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f2py'd versions of NEMO Fortran routines used to calculate density, thermal coefficient of expansion etc that can be called by a python script or by ipython or jupyter lab. Currently requires to be installed into an already existing conda/mamba python environment. If this environment does not exist, setup as described in Pre-installation, below.


Here we assume that we wish to discard any existing conda/mamba python setup (normally best). So, firstly remove any such setup

rm -rf miniconda3 anaconda mambaforge
wget /~

Follow prompts; say yes to modifying .bashrc so that base environment is activated on login

Then create environment that you will use for diagnosis and into which the nemo_eos package will go. I suggest xarray and ipython; you may wish to add others.

mamba create -n big python=3.10 xarray ipython

and move into this environment

mamba activate big


First go into parent directory into which you want to download the package.

cd /path/to/parent

Then activate big environment if not previously done

mamba activate big

Then git clone the source from github and move into new directory

git clone /~
cd nemo_eos

Build and install


This installs two shared libraries that calculate the equation of state as used by NEMO. Many of the routines are accelerated by openMP threads.

  • nemo_rho_omp : old versions of eos in terms of potential tempearture before v4.2, following Jackett and McDougall (1994).
  • nemo_rho_teos10_omp : new version of eos (both the teos10 and the new implementation of the old expression in terms of potential tempearture.

check works OK and explore

Python 3.10.13 | packaged by conda-forge | (main, Dec 23 2023, 15:36:59) [Clang| 16.0.6 ]
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 8.22.1 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.

In [1]: from nemo_eos.nemo_rho import eos

In [2]: eos.rho0
Out[2]: array(1026.)

Type in eos.<TAB> to get list of functions, options, constants etc. Then select routine with cursor keys

In [3]: eos.eos_insitu4_m
         eos_init        eos_insitu4_m   eos_rab_ref4    eos_sigman4     neos            rn_lambda1      rn_nu
         eos_insitu04    eos_pen4        eos_rab_ref4_m  eos_sigman4_m   rho0            rn_lambda2      set_eos
         eos_insitu04_m  eos_rab4        eos_sigma04     get_eos_threads rn_a0           rn_mu1          set_eos_threads
         eos_insitu4     eos_rab4_m      eos_sigma04_m   get_r0          rn_b0           rn_mu2

Then when desired routine is selected, type <RET> and other options will disappear

In [3]: eos.eos_insitu4_m

Then type ?<RET>, and ipython will give description of how to call the routine:

In [3]: eos.eos_insitu4_m?
Call signature: eos.rho_mn4(*args, **kwargs)
Type:           fortran
String form:    <fortran function eos_insitu4_m>
rho = eos_insitu4_m(fillvalue,mask,theta,s,depth,[n])

Wrapper for ``eos_insitu4_m``.

fillvalue : input float
mask : input rank-1 array('b') with bounds (n)
theta : input rank-1 array('f') with bounds (n)
s : input rank-1 array('f') with bounds (n)
depth : input rank-1 array('f') with bounds (n)

Other Parameters
n : input int, optional
    Default: shape(mask, 0)

rho : rank-1 array('f') with bounds (n)

Check eos.eos_insitu4_m, routine for calculating in-situ density. Check value is rho = 1060.93298 kg/m**3 for p=10000 dbar, theta = 40 deg celcius, S=40 psu

In [4]: eos.eos_insitu4_m(1.e10, False, 40.0, 40.0, 1.e4)
Out[4]: array([60.93299], dtype=float32)

Check speed of eos.eos_insitu4_m for typical number of points for 1 and 4 OpenMP threads

In [4]: import numpy as np
In [6]: def setup(num):
    ...:     T = 300*np.random.random_sample(num)
    ...:     S = 33. + 7*np.random.random_sample(num)
    ...:     depth = 4000*np.random.random_sample(num)
    ...:     bottom = 4000*np.random.random_sample(num)
    ...:     mask = depth>bottom
    ...:     T4, S4, depth4 = [x.astype(np.float32) for x in [T,S,depth]]
    ...:     fillvalue = np.float32(1.e10)
    ...:     return fillvalue,mask,T4,S4,depth4

In [6]: fillvalue,mask,T4,S4,depth4 = setup(100000)

In [7]: eos.set_eos_threads(1)

In [8]: timeit rho = eos.eos_insitu4_m(fillvalue,mask,T4,S4,depth4)
1.05 ms ± 5.82 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1,000 loops each)

In [9]: eos.set_eos_threads(4)

In [10]: timeit rho = eos.eos_insitu4_m(fillvalue,mask,T4,S4,depth4)
320 µs ± 28.6 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1,000 loops each)