git clone /~
cd jsgist
npm install
npm start
In another terminal
git clone /~
cd jsgistrunner
npm install
npm start
This starts 3 servers
- the react serverlocalhost:8080
- a server that allows CORS access to the public folderlocalhost:8081
- a server for the runner
Note that there is really no good reason for 2 except googling I didn't see an easy way to tell the react server to support CORS so when the runner and the comment system try to reference scripts from the react server they fail.
You can not directly login to github with localhost as the oauth flow requires publicly accessible redirect url.
Two workarounds.
Create a personal access token with
only permissions.Run the site, open the devtools, in the console type
localStorage.setItem('jsgist-pat', '<personal-access-token>');
reload the page. You should be logged in
Login via
open the devtools and type
copy the result.
Now run the dev site (the one that runs from localhost)
Run the site, open the devtools, in the console type
localStorage.setItem('jsgist-pat', '<access-token>');
Note: you need to your your own auth-helper. Mine is configured only to respond to requests for domains I control.
Then, in one terminal
REACT_APP_OAUTH_HELPER_URL=<url-to-your-auth-helper> npm start
and in another.
ngrok http --subdomain=somedomain 3000
Then go to
. Note that at the moment the preview won't
work but you can test authenticating, etc...
By default Monaco is used on desktop, CodeMirror on mobile.
To test CodeMirror on desktop add codeMirror=true
as a query parameter.