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Releases: gnuton/

Stable: 388.1_0-gnuton1

19 Jan 20:45
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GNUton's Asus Merlin changelog

Date: January 19, 2023
Release: 388.1_0-gnuton1

  • NEW: TUF images with and without TUF UI
  • NEW: Add RT-AXE95Q ZenWifi ET8 support.

NOTE: 388 won't support AC routers, please download the latest DSL-AC68U image from the 386 branch

INSTRUCTIONS: To flash your firmware just upload the .w file for your model that you find here to the webui. After flashing from stock or from 386.x I would recommend a reset to factory. Going back to stock or previous versions is always possible. For questions please use the forum or the chat (links in the main page)

Known issues:

  • To setup AiMesh the first time you need an ethernet cable. After the first pairing it's not required anymore.
  • TUF images without TUF UI won't be detected by GameFirst.

Stable: 386.9_0-gnuton1

19 Jan 13:38
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GNUton's Asus Merlin changelog

Date: January 19, 2023
Release: 386.9_0-gnuton1

  • NOTE: 386_xx release are only for Wifi 5 (802.11ac) models.
  • NEW: Merged with GPL 386_50757.

Unstable: 388.1_0-gnuton0_beta3

07 Jan 01:53
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GNUton's Asus Merlin changelog

If you have a DSL-AC68U please get the lastest beta from /~
Date: January 07, 2023
Release: 388.1_0-gnuton0_beta3

  • NEW: TUF images with and without TUF UI
  • NEW: Add RT-AXE95Q ZenWifi ET8 support.

Unstable: 386.9_0-gnuton0_beta1

02 Jan 06:47
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GNUton's Asus Merlin changelog

Note: If you have an RT-AX or DSL-AX model please grab the latest 388 builds from here

Date: January 02, 2023
Release: 386.9_0-gnuton0_beta1

  • NOTE: 386_xx release are only for Wifi 5 (802.11ac) models.

  • NEW: Merged with GPL 386_50757.

  • UPDATED: getdns/stubby to 1.7.2/0.4.2.

  • UPDATED: zlib to 1.2.12 + backports.

  • UPDATED: openssl to 1.1.1s.

  • UPDATED: inadyn to 2.10.0.

  • UPDATED: nettle to 3.8.1.

  • UPDATED: openvpn to 2.5.8.

  • UPDATED: dropbear to 2022.83.

  • CHANGED: Rebranded DNSFilter as DNS Director. This will prevent
    confusion with the company sharing the same name, and
    also better describes what the feature does.

  • CHANGED: Setting an OpenVPN client to redirect all traffic while
    in "Exclusive" DNS mode will now force redirect ALL
    DNS traffic just like in VPN Director mode.
    While this will allow redirecting clients with
    hardcoded DNS servers, it also means that your whole
    LAN will lose the ability of doing local name
    resolution. It might be best to use VPN Director
    in that case to control which client should
    be involved in the DNS redirection, or use
    DNSFilter instead of Exclusive DNS mode.
    editing VPNDirector rules.

  • CHANGED: Switched generated self-signed certificate to an
    EC certificate.

  • CHANGED: Disabled DSS key support in Dropbear SSH.

  • FIXED: Wrong temperatures used by the temperature graphs
    (386.8 regression)

  • FIXED: Guest Network clients couldn't route through VPN
    (regression in 386.4 following a GPL merge).

  • FIXED: Clients connected to Guest Network 1 aren't
    redirected to the router's NTP if NTP interception is

  • FIXED: Name was truncated to 31 chars when enabling OpenVPN
    client's Server Certificate Name Validation.

  • FIXED: CVE-2022-37434 in zlib.

  • REMOVED: Interface selector on Speedtest page (no longer
    working, possibly due to an ookla client update)

Unstable: 388.1_0-gnuton0_beta2

22 Dec 07:25
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GNUton's Asus Merlin changelog

Date: December 22, 2022
Release: 388.1_0-gnuton0_beta2

  • NEW: TUF image now comes with and without TUF UI
  • FIX: IPV6 on DSL-AX82U

After 1k downoloads, I think we can go out of testing phase for 388.1
This code is based on upstream 388.1 stable and it's a release candidate and it should pretty much stable.

Known issues are listed here /~
Note for DSL-AX82U , SNR (manual stability adjustment) is at moment not supported and must be disabled. There is a bug filed for this.

Unstable: 388.1_0-gnuton0_beta1

28 Nov 00:09
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GNUton's Asus Merlin changelog

Date: November 27, 2022
Release: 388.1_0-gnuton0_beta1

  • NOTE: This release is only available for AX models.
    AC models will remain on the 386_xx release branch.

  • NEW: Add RT-AX86U_PRO support.

  • NEW: Merged with GPL 388_20566 (RT-AX88U and GT-AX11000)

  • NEW: Merged with GPL 388_21224 (all other AX models)

  • NEW: Experimental ROG UI version for GT models, as a separate
    firmware image within the distribution archive, with
    "_rog" in the filename.

  • NEW: (Asus 388) WireGuard client and server. The server uses
    the new 388 VPN server webui. Implemented a webui for
    clients, based on the early development UI from Asus.

