- Create a free account on MongoDB Atlas on cloud.mongodb.com Click on “Try Free”at the top right if you do not have an account or “Sign In” if you already have a login.
- Once on the MongoDB Atlas Homepage, select “Build a Cluster”
Create New Cluster by selecting Google Cloud Platform as a “Cloud Provider” and leave all other settings as-is and click "Create Cluster" on the bottom right to deploy your M0 (free) cluster
While this spins up, lets click on the “Database Access” submenu, under “Security” on the left menu.
- Click the “Add New User” button on top right
- Enter a user name. For our demo, let’s enter
and enter a secure password. Record your user name and password in a safe location for reference later. Under “User Privileges”, select “Atlas admin” and click on the “Add User button to complete this section.
- Lets click on the “Network Access” submenu, under “Security” on the left menu. Click on “Add IP Address”.
- Select “Allow Access from Anywhere” for the purpose of this demo and click on “Confirm”.
Note: When actually putting something into production, you will want to narrow the scope of where your database can be accessed and specify a specific IP address/CIDR block.
Go to “Clusters” submenu, under “Atlas” on the left menu.
Click on the "Collections" button and create a database called
with a collection calleddemocol
Go to “Clusters” submenu, under “Atlas” on the left menu.
Click on “Connect” button. A window will open. Select “Connect Your Application.” Choose Python and copy the connection string they give you. We will need this later.