching element is inside a <FORM>, it gets a values of all input elements within that form. This is a map, where keys are the element's name or id.

Upgrading from 0.4

Add Drab.Query and Drab.Modal to your commanders:

use Drab.Commander, module: [Drab.Query, Drab.Modal]


All soft depreciations up to 0.4.1 became hard.

v0.4.1 - 2017-05-25


  • render_to_string/2 in Commander, a shorthand for Phoenix.View.render_to_string/3

Internal improvements:

  • removed jQuery from core JS code; only Drab.Query and Drab.Modal depends on jQuery
  • module dependencies (Drab behaviour)



  • renamed execjs/2 -> exec_js/3, brodcastjs/2 -> broadcast_js/3
  • exec_js/3 returns tuple {:ok, result} or {:error, reason}
  • exec_js!/3 raises exceptions on JS error
  • configurable timeouts for exec_js/3 and exec_js!/3



  • Drab.Browser with browser related functions, like local time, timezone difference, userAgent, redirect_to


  • Drab.Core.console moved to Drab.Browser

0.3.4 (2017-05-04)

Bug fixes:

  • execute! allows string as the method with parameters
  • reverted back the timeout for execjs/2 - it caused troubles and it is not really needed; in case of the connectivity failure the whole Drab will die anyway

0.3.3 (2017-05-03)

  • precompile Drab templates for better performance; user templates are still interpreted on the fly
  • choose the behaviour for broadcasting functions: now may send to :same_url, :same_controller or to user defined "topic"
  • timeout for execjs/2 (and so for the most of Drab.Query functions); default is 5000 ms and can be changed with config :drab, timeout: xxx|:infinity


  • phoenix version ~> 1.2 (#13)
  • warning when user updates attr: "data-*" - it should be done with data: * (#14)
  • integration tests


New features:

  • debugging Drab functions directly from IEx console
  • display information when handler die, different for prod and dev


API Changes and Depreciations:

  • API changed: now select(:val) returns first value instead of the list, but all jQuery methods have corresponding plural methods, which return a Map of %{name|id|__undefined_XX => value}
# <span name="first_span" class="qs_2 small-border">First span with class qs_2</span>
# <span id="second_span" class="qs_2 small-border">Second span with class qs_2</span>
socket |> select(:html, from: ".qs_2")
# "First span with class qs_2"
socket |> select(:htmls, from: ".qs_2")
# %{"first_span" => "First span with class qs_2", "second_span" => "Second span with class qs_2"}
  • depreciated Drab.Endpoint; Drab now injects in the UserSocket with use Drab.Socket (#8). Now it is possible to share Drab socket with your code (create your channels)

  • moved Commander setup to macros instead of use options

use Drab.Commander
onload :page_loaded
access_session :userid
  • renamed JS launch_event() to run_handler()

New features:

  • Drab.Waiter module adds ability to wait for an user response in your function, so you can have a reply and continue processing.
return = waiter(socket) do
  on "selector1", "event_name1", fn (sender) ->
    # run when this event is triggered on selector1
  on "selector2", "event_name2", fn (sender) ->
    # run when that event is triggered on selector2
  on_timeout 5000, fn ->
    # run after timeout, default: infinity
  • before_handler callback (to run before each handler); do not process the even handler if before_handler returns nil or false
before_handler :check_login, except: [:log_in]
def check_login(socket, _dom_sender) do
  get_session(socket, :userid)
  • after_handler, getting the return value of handler as an argument
after_handler :clean_up
def clean_up(_socket, _dom_sender, handler_return) do
  # some clieanup
  • - returns a map of return values of all known jQuery methods
socket |> select(:all, from: "span")
%{"first_span" => %{"height" => 16, "html" => "First span with class qs_2", "innerHeight" => 20, ...



  • reload drab events in JS after each insert or update
  • added event object with specified properties to the dom_sender
  • added debounce function as an option to the event handler
  • renamed Drab.Config to Drab.Commander.Config



  • handling disconnects (ondisconnect callback)
  • keep Store in a permament location (browser store) on demand
  • access to Plug Session with Drab.Core.get_session/2



  • not working in IE11 (#5)



  • not working on iOS9 (#3): changed all ES6 constructs to plain JS


New callbacks and Session housekeeping (renamed to Store)


  • new callback: onconnect
  • renamed Session to Store to avoid confusion


Introduced Drab Session: the way to access (read-only) the Plug Session map in the Commander.


  • use Drab.Endpoint instead of socket Drab.config.socket, Drab.Socket in endpoint.ex
  • Drab Session with value inheritance from the Plug Session
  • event handler must return socket, warning in the other case


  • security (#2): checks token in each event call to prevent tampering

0.2.0 (2017-01-22)

This version cames with refactored modules and client JS library. It is now modular, so you don't need to use jQuery and DOM if you don't have to.


  • extracted Drab core; split the JS templates between modules
  • jQuery not required in Drab.Core
  • moved Drab.Query.execjs and broadcastjs to Drab.Core.execjs and broadcastjs
  • moved Drab.Call.console to Drab.Core.console (and console!)
  • renamed Drab.Call to Drab.Modal
  • renamed Drab.Templates to Drab.Template
  • JS: Drab is global, Drab.launch_event() is available



  • added more jQuery methods, like width, position, etc
  • cycling update(:text, set: ["One", "Two", "Three"], on: "#thebutton") update(:class, set: ["btn-success", "btn-danger"], on: "#save_button")
  • toggling class update(:class, toggle: "btn-success", on: "#btn")


  • atom leaking issue (#1)


First public version. Very shy.