     WG client routing is handled by VPN Director - you must
     configure redirection rules through it, same as on stock
     firmware which requires configuring rules through
     VPN Fusion.
     DNS handling will be identical to OpenVPN's Exclusive DNS
     mode, forcing clients to use the DNS provided by it
     (if any is provided).
     Note that enabling WireGuard will disable hardware
     NAT acceleration due to compatibility reasons.
  • NEW: httpd support for EC certificates (Ivan Kruglov)

  • UPDATED: getdns/stubby to 1.7.2/0.4.2.

  • UPDATED: zlib to 1.2.12 + backports.

  • UPDATED: openssl to 1.1.1s.

  • CHANGED: Rebranded DNSFilter as DNS Director. This will prevent
    confusion with the company sharing the same name, and
    also better describes what the feature does.

  • CHANGED: Setting an OpenVPN client to redirect all traffic while
    in "Exclusive" DNS mode will now force redirect ALL
    DNS traffic just like in VPN Director mode.
    While this will allow redirecting clients with
    hardcoded DNS servers, it also means that your whole
    LAN will lose the ability of doing local name
    resolution. It might be best to use VPN Director
    in that case to control which client should
    be involved in the DNS redirection, or use
    DNS Director instead of Exclusive DNS mode.

  • CHANGED: (Asus 388) nvram storage increased to 192 KB on newer
    HND 5.04 devices like the GT-AXE16000.

  • CHANGED: Reworked VPN Status page to only show currently

Unstable: 388.1_0-gnuton0_alpha1

20 Nov 21:12
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GNUton's Asus Merlin changelog


  • This are alpha releses. You cannot brick your device, but this images may potentially have severe bugs
  • For 388 to correctly work, a factory reset after upgrading is required
  • CFE Images contain newer broadcom botloader. Flashing the ones without CFE is safer for this reason those are not available anymore.
  • If there are issues please open tickets and mark them as alpha. I will give them higher priority (according to the severity ot the issue)
  • I will release the beta as soon as the most severe bugs get ironed out
  • Please send feedback positive and negative and test things as much as possible for a better stable release
  • There is high chance I will remove the TUF UI in the next release for TUF devices. If against please ping me.

Thanks a lot!

Date: November 20, 2022
Release: 388.1_0-gnuton0_alpha1

  • NOTE: This release is only available for AX models.
    AC models will remain on the 386_xx release branch.

  • NEW: Add RT-AX86U_PRO support.

  • NEW: Merged with GPL 388_20566 (RT-AX88U and GT-AX11000)

  • NEW: Merged with GPL 388_21224 (all other AX models)

  • NEW: Experimental ROG UI version for GT models, as a separate
    firmware image within the distribution archive, with
    "_rog" in the filename.

  • NEW: (Asus 388) WireGuard client and server. The server uses
    the new 388 VPN server webui. Implemented a webui for
    clients, based on the early development UI from Asus.

     WG client routing is handled by VPN Director - you must
     configure redirection rules through it, same as on stock
     firmware which requires configuring rules through
     VPN Fusion.
     DNS handling will be identical to OpenVPN's Exclusive DNS
     mode, forcing clients to use the DNS provided by it
     (if any is provided).
     Note that enabling WireGuard will disable hardware
     NAT acceleration due to compatiblity reasons.
  • UPDATED: getdns/stubby to 1.7.2/0.4.2.

  • UPDATED: zlib to 1.2.12 + backports.

  • UPDATED: openssl to 1.1.1s.

  • CHANGED: Rebranded DNSFilter as DNS Director. This will prevent
    confusion with the company sharing the same name, and
    also better describes what the feature does.

  • CHANGED: Setting an OpenVPN client to redirect all traffic while
    in "Exclusive" DNS mode will now force redirect ALL
    DNS traffic just like in VPN Director mode.
    While this will allow redirecting clients with
    hardcoded DNS servers, it also means that your whole
    LAN will lose the ability of doing local name
    resolution. It might be best to use VPN Director
    in that case to control which client should
    be involved in the DNS redirection, or use
    DNS Director instead of Exclusive DNS mode.

  • CHANGED: (Asus 388) nvram storage increased to 192 KB on newer
    HND 5.04 devices like the GT-AXE16000.

  • CHANGED: Reworked VPN Status page to only show currently
    active services.

Stable: 386.08_0-gnuton1

08 Oct 23:37
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GNUton's Asus Merlin changelog

Date: October 07, 2022
Release: 386.08_0-gnuton1

  • NOTE: This release is only available for the DSL-AX82U and RT-AX92U and it's based on GPL 49634.
  • NEW: Added support for the RT-AX92U.
  • FIX: FlexQOS for TUF devices.

For all other supported models, the latest firmware is the 386.07_2-gnuton1.

Unstable: 386.08_0-gnuton0_beta1

15 Aug 12:11
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GNUton's Asus Merlin changelog

Date: August 15, 2022
Release: 386.08_0-gnuton0_beta1

  • NOTE: This release is only available for the DSL-AX82U

Stable: 386.07_2-gnuton1

07 Aug 15:05
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GNUton's Asus Merlin changelog

Date: August 07, 2022
Release: 386.07_2-gnuton1

  • NEW: Added support for TUF-AX3000
  • UPDATED: Merged with 386_48966 GPL for all models
  • FIXED: CPU freq in tool page for TUF-AX5400 and RT-AX95Q
  • FIXED: WiFi insight page for TUF models